Books on Modern Philosophy
Books on Modern Philosophy
63 products

- Publisher : Zen Publications
- By : Ramesh S. Balsekar
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2010
- Pages : 215
- Weight : 270 gm.
- Size : 8 x 5.5 x 0.5 inches
- ISBN-13 : 978-8188071609
- ISBN-10 : 8188071609
In this book Ramesh reveals himself as a spiritual Master for the modern age. His insightful commentary unlocks the beauty and the mystery in this ancient text. He points us to the Understanding that is the true nature of us all.

- Publisher : Zen Publications
- By : Francis J Padinjarekara
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2009
- Pages : 316
- Weight : 500 gm.
- Size : 5.3 x 0.8 x 8.5 inches
- ISBN-13 : 978-8188071319
- ASIN : 8188071315
your life is running smoothly or you are in the midst of major changes -- this book is for you.
The deep understanding of human nature, the warmth and compassion of the author, Francis J. Padinjarekara, shine out from every page and every story he tells.
These stories are challenging. Intriguing, amusing and transforming. They show a path towards personal growth and self-realisation without judgments or do’s and don’ts.
Those who are familiar with the stories and writings of ANTHONY DE MELLO, will recognize in these pages, a depth wisdom and lightness that make THIS BOOK a continuation of his INSPIRATIONAL teachings. This could be a thoughtful gift for friends and a valuable beside companion.
One of the visitors asked: “How is it, that in the same circumstances of life, some people live a constricted existence limited mostly to their work and family, while others enjoy far richer lives?”
“Birds soar high and far in freedom as their wings make it possible,” the sage replied/ “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s awareness.”

- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Barry McDonald
- Cover : Paperback
- Edition : December 1, 2008
- Pages : 323
- Weight : 500 gm..
- Size : 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.9 inches
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 8186569529
- ISBN-13 : 978-8186569528
- Product Code : BK14227
Is there a relationship between the ecological and the spiritual? Could the current ecological crisis have resulted from a lack of spiritual vision? Essays by Wendell Berry, Titus Burckhardt, HH the 14th Dalai Lama, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Kathleen Raine, Frithjof Schuon, Hari Prasad Shastri, Philip Sherrard and others
“This book is a bouquet of fragant flowers which will nourish the hearts and minds of spiritual seekers and earth pilgrims alike. The book honors many traditions, distills their insights, and yet transcends their boundaries. These essays leave the reader in no doubt that there are no shortcuts, no technological fixes, and no easy answers to rebuild human–nature relationships. It is a big challenge and this book is a noble attempt to meet that challenge.”
— Satish Kumar, editor of Resurgence magazine and Programme Director of Schumacher College
“How good it would be if this book were to come into the hands of everyone involved with the natural world: environmentalists, naturalists, scientists, hunters, fishers, farmers, every mother with a baby playing in the garden, every father mowing the lawn, every human being who breathes air, drinks water, eats of the earth. That is to say, this book speaks to us all. If its lessons were heard and heeded, wonders might result.”
— Philip Zaleski, editor of The Best Spiritual Writing series and Parabola magazine.
“This is perhaps the first book one might turn to at a time when the barbarism of the ‘global economy’ is spearheading the destruction of the planet. This collection of essays demonstrates the truly global unanimity of the view that the natural world is Sacred — is indeed the Second Revelation.”
— Brian Keeble, co-founder of the Thememos Academy, founder of Golgonooza Press, and author of Art: For Whom and For What?

- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Manoranjan Basu
- Cover : Paperback
- Edition : May 30, 2005
- Pages : 606
- Weight : 1 kg..
- Size : 8.5 x 5.1 x 1.7 inches
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 8186569510
- ISBN-13 : 978-8186569511
- Product Code : BK14226
The purpose of this work is to carve out a path for achieving the integration of man, a multi-dimensional being, in the background of the three worlds — physicality, psychicality and spirituality. These three worlds are the different facets of man as a multi-dimensional being. His body is an extended substance of the physical world, his mind or inner self belongs to the psychical and moral world, and when man rises above his body and mind to realize the ultimate truth, he enters into the spiritual world. Full-fledged evolution of all these facets makes a man perfect. He then realizes that the said three worlds are linked together like gems on a string. In this work the author has tried to analyse the said three worlds and bind them into an integrated whole.
“For this book the relevant question is: What is the universe and why? So far scientists engaged in this field of investigation occupied themselves seriously with the answering of the what part of the question and have just started to answer the why part, which should normally engage the philosophers. But the latter, barring a few, are not fully equipped to go deep into the what part revealed by the scientists. The gap has to be filled up. Sri Basu has taken courage to bring the what and why parts in one comprehensive volume, and try to answer both. In fact, modern science and philosophy are perhaps talking about the same thing but in different languages. The attempt to bridge the language gap is what is most important.”
About Author:
Sri Manoranjan Basu (1920-92), the author of this profound work, was not only a scholar of great attainments but also a researcher and sadhaka of no mean stature. Among his several learned publications are Gita Vahini; Tantras: A General Study; Ramakrishna’s Spiritual Practices: A Study; Ramakrishna Sadhan Parikrama (in Bengali), Paschatya Darsaner Itibas: Kant and Hegel (in Bengali) and, above all, Fundamentals of the Philosophy of Tantras.

- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Mehrdad M. Zarandi
- Cover : Paperback
- Edition : December 1, 2006
- Pages : 331
- Weight : 450 gm..
- Size : 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.7 inches
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 8186569634
- ISBN-13 : 978-8186569634
- Product Code : BK14225
Can the knowledge provided by modern science satisfy our need to know the most profound nature of reality and of humanity?
“The great advantage of this book is that it puts together texts of authors (scientists, philosophers and theologians) whose lucidity about modern science goes far beyond emotional reaction and moralist subjectivity; and this ‘tour de force’ is accomplished from within the point of view of the main traditional religions. Here, Science and Faith are reconciled in an unexpected way: scientific objectivity is not an issue; but the real issue, where one sees no proof of progress, is whether man is capable of using modern science properly. A must for the reader who wants to sharpen his or her discernment about modern science.”
—Jean Pierre Lafouge, Marquette Univerity
“Writing as an active research scientist, living in the present Culture of Disbelief created (partly unwittingly) by the science establishment, I can think of no Research and Development project more significant to the future of humanity than putting ‘science’ back into its proper place as a part of culture, but not its religion. This book is an excellent contribution to that paramount goal.”
—Rustum Roy, Evan Pugh Professor of the Solid State, Emeritus, Pennsylvania State University
![Sacred Art in East and West: Its Principles and Methods [Mar 26, 2010] Burckhardt, Titus]({width}x.jpg?v=1576913576)
- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Titus Burckhardt
- Cover : Hardcover
- Edition : March 26, 2010
- Pages : 242
- Weight : 600 gm.
- Size : 8.9 x 6 x 0.9 inches
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 8186569928
- ISBN-13 : 978-8186569924
- Product Code : BK14220
An eminent Swiss metaphysician and scholar of oriental languages, Titus Burckhardt (1908-84) devoted his life to the timeless and universal wisdom present in Sufism, Vedanta, Taoism, Platonism and the other great esoteric and sapiential traditions. His book Sacred Art in East and West appeared in German and in French. Its scope is wide, covering Hindu, Christian, Islamic, Buddhist and Far-Eastern sacred art, and the author succeeds in a remarkable way in conveying the distinctive qualities characteristic of each, while at the same time emphasizing their unity of principle. Every sacred art is deeply rooted in the religion in which it originates, and it plays an indispensable part in preserving the character and continuity of the sacred civilization connected with that religion. This, however, does not imply that everything that could be called “religious art” is in fact sacred art properly so called, which is identifiable as such by its style and its methods rather than by its models.

- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Divyabandhu
- Cover : Paperback
- Edition : 2016
- Pages : 331
- Weight : 500 gm.
- Size :
- Language : English
- ISBN-13 : 978-8186117248
- ISBN-10 : 8186117245
- Product Code: BK14207

- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Agustin Lopez Tobajas
- Cover : Paperback
- Edition : January 1, 2008
- Pages : 117
- Weight : 150 gm.
- Size : 6.8 x 4.8 x 0.3 inches
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 8186569782
- ISBN-13 : 978-8186569788
- Product Code : BK14206
Born with the Industrial Revolution, the idea of “Progress” is a basic dogma in the ideology of modernity. Despising old religions as superstitions, worship of material “progress” has become the new religion of the world. But, behind its bright face, so-called “progress” and what came in its wake has thrust humanity into the core of a deep crisis. Science and technology continuously devise new ways of destruction that keep the world in a state of permanent danger; economic development condemns whole countries to utter poverty; art has renounced any search for meaning; ecologic catastrophes are a matter of routine; violence increases everywhere and human beings feel a growing dissatisfaction and emptiness in their lives. Where then is progress?
The nature of a manifesto is to create a direct impact on the reader by ushering in clear and forceful ideas without diluting them with secondary considerations. The author presents here a strong case to dismiss so-called progress and to cut asunder the allurement that it still may have for many of us. In this short but incisive, discerning, sarcastic, caustic, radical and uncompromising text, the author searches for the real face of modernity and progress behind its gleaming make-up and dares to declare for all that would hear that “the king is naked”. His judgement is clear-cut and categorical: from the spiritual point of view, which sees man as God-bound, so-called “progress” is an unmitigated disaster.

- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Gopinath Kaviraj
- Cover : Paperback
- Edition : July 1, 2014
- Pages : 103
- Weight : 150 gm.
- Size : 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.4 inches
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 8186117210
- ISBN-13 : 978-8186117217
- Product Code : BK14203
Jnanaganja is an oft-searched state indicated by all great yogis appeared on this earth. It is hard to find out and perceived by the ordinary eyes. The third or creative eye can have the eternal beauty of this place located somewhere in Himalayan valley assembled by all seers, sages and ascetics including one who has attained the supreme consciousness. This place truly exists and all spiritually enlightened yogis still remain there, known by yogis moving around in their mortal bodies. Only a yogi can tell us about this mystic place. And it was Pandit Gopinath Kaviraj who has written about for the first time about this place. Jnanaganja is appearing here for the first time in English. Gautam Chatterjee, great grandson of Pandit Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar is a poet and philosopher. Author of White Shadow of Consciousness, Gautam has translated the complete Tantraloka by Abhinavagupta for the first time in English. This book is translated from original Bengali for the first time.

- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Sir John Woodroffe
- Cover : Paperback
- Edition : January 1, 2009
- Pages : 225
- Weight : 270 gm.
- Size : 7 x 4.3 x 0.5 inches
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 8186569812
- ISBN-13 : 978-8186569818
- Product Code : BK14202
Sir John Woodroffe (1865–1936), British judge of the Calcutta High Court, is widely renowned as an early expositor of Tantra.
In this small book (published for the first time in 1918), taking excuse on the view of an English writer that India was not a civilized country, he writes a strong and passionate defence of India and its culture, exposing the principles that made her civilization. In an epoch where criticism of India was widespread in the Western world, and imitation of English culture was predominant among the Indian elite, Woodrofe encourages India to follow her own tradition and ways. Ninety years after the publication of this book, in spite of the changed political and social environment, it surprises us to see how much alive are his words, and to how much an extent they are still valid for the India of today.

- Product Code: Book665
- Edition : 2012
- Pages : 289
- Weight : 350
- Size : 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.6 inches
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : T.R. Srinivasa Ayyangar, Pandit Subrahmanya Sastri
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8170591929, 978-8170591924
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House
About the Book
Saundarya-lahari is a beautiful poem with spiritual, mythical and tantric principle intricately women into it. It consists of a hundred and three hymns in praise of the Goddess Tripurasundari. The first forty-one stanzas are referred to generally as the Ananda-lahari (the Ocean of Spiritual Bliss), while the second part gives its name to the whole book. The highest forms of worship envisaged by the Vedic seers are far above the level of many. Therefore, other suitable forms of worship have been formulated. One such is the Sri Vidya, worship of the Supreme in its feminine aspect. In this text, Sri Samkaracarya expounds that worship in its pristine purity.
THE Saundarya-lahari, 'the Ocean of Beauty', eminently shares the characteristics of (i) a poem displaying the finest touches of poetical fancy, (ii) a Stotra, hymn, in praise of the Goddess Tripurasundari, (iii) a series of Mantra-s, mystic formulae, to be used by the Upasaka along with the corresponding Yantra-s, diagrams, wherein the Devi is to be conceived as abiding, and (iv) an exposition of the Agama-s and Tantra-s, bearing on the worship of the Supreme Being in Its aspect of the Sakti, Creative Energy, known as the Sri- vidya, embodying the underlying principles of Vaidika-dharma and as such having the sanction of the Veda-s. In its first forty-one stanzas it encompasses the Ananda-lahari, the Ocean of the Blissfully Sublime. AS the very names and the design of the two parts indicate, it points, on the one hand, to the way of approach to the Paramatman, attainable only through true spiritual devotion and knowledge of the real nature of the Paramatman, supplemented by the successful accomplishment of the highest Yoga of Nirvikalpa-samadhi; on the other hand, it leads in effect to the merging of the Jivatman of the Upasaka into the non-differentiated Brahman, so exquisitely expounded in the Upanisad-s and other authoritative works dealing with the Monistic ideal of the Vedanta, through the worship of the qualified Brahman, so well portrayed in Stotra-s, Agama-s, Tantra-s, Purana-s and the Karma-kanda, thus typifying Nirgunopasana through Sagunopasana in essence. A unique feature or the Sanatana-dharma of the ancient Rsi-s of this Punya-bhumi of ours, which has enabled this time-hallowed system of theirs to endure through the ages, consists in the fact that it is elastic and comprehends systems adapted to the capacity, idiosyncrasy and stage of development attained by the various classes of persons owing allegiance to it, from individuals on the highest to the lowest rungs of the ladder of spiritual evolution. The highest forms of worship envisaged by the Vedic Seers of yore stand far above the ken of the vast majority, for whose delectation suitable forms of worship of Visnu, Siva, the Sakti and other Vedic deities have been elaborated by the large number of Agama-s, Tantra-s, Purana-s, Itihasa-s, etc., all within the ambit of the Vedic ideal. and these have cap- tured the imagination of these classes and continue to hold sway over their minds even to the present day. One of such forms of worship is the Sri-vidya, the worship of the Supreme Being in Its feminine aspect of the Sakti. Creative Energy. which embraces two forms: (i) the Internal. meant for the more advanced. assuming the character of worship of the Supreme Being in the aspect of Siva conjoint with the Sakti, at the various centres of energy of the human body. passing through various stages on to the highest. eschewing all rituals and ceremonies; and (ii) the External. intended for the less evolved. assuming the form of worshipping Yantra-s inscribed on the Bhurja leaf. gold and other metallic plates. coloured linen or slabs. to the accompaniment of the repetition of particular Mantra-s made up of the Matrka-s. with appropriate gestures. postures. facing of particular cardinal points. offerings of Dhupa, Dipa, Naivedya, etc. - all with a view to acquiring special psychic powers. gratification of specific desires. etc. of the Upasaka, The former. known as the Samaya-marga, is based on the Samhita-s of the Subhagama-pancaka, the works of five great Seers, and does not in any way, run counter to Vedic principles. The latter, known as the Kaula-marga and dealt with in the sixty-four Tantra-s, although primarily intended for the worship of the Devi, has in course of time afforded scope for the inclusion of vulgar practices (Vamacara) smacking of Kapalika and Ksapanaka usages, appealing to the venal side of human nature and exercising a demoralizing influence on the votaries to an extent not countenanced by the Veda-s, These unwholesome features of the Sakta cult began to weigh on the minds of high-souled reformers of the type of Samkara-bhagavatpada, who soon opened a crusade against such practices by expounding the sublime truths of the Samaya-marga in their writings and preachings, with a view to uphold the beautiful methods of the Samaya doctrine and supplant the ugly features of the Kaula-marga, Hence this work is appropriately called the Saundarya-lahari, the Ocean of Beauty, washing out in its torrent the filth accumulated in the Kaula-marga and restoring the purity of the Sri- vidya in relation to its external forms and ceremonies. In this laudable attempt he seems to have been ably served, in a later generation, by Laksmidhara and Bhaskararaya, two celebrated scholars and stalwart mystics acquainted with the inner working of the worship of the Sri-vidya, in their commentaries on several works relating to it. Laksmidhara's zeal for the preservation of the Samaya-marga in all its purity and for the reform of the Kaula-marga is so great that he even steps beyond the province of a mere commentator and differs from the author of the original work in matters of detail, where he thinks his own personal experience of the recondite practices warrants him to do so.

