Books on Performing Arts of India
Books on Performing Arts of India
25 products

- Publisher : Souvenir Press
- By : Julia Cameron
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2020
- Pages : 272 pages
- Weight : 725 g
- Size : 19 x 2.5 x 23 cm
- ISBN-10 : 1788164296
- ISBN-13 : 978-1788164290
Since its first publication, The Artist's Way has inspired the genius of Elizabeth Gilbert, Tim Ferriss and millions of readers to embark on a creative journey and find a deeper connection to process and purpose. Julia Cameron guides readers in uncovering problems and pressure points that may be restricting their creative flow and offers techniques to open up opportunities for self-growth and self-discovery. The program begins with Cameron's most vital tools for creative recovery: The Morning Pages and The Artist Date. From there, she shares hundreds of exercises, activities, and prompts to help readers thoroughly explore each chapter. A revolutionary programme for personal renewal, The Artist's Way will help get you back on track, rediscover your passions, and take the steps you need to change your life.

- Publisher : D.K. Printworld (P) Ltd
- By : Premlata Sharma
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : Hindi
- Edition : 2006
- Pages : 594
- Weight : 104 kg
- ISBN-10 : 9788124603635
- ISBN-13 : 978-8124603635

- Publisher : Chaukhambha Surbharti prakashan
- By : Dr. Paras Nath Dwivedi
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : Hindi
- Edition : 2017
- Pages : 588
- Weight : 600 gm.
- ISBN-10 : 9381484740
- ISBN-13 : 978-9381484746

- Publisher : বিশ্বসাহিত্য ভবন
- By : Rabindranath Tagore , Pabitra Sarkar
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : Bengali
- Edition : 2016
- Pages : 660
- Weight : 890 gm.
- ISBN-10 : 8173323674
- ISBN-13 : 978-8173323676

- Publisher : Sri Satguru Publications
- By : Ed. Gangadadhar Sastri Tailanga
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 2016
- Pages : 265
- ISBN-10: 8170300428
- ISBN-13: 978-8170300427
The Nyayasutras with Vatsyayana Bhasya [Ed. Gangadadhar Sastri Tailanga]
- Publisher : BR Rhythms
- By : Jayalakshmi Eshwar
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 2010
- Pages : 345
- Weight : 1.6 kg.
- Size : 7.9 x 5.5 x 1.6 inches
- ISBN-10: 8188827142
- ISBN-13: 978-8188827145
Among the many styles of dance that we have on the subcontinent. It is perhaps Bharatanatyam which represents the dancer as Goddess; her costumes, her jewellery, her stance, the clear and precise geometries of the dance, its meaning, its techniques that reveal the visionary four dimensional geometries of Inner space in three dimensional sections. While the dance is seen on stage in front of an audience, yet it takes form in an invisible, mystical world from which the dance itself is believed to have emerged. Jayalakshmi Eshwar's book - "Bharatanatyam : How to..." states in simple terms all the first steps that are necessary to enter this world of dance. It would be an invaluable reference for students and teachers alike. - The book leads the student from the general ideas of the principles, methods and techniques of Bharatanatyam, to the main topic of the Dance units 'Adavus'. - The book is self-explanatory with detailed pictorial and written instructions of the Adavus in a simple and systematic manner. - Over 1400 illustrations integrate to form a comprehensive reference. - A descriptive historical background to the dance form and it's evolution introduces the content. - In addition Separate Audio CD & DVD are also available
as support material.

- Publisher : BR Rhythms
- By : S.A. Durga
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 2007
- Pages : 206
- Weight : 500 g.
- Size : 7.9 x 5.5 x 1.6 inches
- ISBN-10: 8188827134
- ISBN-13: 978-8188827138
Summary: An important maiden work in the field of voice culture for singers and it is sure the book will be useful to all vocalists. Description: This book is the only book of its kind written on Voice-culture for singers in English. Dr. Durga has done extensive research on the scientific methods of voice training in India and USA. She, being a performer herself of Indian classical music, has included in the book valuable solutions to eradicate common functional disorders and detailed analysis of the Physiological, Physics and Psychological aspects of the Voice as musical instrument.
- Publisher : Ganesh & Co.
- By : Chitravina N. Ravikiran
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2006
- Pages : 124
- Weight : 200 g.
- Size : 7.9 x 5.5 x 1.6 inches
- ISBN-10: 8185988218
- ISBN-13: 978-8185988214
Appreciation of music is a subjective phenomenon chitravina n ravikiran, in a simple and appealing style, provides a guideline to understand and appreciate carnatic music by covering a range of topics, starting from what is carnatic music to the techniques followed, the various forms it can be presented in and the improvisation techniques an artiste follows to showcase his talent as well as present the innate beauty of the compositions he or she is singing
- Publisher : B.R. Rhythms
- By : S. Bandyopadhyaya
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2012
- Pages : 418
- Weight : 750 g.
- Size : 7.9 x 5.5 x 1.6 inches
- ISBN-10: 8188827339
- ISBN-13: 978-8188827336

