Books on Modern Philosophy
Books on Modern Philosophy
63 products

- Product Code: Book652
- Edition : January 15, 1986
- Pages : 235
- Weight : 200gm
- Size : 5 x 4.1 x 0.7 inches
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : H. P. Blavatsky (Author)
- Language : English
- ISBN : 817059006X, 978-8170590064
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House
The “ Stanzas of Dzyan” are the core of H.P. Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine. This book lays bare the underlying structure of her work so that the whole may be more easily grasped. The Prologues and Epilogues which H.P.B provided are have been included, also the headings of the Stanzas of both Books, and of each verse of the Second Book.

- Product Code: Book636
- Edition : 2015
- Pages : 371
- Weight : 800gm
- Size : 8.5 x 5.5 x 1.2 inches
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : A.E. Powell (Author)
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8170591686, 978-8170591689
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House
About The Book
The Solar System offers a comprehensive picture of the streams of life, passing from stage to stage of development, to the level of humanity and beyond. This valuable work is the last of a series of books that present a coherent and sequential account of the finer bodies of Man and his role in the Scheme of Evolution. It was preceded by The Etheric Double, The Astral Body, The Mental Body, and The Causal Body, all of them by the same author.
Human evolution takes place as the soul experiences birth in different races and civilizations. The vast panaroma presented here and the details of the human constitution contained in the other books of the author, awaken insight into the glorious nature of the cosmic process, and the great future awaiting the human being on his pilgrimage towards the Eternal.
Both before and since the publication in 1893 of The secret Doctrine, by H. P. Blavatsky, there has become available for students of occultism a good deal of information regarding the Solar System and the streams of life amongst which is our own humanity—which evolve in that system. In 1883 appeared Esoteric Buddhism by A. P. Sinnett, followed in 1896 by The Groth of the soul by the same author. In 1897 was published. The Ancient Wisdom by Annie Besant, and in 1903 this great student of the occult delivered an important series of lectures, afterwards published in book form, under the title The Pedigree of Man, dealing in greater detail than anything previously published with the Solar System, with its Chains, Rounds, Globes, Sib-races, etc. Further elaboration and details have been added by C. W. Leadbeater in various books, notably The Inner Life, Volumes I and II. and A textbook of Theosophy.
In 1913 appeared that monumental work, Man: whence, flow and Whither? In addition to these, two fascinating volumes, entitled The Story of Atlantis and Lost Lemuria,with maps of those continents, from the pen of W. Scott-Elliot, appeared in 1896 and 1904 respectively, describing in very full detail the races that inhabited those lands, and their civilisations.

- Product Code: Book649
- Edition : 1, December, 1991
- Pages : 171
- Weight : 500gm
- Size :
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : I.K. Taimni (Author)
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8170591686, 978-8170591689
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House

- Product Code: Book648
- Edition : 2000
- Pages : 122
- Weight :
- Size :
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : Hari Jeevan Arnikar (Author)
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8170594065, 978-8170594062
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House

- Product Code :BK8052
- Size :8.4" x 5.4" x 1.2"
- Weight :680g.
- Author :K. R. Sundararajan / Bithika Mukerji
- ISBN :8120819373, 978-8120819375
- Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
- Edition :January 30, 2004
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :English
- Pages :584
The term Hindu is referred to the religious life of the people of India, and Spirituality understood as wisdom about the way back into the ground of pluralism of religious forms. These two volumes are structured along the division between the classical and the post classical.Twenty seven scholars from around the world shed light on the spiritual beauty of Hinduisms poetry art and temples, festivals and music, as well as the contributions of modern pioneers such as Swami Vivekananda Sri Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi and others.

Table of Contents
Foreword and Acknowledgements
History and Religion
Romance, Divinity and Courtly Portraiture
Early Rajput Painting
Rajasthan: Mewar
Bundi and Kotah
Amber and Jaipur
Central India: Malwa
Pahari Painting: Early Pahari painting
Later Pahari painting
The Nineteenth Century
Illustration References

Tracing the complex genealogy of Tantra as a category within the history of religions, Hugh B. Urban reveals how it has been formed through the interply of popular and scholarly imaginations. tantra emerges as a product of mirroring and misrepresentation at work between East and West-a dialectical category born of the ongoing play between Western and Indian minds. Embracing historical detail, textual analysis, popular cultural phenomena, and critical theory, this book shows Tantra as a shifting amalgam of factasies, fears, and wish fulfilment, at once native and other, that strikes at the very heart of our constructions of the exotic Orient and the contemporary West.
A powerful book demonstrating how the Western study of Hinduism, Indian religious texts, and American popular culture have become related to one another in exceptionally intimate and creative ways. Urban refuses to narrate yet another postcolonial narrative about the evil West, producing instead a subtle and much more accurate reading of the cultural encounter that produced, intentionally or not, a new form of erotic mysticism-Western Tantra." - Jeffrey J. Kripal, author of Kali's Child: The Mystical and the Erotic in the Life and Teachings of Ramakrishna