- Product Code: Book663-P
- Edition : 2000
- Pages : 199
- Weight : 300
- Size : 18.0 x 12.5 x 1.3 cm.
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : Duncan Greenlees
- Language : English
- ISBN : 817059278X, 978-8170592785
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House
Brand New International Paper-back Edition Same as per description, **Economy edition, May have been printed in Asia with cover stating Not for sale in US. Legal to use despite any disclaimer on cover. Save Money. Contact us for any queries. Best Customer Support! All Orders shipped with Tracking Number

- Product Code: Book171
- Edition : 2015
- Pages : 77
- Weight : 300
- Size : 22.0 x 14.6 x 1.1 cm.
- Cover : Hardcover
- Author : Annie Besant, Charles W. Leadbeater
- Language : English
- ISBN : 817059202X, 978-8170592020
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House
Back of Book:
Hardly a moment of our waking life passes without any thoughts. We take it that these being silent and unnoticed by others are just nothings. How serious an error this could be, is clearly brought out in this book with the aid of many picturesque coloured plates and graphic drawings. Every passing thought is that much of a power for good or evil, for us and others as well, in the measure of its quality and intensity. Here is the first lesson on leading a responsible life. Publishers' Note:THIS book was first published in 1901. Since that time it has been through successive printings in English and has been published in several languages. In the eighth reprint some passages no longer relevant today have been deleted and some explanatory footnotes added. The main thesis of the book remains intact and the original language of the authors has been retained. The original colour plates, painted under the direction of the authors, have been used.
THE text of this little book is the joint work of Mr. Leadbeater and myself. The drawing and painting of the thought-forms observed by Mr. Leadbeater or by myself, or by both of us together, has been done by three friends-Mr. John Varley, Mr. Prince and Miss Macfarlane, to each of whom we tender our cordial thanks. To paint in earth's dull colors the forms clothed in the living light of other worlds is a hard and thankless task; so much the more gratitude is due to those who have attempted it. They needed colored fire, and had only ground earths. We have also to thank Mr. F. Bligh Bond for allowing us to use his essay on Vibration Figures, and some of his exquisite drawings. Another friend, who sent us some notes and a few drawings, insists on remaining anonymous, so we can only send our thanks to him with similar anonymity.
It is our earnest hope-as it is our belief-that this little book will serve as a striking moral lesson to every reader, making him realize the nature and power of his thoughts, acting as a stimulus to the noble, a curb on the base. With this belief and hope we send it on its way.