Relive the golden era of Hindi cinema with Mahesh Bhatt as he recounts the Khwaabon Ka Safar (the journey of dreams) of iconic film studios in India.
Did you know that German filmmaker Franz Osten partnered with an Indian studio on some of India’s earliest blockbuster films in the 1930s? Do you know which production house invented the Hindi ‘formula filmmaking’ style in the 1950s that still drives big budget Bollywood films?
Khwaabon Ka Safar with Mahesh Bhatt takes us through the incredible journey of Bollywood’s landmark film studios which gave us iconic stars and cinematic masterpieces. This book provides the captivating stories behind Bollywood’s top thirteen studios—from Prabhat Film Company (1929) to Filmayala (1958) with which the studio era ended.
The book weaves in various interesting anecdotes about our erstwhile studio system, the great entrepreneurial skills of the forefathers of Hindi cinema, their iconic films and the superstars they created.
A must-read for all film aficionados.
EPIC Television Channel is a leading factual entertainment platform with its India-centric content. EPIC has redefined the infotainment genre by being the only native Hindi language medium in its league.
- Product Code : BK8714
- Publisher : Rupa Publications India
- Edition : January 1, 2018
- Pages : 23cine
- Weight : 200 gm.
- Size : 5.1 x 0.5 x 7.8 inches
- Binding : Paperback
- Author :
- Language : English
- ISBN-10: 8129148633
ISBN-13: 978-8129148636

- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat
- Cover : Paperback
- Edition : 2006
- Pages : 117
- Weight : 200 gm.
- Size : 8.2 x 5.4 x 0.4 inches
- Language : English
- ISBN-13 : 978-8186569610
- ISBN-10 : 8186569618
- Product Code : BK14266
A simple and clear book for students starting to learn sitar, originally published through the initiative of the International Institute for Comparative Music Studies and Documentation, Berlin. This book explains the basics of sitar and proposes exercises to control the instrument. It contains also photos and illustrations. A very useful book for the serious student of sitar.
About Author:
Acharya Manfred M. Junius, born in Germany in 1929, studied Indian Classical Music and Musicology for eighteen years in various centres of India, and sat at the feet of great masters. He has given many recitals all over India and abroad. Though born a foreigner, he is widely recognized in India as an authority in Indian Classical Music. He is also a qualified Ayurvedic medicine practitioner and teacher.

- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Gautam Chatterjee
- Cover : Hardcover
- Edition : 2009
- Pages : 324
- Weight : 700 gm..
- Size :
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 8190894501
- ISBN-13 : 978-8190894500
- Product Code : BK14222
Summary: The grammar and practical feel of world music are creatively juxtaposed in this book for the first time. One can pick up this book and find the ocean before one's inquisitive mind. Description: This is a compendium of classical music with its all traditional and modern horizons published for the first time in the language of treatise beyond all routine books. This particular book deals with oriental and occidental scenario of music and its inter-disciplinary relation to each and every other disciplines.The language and methodology used in this creative work by the author in such a way that the student, scholar and general lover of art and culture can enjoy the whole of its beauty at the same time in the most comprehensive state.

- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Anil Mihiripenna
- Cover : Paperback
- Edition : January 1, 2007
- Pages : 479
- Weight : 900 gm.
- Size : 9.9 x 8.8 x 1.3 inches
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 8186569758
- ISBN-13 : 978-8186569757
- Product Code : BK14211
Although many collections of ragadhari vocal compositions have been published over the years, there is a dearth of instrumental compositions. Hence, it has been the in the north Indian musical tradition.
This book cannot replace a teacher, and it is from a teacher that students of music must seek instructions and guidance. The purpose of this book is to offer some support to both the teacher and the student. Exercises and compositions should not be forced indiscriminately on students, but the teacher must use his discretion in prescribing appropriate material for individual students. He must also offer his advise and guidance to students on how to select compositions to suit their needs and abilities.
In this book, you will find Gat composed for various types of instruments with different techniques of playing. There are compositions appropriate for stringed instruments (bowed and plucked) and for wind instruments. Thus, the compositions for sitar and sarod are basically in Mazith Khani and Raza Khani styles, while different Gat styles are employed for violin, esraj and flute.
About Author:
Anil Mihiripenna is a versatile and internationally recognized musician from Sri Lanka. He graduated from Vishva Bharati University (Shantiniketan). He studied under the great esraj maestro Ashish Chandra Benerji, flute from Pt. Gowr Goswami and vocal from Pt. Jamini Kantha Chakrawarti. He has widely travelled on concert tours in the USA, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and India, and he is regarded as the leading flautist-cum-esraj player in Sri Lanka. He has also composed music for several ballets, documentary films and feature films. He is the founder of Sharada Kla Nikethanaya, an institution that propagates and popularizes Oriental classical music in Sri Lanka.

- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Alvaro Enterria
- Cover : Hardcover
- Edition : April 30, 2010
- Pages : 588
- Weight : 800 gm.
- Size : 8.5 x 5.4 x 1.3 inches
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 818656991X
- ISBN-13 : 978-8186569917
- Product Code : BK14201
Indian society is manifold and extremely complex. The richness of the Indian subcontinent defies and exceeds all facile explanations or generalizations, and cannot be adequately interpreted through Western concepts.
This book tries to clear a path towards an understanding of this immense ountry, home to a civilization that has endured without interruption or millennia. In this small encyclopaedia of India, the author explains the roots and foundations of Indian civilization, covering almost every spect of indian culture; its broad topics include History, Religion, Society, Arts, the State, and Travel. Offering an illuminating selection of information concerning many aspects of India, this is surely among the most complete cultural guides about this country and its varied cultures.
About Author:
Since his first travel in 1981, Alvaro Enterria has made the knowledge of India his passion. He has lived and worked in India since 1989. He is a partner of the book company Indica Books, and lives in Varanasi with his wife from Orissa and their two children.
Alvaro Enterria has translated from Hindi and English into Spanish various short stories of modern Indian literature, which formed the book La aldea y la ciudad. Antologia de relatos cortos de la literatura contemporanea de la India (1998), and several short stories of the renowned Hindi writer Premchand, published under the name Premchand: Antologia de cuentos (2002).
In 2006 he published in Spanish La India por dentro. Una guia cultural para el viajero, a cultural guide trying to explain in depth to tourists and visitors many aspects of Indian culture and society which are generally bad known or misunderstood. The guide was well received and became a classic book on India. The present publication is an English translation of that book, of which an Italian edition has also appeared.
Mark Tully is well known in India. He was born in Calcutta and educated in England. He spent over twnety years of his life as BBC Delhi Correspondent and covered many of the major events in South Asia, inclulding the 1971 Bangladesh War, the Indian Emergency, the trial and hanging of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Operation Blue Star, the assassinations of Indira and Rajiv Gandhi, the destruction of the Ayodhya Mosque, and the Bhopal gas disaster. After leaving the BBC he continued to live in Delhi with his partner Gillian Wright and work as a freelance broadcaster, journalist and writer. He has written several books on India.

About the Book :This book is a step-by-step practical guide to North Indian music. With the help of this book, the reader can understand the basic aspects of North Indian music and learn to appreciate it better. It describes the ten basic of North Indian classical music. It also gives instructions on how to sing and how to play the musical instruments. This book describes the tonal patterns and the tonal embellishments. By following the practical exercises given in this book, you can train your voice, sing notes correctly, develop you own ability to improvise, and make your own tonal patterns. This book is your guide to creating and singing your own ra.g.
About the Author : Dr. Indurama Srivastava did M.A. in Sanskrit from Allahabad University, obtained Master of Music from Banaras Hindu University, and PhD. In Musicology from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Her earlier book was on Dhrupad. She lives in The Netherlands and is actively involved in Indian music.