Van Lysebeth discloses the sexual techniques of Tantra that can be used by Western couples to enhance relationships and help open the door to a new kind of enlightenment. He also reveals the wisdom of tantra--the essential belief that our universe is a creation of the physical and spiritual union of the Mala and Female principles, manifested in the human plane as Love. He shows us how the repression of feminine values in our patriarchal civilization is the esoteric cause of many of the modern world`s crises. Tantra affirms that a true understanding of feminine values can bring about much-needed changes in our society. Van Lysebeth`s warmth and insight brings modern readers to new dimensions of feeling and understanding!

"This book is intended for those who are struggling to understand and confront the epidemic of violence in our world but are not familiar with the nonviolent alternatives. Among those alternatives is the tradition of ahimsa, which has been advocated and practiced by the Jains for the last twenty-five centuries. Inspired by the Jains, this collection of essays speaks with many “voices” – personal reflections, scholarly studies, religious insights n to provide examples, guidance, and encouragement to those trying to cope with the violence that has become so prevalent. The essays should speak to a broad audience, but most especially to young people (late teens to early twenties), who are surrounded by violence practically from their birth and in virtually all aspects of their life: home, school, community, work, and media. The book will help them see:
1. What is involved in a nonviolent approach to the world, and how to apply it in various aspects of their daily lives. ?
2. That there are many of us out there n of different genders, race, professions, social classes, and religious affiliations, on every continent n who take nonviolence very seriously and try to live in accordance with its principles and values. ?
3. That there are many groups, institutions, and organizations that practice nonviolence and who can offer guidance, counsel, and help. ? The central aims of this book are to let those dealing ? with or surrounded by violence know that there is another way, and to encourage them to try to live in accordance with that way n the way of nonviolence.
The discourse of the twentieth century was dictated by its ""big"" events-two world wars, the Holocaust, the killing of millions of people during the times of political turmoil in India, China, Cambodia, the Soviet Union, and numerous other countries, and the nuclear arms race during the Cold War. The haunting images of broken bodies and destroyed countries, and the thoughts of how easily all life on this planet could be destroyed, brought to our eyes and minds the realization of the unprecedented levels of physical destruction of which we are now capable.
In the frenzy of war, those who are violent are hailed as heroes and saviors. Those who refuse to choose sides, those who do not shoot and murder, those who resort to nonviolence, are regarded as traitors and cowards. Yet when the weapons stop firing, when the surviving ""heroes"" are relegated to hospitals and psychiatric wards, it is the healers who take the central role. What is so dearly needed for all of those who are hurting are hospitality and healing acceptance and care. The brokenness of our world has reached such an alarming level that it appears to undermine the distinction between victimizers and victims: those who victimize others do so because they themselves have been victimized, because they themselves have been hurting. And the forms and levels of hurting have become so numerous that playing the blame game and insisting on justice is often beside the point. What is sorely needed is not another instance of hurting but its opposite: healing. This is why, on the pages that follow, you will find so many stories of hospitality: toward strangers, toward refugees, toward orphaned or imprisoned children, toward the elderly"

- Product Code :BK9040
- Size :9.9 x 6.5 x 1.8 inches
- Weight : 1 kg.
- Author : (Kalidasa) Pandit Shriramtej Sjastro
- ISBN : 938032619X, 978-9380326191
- Publisher :Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prakashan
- Edition :October 10, 2014
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :English
- Pages :796
- Product Code :BK9042
- Author : Jagdisha Chandra Mishra
- Publisher :Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prakashan
- Edition :2010
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :Sanskrit & Hindi
- Pages : 4+48+440
Language: Sanskrit Text with Hindi Translation

- Product Code :BK9044
- Size :8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
- Weight :400 gm.
- Author :Radheshyam Chaturvedi
- ISBN :9385005588, 978-9385005589
- Publisher :Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prakashan
- Edition :2016
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :Sanskrit Text to Hindi Translation
- Pages :18+222
Language: Sanskrit Text with Hindi Translation
Pages: 240
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