- Product Code: Book662
- Edition : April 1, 2008
- Pages : 502
- Weight : 800
- Size : 22.0 x 14.0 x 1.1 cm.
- Cover : Hardcover
- Author : T.R. Srinivasa Ayyangar
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8185141584, 978-8185141589
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House
Back of the Book
The Adyar Library and Research Center was founded in 1886 by Henry steel Olcott first president of the Theosophical society for research in eastern civilization philosophy and religion. Its aim is to promote understanding among the peoples of the world through knowledge among the peoples of the world through knowledge of the higher aspects of their respective cultures.
The collections of the library consist of about 18,000 manuscript containing about 45,000 works both palm leaf and paper and some 2,00,000 pointed volumes. The manuscripts are mostly form India and in Sanskrit. The printed books include old and reared Ideological works and also a fine collection of books on the different religious and philosophies in Sanskrit English and various other languages eastern and western and volumes of important ideological journals.
Brahmavidya the Adyar library Bulletin is being published annually since 1937 presenting papers and studies on religion philosophy and various aspects of Sanskrit and other oriental literature as well as editions of ancient texts and translations.
From the Jacket
The Adyar Library is reprinting the yoga Samanya Vedanta Vaisnava Sakta and Samnyasa Upanisad-s with the commentary of Upanisad Brahmayogin and their translations. The yoga Upanisad-s this volume contains English translation of twenty translations Upanisad-s like Advayataraka Amrtanada Yogatattva Nadabindu Hamsa etc. They teach the Astangayoga Rahayoga layayoga Hatayoga Mantrayoga Karmayoga etc. Their aims is to help man in controlling his mind so that he can realize the oneness of the individual self with the supreme self and thereby attain final Liberation.

- Product Code: Book661
- Edition : 2016
- Pages : 156
- Weight : 300
- Size : 22.0 x 14.0 x 1.1 cm.
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : A.E. Powell
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8170595649, 978-8170595649
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House
First published in 1925. This is first in the series of five books by the same author. This classic text has long been used as a resource book by students and scholars of astral phenomena. It's subject is the subtle body which all human beings possess, physical in nature but invisible to ordinary eyes. Of interest to healers, body workers, and all students of esoteric lore, Powell's discussion of the anatomy of the subtle body, its energy centres and functions, is perceptive and comprehensive.

- Product Code: Book660
- Edition : January 1, 1990
- Pages : 78
- Weight : 250
- Size : 24.4 x 16.4 x 0.8
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : Boris De Zirkoff
- Language : English
- ISBN : 0835675351, 978-0835675352
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House
An account of how H.P. Blavatsky composed her famous Secret Doctrine, including correspondence concerning the text. This book also discusses how the Secret Doctrine led to the rebirth of the occult tradition. A great book for readers and students of theosophy and those with an interest in the Secret Doctrine. A very complete and interesting story about one of the greatest books ever written on theosophy. Illustrations of those corresponding, original letters, and artwork are included.

- Product Code: Book659
- Edition : December 1992
- Pages : 48
- Weight : 100
- Size : 7.1 x 0.1 x 4.7 inches
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : Charles Webster Leadbeater
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8170591902, 978-8170591900
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House
In this slim volume, author provides valuable guidelines on the correct use and control of the power of thought and emotion and of our responsibility for their effect upon others for good or evil. To change the world for the better, the first step is to change ourselves. To do this requires us to know our weaknesses, our strengths. Then may we utilize the magnificent power within for the benefit of humanity.