The Bengali version of the book Bharatiya Sangeetkosh earned for him ""Sangeet Natak Academy"" award as the best book on music published during the period from 1960 to 1968. Bimalakanta Roychaudhuri was born in 1909 in all illustrious family of musical heritage. He had his training in music from Sitalchandra Mukhopadhyay, Sitalkrishna Ghosh, Amir Khan (Sarod) and then from Inayet Khan, the foremost Sitar players of those days. He also had his musical training from his maternal uncle Birendrakishore Roychaudhuri and maternal grandfather Brojendrakishore Roychaudhuri. He took part in the translation of ""Sangeet Ratnakara"" from Sanskrit to Bengali under the patronage of Brojendrakishore Roychaudhuri. He was Chairman of the Board of Musical Studies of the University of Calcutta. His work ""Raga Vyakarana"" (in Hindi) has been published by the Bharatiya Jnanpith.
The growing interest of the Western, especially the English-speaking nations towards the North Indian Classical Music is more evident now than ever before. It is no doubt a sign for us to be happy about; at the same time it causes us deep concern whenever we try to appreciate
the great responsibility that has devolved upon us in presenting the correct interpretation of musical terms of the ancient Sanskrit
Aphoristic couplets of the ancient Sanskrit Texts, as they mostly are, even with their annotations, easily lend themselves to be
misinterpreted today. Painfully bearing this in mind the author has attempted this dictionary with great trepidations. He has depended solely on his own inner resources in interpreting the musical terms rather than allowing himself to be influenced by any other publications in English or in any other languages, lest he should tread on the trap of terminological inexactitude.
""This is an excellent text-book for it imparts knowledge of the ocean of music in the form of little drops. It is interesting to note that every word in music literature has a depth of meaning while the author explains the origin of each word with its history and development over the years along with suitable examples. The book reveals the meaning of 341 words and is indeed a music encyclopedia."" - Indica, Vol.:40, No.2, September, 2003
""The work explains, in very simple and clear language, the technical terms as found in Sastras and also those in common use. The history of the origin of the words, description of seventy-eight musical instruments and forty-seven varieties of talas."" - Dwaram V.J. Lakshmi, S.V.U. Oriental Journal Vol.: 46, No.182, 2003
""In this era, when Indian music is spreading worldwide, the author has rightly felt it a duty to prepare this Dictionary of musical terms. He presents the proper interpretation of musical terms of the ancient Sanskrit Sastras and explains them with reference to their origin and development. An additional fact is that the author remains true to Indian tradition and is not influenced by the Western methods of interpretation and presentations. Styled and arranged in such simple and precise form, this book will definitely be an essential aid for researches and students of music."" - V.K. Journal of Oriental Research Vol.71-73. p. 18
""This one covering words and terminology, Sanskrit, derivative and colloquial, applicable and applied to Hindustani Classical (Art) Music, is the foremost one, even considering the more recent publications on the usage of music terminology."" - R.C. Mehta, Journal of the Indian Musicological Society Vol.: 31, Jan-Dec.2000"

About the Book : Indian music despite its limited popularity is not a spent force, but has still a great role to play in the firmament of world music is the siren song of this book, The Music of India by Atiya begum Fyzee-Rahamin. Its hoary origin, gradual evolution, the impact of foreign influences, the two principal schools - the Karnataka (southern) and the Hindustani (northern) - and the glorious periods, when some of its illustrious exponents enriched it with their immortal compositions and elevated it to dizzy heights of perfection are brought into sharp focus. The mysteries and misconceptions engulfing it are dispelled by an elucidation of four important parts (angas): Sur Adhaya (Law of tones), Tala Adhaya (law of Rhythm), Ast Adhaya (law of Musical Instruments) and Raga Adhaya (Law of Tunes). Its connexion with astrology and the exploits of some of its legendary masters are narrated to reveal the power of the Ragas and Raginis to transport the listeners to that haven of enchantment where nature and time stand still. The illustrations serve as foils to the text. All those interested in Indian Music will find this book an excellent introduction for further study.

The collection of essays by Ananda Coomaraswamy on Indian art and culture and other themes, published under the title The Dance of Shiva reflect the many-sided genius of this great savant. The fourteen essays in this collection critically deal with aspects of Indian ethos, art and aesthetics, philosophy, music and Indian women besides essays on Indian and Western and ancient and contemporary themes. Coomaraswamy's discussion on these wide-ranging themes with his mastery of the original source material bear the stamp of his understanding and thorough analysis. In the essay 'What has India contributed', Coomaraswamy has discussed the application of Brahmanical religious philosophy to the problems of sociology. In his words: 'the essential contribution of India is her Indianness.' He aptly sums up the fundamental quality of Indian music when he says that Indian music is essentially impersonal and a purely melodic art with elaborate grace. His essays 'Indian images with many arms' is an answer to the critics of Indian art wherein he has tried to show that what appears bizarre to an Occidental mind is because of lack of familiarity with Indian art traditions and not a sincere attempt to evaluate the works of art on own merits. His thoughts on diverse theme like 'Intellectual fraternity', Cosmopolitan view of Nietzsche', 'Young India' and 'Individuality, autonomy and function' show his awareness to contemporary situation and ideas. The present collection of essays epitomizes Coomaraswamy's greatness and should prove to be of sustained interest and permanent value to all interested in understanding of Indian art and ethos. Printed Pages: 196 with 34 illustrations.
About the Author:
Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy, the greatest among the Indian art historian, was born in Colombo on August 22,1877. After graduating from the University of London, he became the Director of the Mineralogical Survey of Ceylon. Between 1906 and 1917, when he joined as the Curator of Indian art and formed societies for the study of Indian art. In 1938, he became the Chairman of National committee for India's Freedom. His contributions on Indian philosophy, religion, art and iconography, painting and literature are of the greatest importance as were his contributions on music, science and Islamic art. He died on September 9, 1947.