- Product Code: Book658
- Edition : January 25, 1972
- Pages : 564
- Weight : 1.200
- Size : 7 x 1.4 x 9.5 inches
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : Geoffrey A. Barborka,
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8170592917, 978-8170592914
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House
Back of the Book
H. P. Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine testifies to the existence of a Divine Plan, the knowledge of which the author of this book has sought to convey. Since the full and complete exposition of The Secret Doctrine is only attainable by means of the 'seven keys' to its understanding, the author has also attempted to present this book as a guide towards their under-standing, expressly for those who wish to read and study these ancient teachings. It is his hope that this work may prove to be of assistance to all who read it.
THE chief purpose of this book is to present a guide-book for those who wish to read and study The Secret Doctrine. It is not the intention to give a complete survey of H. P. Blavatsky's great work, but rather to offer a method for pursuing its study. Yet it is hoped that those who follow this guide-book will acquire a more comprehensive understanding of the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom.
Since Secret Doctrine Classes represent the major Theosophical effort undertaken by the writer for several years, first-hand knowledge has been gained of the problems confronting many who endeavor to study H. P. Blavatsky's writings. Again and again has the wish been expressed that there could be a book that would be of assistance in the study of the teachings. To meet this need, this work is offered. The effort has been made to overcome the difficulties that students encounter; hence the manner in which it is prepared. What actually caused the writing of the book came about in this way.
The writer was requested to take part in a symposium to be presented at the 1956 Summer School convening at the Headquarters of the American Section of The Theosophical Society at Wheaton, Illinois. This formed part of the proceedings of the regular annual convention held at this Theosophical center. The symposium was entitled: ' Methods of Approach to the Study of The Secret Doctrine.' The theme was of paramount importance, since this was the very line of endeavor being carried on in classes. Because of the problems encountered in class study, the decision was made to present a practical approach to the subject, emphasizing the aspect of how to read the volumes.
The idea was stressed that The Secret Doctrine was written from the Platonic standpoint rather than the Aristotelian. Therefore a universal outlook must be sought for primarily. So often, difficulty is experienced in understanding the teachings because of attempting to view them ' from below '-that is, from the individual's viewpoint-rather than ' from above,' from a cosmic standpoint. Therefore, the effort must be made to look down from above, as though a panoramic picture were being unrolled. There is no need to be concerned about details in the first glance-that is, in the first effort to understand a doctrine. The details may be examined later and placed in proper sequence. The example of man's sevenfold principles was instanced. Too often the seven principles are viewed from below'. Thus, the Sthilla-iarira (physical body) is considered first, and the other six principles super-imposed upon it. Because of this, it becomes difficult to comprehend the significance of Atman (man's divine self), from below. Instead, viewed from above, Atman is a universal principle; it is even united with its Originating Source. It sends its radiance through the six emanated principles, which are all linked with the Self (Atman). Thus man from the standpoint of the Esoteric Philosophy is a Saptaparna-an unfolding ' seven-leaved man-plant '; not an entity consisting of seven separate principles which may be peeled apart as one separates an onion (as H. P. B. has expressed it).
With specific reference to The Secret Doctrine: the suggestion was made that one should not attempt to read it in the way that an ordinary book is read. Especially is this the case if one has no knowledge of Theosophy and is not acquainted with the terms used-not to mention Hebrew or Sanskrit words. How, then, could such a person commence reading the work ? The recommendation was made that The Secret Doctrine should be read by ' subjects,' rather than page by page, using the index to jot down references to the chosen topic, then reading all the pages connected with the theme. Ways for conducting study-classes were considered, and selected pages were indicated for especial reading. The response of the assemblage was most heartening. So much enthusiasm was shown that it brought about an unexpected turn of events. After the meeting, while waiting at the railway station of the small mid-western town for the arrival of the train to take us on our homeward journey, the group of Theosophists were silently contemplating the beauty of the evening and also reflecting upon the session of the afternoon. Although the sun had set, the horizon was radiant with a golden glow, and a balmy breeze scarcely swayed the tall trees in the distance. Overhead night-hawks were languidly coasting back and forth without so much as flapping their wings. The evening reverie was interrupted by a startling question (startling because of its implications) : ' Why don't you write a book along the lines you were describing at the Convention-it would be such a help to Theosophists!
' Thus was the idea born-the inspiration was provided. Ah, but the labor involved! Little did my wife realize how calls would be forthcoming for her to hunt up references; to search for passages containing desired topics; to comb the index for items which were not listed! It is one thing to specify the type of citation desired, but quite another to find it. In passing, it may be remarked that in this type of work, sifting is of primary importance; mere references (which are plentifully provided) generally prove to be of little value-yet each one must be examined. Each item, as well as being appropriate to the particular subject, must fit into the great over-all pattern. The labor is something like putting a picture-puzzle together: each individual piece must fit exactly into its proper place -otherwise it must be left out, waiting until the appropriate setting is provided for its use. Needless to say, the task is much more difficult than writing without citations.