The Author
The author has received traditional training of Kathak from Guru Pandit Kalyandas Mahant and Pandit Ramlal Bereth of Raigarh Gharana. She obtained institutional training in Lucknow Gharana from Prof. P.D. Ashirwadam and Prof. Mandawi Singh. She received Hindustani vocal training under the guidance of Prof. Veena Vishwaroop. Acquired traditional learning of Hindustani Sangeet Shastra Parampara from Prof. Premlata Sharma.
She was awarded Junior & Senior Research Fellowship for her doctoral work “Kathak Nritya Ke Pariprekshya me Nayika Bhed” and Senior Fellowship of Ministry of Culture for Post-doctoral work on “Kathak Nrityaki Aitihasic Avadharana ka Punarmulyankan”.
Served as guest faculty in the Department of Kathak Dance for over ten years at Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh (CG).
She completed tenure as Director, Kathak Kendra, New Delhi from Oct 2009 to Nov 2013. Publications
Kathak Kalpadruma in 2002. (Revised edition in press)
Gujarati work on music “Sangita Kaladhara” in 2006, by Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi. (Assisted Dr. Anil Beohar in abridged translation)
Nayika Bhed in Kathak in 2009.
KathakkaItihaas: Lakshya-Lakshan Parampara Adharit Adhyayan, with SNA, New Delhi for publication.

- Author : Mandavi Singh
- Edition : 1990
- Language :English
- Size & Pages :Size 26 cm, pp. 224, Illus., 1990
- Publisher : Swati Publications
- Format : Hardbound

"Hailed as a Shakespearean play, written a few centuries before shakespeare, Sudraka's Mrichchhakatika is one of the most significant Sanskrit dramas for more than a few reasons. Set in the ancient city of Ujjayani, Mrichchhakatika is ""rife with romance, comedy, intrigue and a political subplot detailing the overthrow of the city's despotic ruler by a shepherd, [and] is notable among extant Sanskrit drama for its focus on a fictional scenario rather than on a classical tale or legend. Mrichchhakatika also departs from the traditions enumerated in the Natyashastra that specify that dramas should focus on the alives of the nobility and instead incorporates a large number of middle and lower-caste characters who speak a wide range of Prakrit dialects."" Much celebrated in the West because of its plot structure, following several successful nineteenth century translations and stage adaptations, Mrichchhakatika remains the prominent drama in Sanskrit, widely translated, adapted and performed internationally.
This volume includes the text translated by M. R. Kale along with relevant background essays and criticism, to enable students of literature to understand the long tradition of theater in India on one hand; and on the other, its subsequent negotiations with the West, traversing, accommodating, negotiating and becoming what we call Modern Indian Drama today."

Two women wait for him at two different ends of the crossroads. He knows which path is his, but he can’t walk that path till he has attended to the other.
One perfect couple. An obsessed seductress. A bharatnatyam show in Manhattan, New York. One hell of a love story.
Raj Shekhar Subramanian and Manasi, both Bharatanatyam dancers, are made for each other. Till an obsessed fan, Vatsala Pandit, enters their lives, testing the man’s character and his wife’s patience. But then why does Manasi invite Vatsala to her Bharatanatyam show, for a dance of passion with her husband—the very man Vatsala wants to take from her? Why did Shekhar agree to take in Vatsala as his student in the first place?
This singular love story deftly explores the many facets of love—mutual trust, obsessiveness, the arrogance of passion, the need for self-fulfillment , the yearning for the beloved, and the complexity of modern relationships.
Koral Dasgupta is an author, columnist, academic and amateur painter. She runs a boutique storytelling platform,, which hosts short stories and poems written by people from all walks of life, across the world. Koral is also an advisory member for Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) Mumbai. She teaches Marketing Management to postgraduate students, branding and consumer behaviour being her focal areas. Rasia: The Dance of Desire is her third book.
Koral is based in Mumbai, India.
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