It is one thing to have an idea, quite another to formulate it into a vine actuality, still another to accomplish it. Here one is reminded of the era’s philosophical concept explaining the coming into being of a cosmos through s it’s the instrumentality of the Three Logo. First there is the Unmanifested with Logos-providing the idea of the cosmos-to-be. The second stage, the Hilo- Second Logos, conveys the idea from the unmanifested to the manifest-,t a bridging the gap between that which is non-manifest to the plane of miniport festation. The third stage, the Third or Manifested Logos, proceeds to make the idea manifested.
Howsoever, the work was commenced. Some thoughts were jotted ok is down, a frame-work outlined, memoranda garnered, quotations searched ) for, and chapter one was started. Two or three copies of The Secret Doctrine, V or of each volume, always lay opened on tables along with shorthand note-; the books. (For those who may be interested in the actual process, or method d be employed: a rough draft was put down in shorthand. If satisfactory it ) jot was then transcribed direct on the typewriter. Oftentimes revised in long acted hand, worked over with emendations and then typed. Sometimes a third and or fourth revision were necessary, especially if searching would bring to light a more apt citation.)
As the writing progressed, it became evident that the first ideas were ents. undergoing alteration; a larger theme was developing. It was just as mid- though my assistant's favorite ilea had actually come to pass-and the rend, verse was recited: ' I shall send thee a fire when they work is commenced.' the (Words addressed by the Lord of the Shining Face to the Lea of the Earth ought Book II, Stanza I, slake 3.)
In actuality, something had really happened. There was no doubt light- about it; it necessitated a revision of the manuscript. A completely new aping plan had come into being; the result-the present book.
As this guide-book is declared to be ' written in the form of a Com-dong monetary on H. P. Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine,' it hardly seems necessary to help remark that citations are plentiful. This method was adopted for the following reasons. In order to read The Secret Doctrine understandingly it t the is necessary to know: (1) the meaning of a term itself-in the case of Ming Sanskrit, going to the root-meaning of the word is of great importance; sired (2) the manner in which the term is used in relation to the passage; (3) the hang meaning of the whole passage; (4) the relation of the passage to the doctrine In as a whole; (5) whether the term or passage is used in a generalizing sense wary or specifically; (6) whether a symbolical meaning is being employed; :rally (7) whether more than one interpretation is applicable. Thus by having item, citations placed in desired positions, the reader may follow the sequence ) the without need of turning for verification to the original.
Then this factor, too, would be taken care of: in Secret Doctrine )lace Classes the writer is constantly challenged in regard to statements made or Lag is views expressed, in which the request is made to ' quote page and line '. than Therefore, by supplying the original citations, those who wish to view the actual words of The Secret Doctrine may do so. They may check the ideas that are being presented with the source-book. This will prove to be of great value to lecturers who would like to see authentic passages under ' subjects,' instead of being obliged to hunt through an index, only to discover that they are unable to locate the passage desired. There need be no doubt as to the authenticity of citations, for the writer is as zealous as the most enthusiastic supporter in holding to the original teachings as presented by H. P. Blavatsky. Therefore the original edition is always used and quoted verbatim.
Yet another difficulty confronting study-classes is the matter of different editions of The Secret Doctrine, since the work has been published so very many times. This problem has been solved in the following manner. The various editions may be classified into three main groups: (1) the original edition, published in two volumes in London, 1888, (entitled the First Edition) ; followed by the Second Edition and then by all subsequent editions adhering to the original pagination (whether reproduced photo-statically or by type-setting processes). (2) The Third and Revised Edition, published in two volumes in 1893, the revision resulting in a different set of pages. This edition has been reprinted many times: in 1902, 1905, 1908, 1911, 1913, 1918, 1921 and 1928. (3) The editions published at Adyar, India, first in 1938, entitled the Fourth (Adyar) Edition, followed by the Fifth and Sixth Editions in 1946 and 1952: in six volumes, Volumes 1 and 2 of this edition represent Volume I of the original edition; volumes 3 and 4 equivalent to Volume II of the original edition. These editions resulted in yet another change in pagination. Volume 5 of this edition consists of the work known as the ' third volume,' first printed in 1897 after H. P. Blavatsky's passing, while Volume 6 is solely an index.
Each citation carries references to these three classified groups in the following manner: the volume and page references included in parentheses after each citation refer to the pagination of the original edition. Following this reference a footnote indicates the volume and page of the Adyar editions -always referred to as the 6 volume edition, for quick identification. This is followed by the volume and page of the 3rd edition (signifying the third and revised edition with its subsequent London reprinting). The fifth volume (of the Adyar editions), representing the third volume of the London editions, is alone referred to for citations from that volume.
Wherever possible, page references are given to original editions: this applies to H. P. Blavatsky's other writings-The Key to Theosophy, The Voice of the Silence, Isis Unveiled, Five Years of Theosophy, The Theosophical Glossary, and Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge. It was deemed superfluous to add The Secret Doctrine after every citation. The references in parentheses following quoted passages-which are clearly indicated by means of indentation-always refer to that work; likewise the abbreviation S.D.

- Product Code: Book657-P
- Edition : January 1, 2007
- Pages : 448
- Weight : 820
- Size : 8.3 x 5.6 x 1.1 inches
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : I. .K. Taimni (Author)
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8170592127, 978-8170592129
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House
Book Summary of The Science Of Yoga: The Yoga-sutra-s Of Patanjali In Sanskrit With Transliteration In Roman, Translation And Commentary In English Patanjali\'s Yoga-sutra is considered to be the most authoritative treatise on Yoga. Condensed in one hundred and ninety-six aphorisms, or sutra-s, are the essential philosophy and technique of Yoga. Over the centuries, scholars and teachers of Yoga have attempted to expand these sutra-s with commentaries and explanations. This Dr. Taimni is a comprehensive work giving the text of the Yoga-sutra in Sanskrit, transliteration in Roman, followed by a translation and commentary. It covers the field of evolution, the unfoldment of consciousness, the practical approach to a spiritual way of life, the unravelling of the great mystery of existence, and the culminating experience of samadhi, the goal of the kingly science of Yoga. It presents to the serious student the fundamental teachings of Yoga, its science, philosophy and technique,

- Product Code: Book657
- Edition : February 25, 1999
- Pages : 448
- Weight : 820
- Size : 7 x 1.2 x 8.5 inches
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : I. .K. Taimni (Author)
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8170592119, 978-8170592112
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House
PATANJALI'S Yoga-sutras is considered to be the most authoritative treatise on Yoga. Condensed in on e hundred and ninety-six aphorisms or sutras are the essential philosophy and technique of Yoga. Over the centuries, scholars and teachers of Yoga have attempted to expand these sutras with commentaries and explanations. This book by Dr Taimni is a comprehensive work giving the text of the Yoga-sutras in Sanskrit, transliteration in Roman, followed by a translation and commentary. It covers the fields of evolution, the unfoldment of consciousness, the practical approach to a spiritual way of life, the unraveling of the great mystery of existence, and the culminating experience of samadhi, the goal of the kingly science of Yoga. It presents to the serious student the fundamental teachings of Yoga, its science, philosophy and technique, in the light of modern thought.
About the Author:
Dr I. K. Taimni (1898-1978) was for many years Professor of Chemistry at the Allahabad University in India. He guided research and contributed many research papers to technical journals of several countries. In addition to his professional work, he made a deep study of Kashmir Shaivism and this, combined with his profound knowledge of Theosophy, was brought to bear on his writings. He was awarded the Subba Row Gold Medal for his contribution to theosophical literature. His books have run into many editions and are translated into several languages.

- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, Chennai
- By : H.P. Blavatsky
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2007
- Pages : 296
- Weight : 320 gm.
- Size : 18.3 x 12.3 x 1.2 cm
- ISBN-10: 8170592615
- ISBN-13: 9788170595311
'Theosophy' may sound outlandish to many people. Is it some abstruse philosophy? Is t other-worldly? In this book such is-apprehensions are dispelled by H.P.Blavatsky, one of the Founders of the Theosophical Society. She anticipates every likely question, and answers it forthrightly.,vigorously and brilliantly. Theosophy is no armchair philosophy but a do-it-yourself guide to sane living. Here we find no moralizing but a stirring call to take charge of our own life and bow to no authority from outside. Theosophy is not other-worldly, but totally geared to the here and now. It offers nothing dull, but is a testament of joy, hope and fearlessness.

- Product Code: Book647
- Edition : 2004
- Pages : 271
- Weight : 300
- Size : 18.0 x 11.9 x 1.6 CM
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : C.W. Leadbeater (Author)
- Language : English
- ISBN : 817059457X, 978-8170594574
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House
The Stories told in this book happen to be true of course I do not for a moment expect the ordinary reader to believe that, and I shall be perfectly satisfied if I succeed if I succeed in shilling away for him the tedium of a railway journey, or if I can add for him a touch of pleasure to a comfortable evening before the fire or a lazy afternoon on the river.
For the few whose interest in these subjects is mot merely superficial, I may add that some of the events related and personal experiences of my own, and that the others are reproduced exactly as they were told to me by persons in whose veracity I have every confidence. In every case, except those of Jagannath and The Baron Room, I myself have heard the story directly from the person principally concerned in it, so that there is no place her for the subtle alterations which are inevitably introduced into tales that have passed through many hands. These things happened. And although it may be difficult for one who has made no study of the subject to believe them, those who are familiar with the literature of the occult will readily be able to parallel most of these occurrences.
I have written other and more serious books in which such things as these are scientifically explained; in this volume my only desire is to help my readers to pass pleasantly a few hours of leisure time.
Back of the book
The author of this book, C. W. Leadbeater was a clairvoyant whose range of experience of occult phenomena and unusual happenings was extraordinary. The Perfume of Egypt is a collection of weird stories, mostly about ghosts, which is both fascinating and informative, because they represent either personally experiences of the author or what he had heard directly from authentic sources. Readers will find this collection pleasurable and very entertaining.
Mr. Leadbeater himself brings to attention in his Foreword that in other more serious books he has given scientific explanations for the apparently fantastic stories about ghosts and other occult phenomena.

- Product Code: Book647
- Edition : 2002
- Pages : 124
- Weight : 150
- Size :
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : Rohit Mehta (Author)
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8170591465, 978-8170591467
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House

- Product Code: Book653
- Edition : October 1, 1991
- Pages :
- Weight : 200gm
- Size :
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : Geoffrey Hodson (Author)
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8170590140, 978-8170590149
- Publisher : Theosophical Publishing House
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