Patachitra Paintings
Patachitra Paintings
32 products

- Product Code :731
- Material :Tussar silk
- Size :12" x 18" (painted Area)
Lord Krishna in his childhood used to be very naughty like hundreds other children. He had a strong liking for butter. He along with his friends used to steal butter because of his strong liking for the milk-product. But despite this all the Gopis in Vraj (place in India where Krishna grew up) loved him. It is said that Krishna would steal the butter, that the Gopis would prepare. The Gopis would keep complaining to Yashoda (Krishna's foster mother) that Krishna steals their butter and breaks their urns full of water. One day Yashoda got very angry with Krishna and ran after him. But she could not catch him. You know why? Because while she was running after Krishna, his back was towards her. And the back stands for all the wrong things. So that means that if you are running after the wrong things in life, you will not be able to catch Krishna.

- Product Code :5443
- Material :Folk Art Paata Painting on Patti (cotton and paper togather)
- Size :25"H X 40"W

- Product Code :5449
- Material :Folk Art Paata Painting on Tussar Silk Fabric
- Size :44"H x 29.50"W

- Product Code :5445
- Material :Folk Art Paata Painting on Patti (cotton and paper togather)
- Size :25"H x 40"W

- Product Code :5437
- Material :Folk Art Paata Painting on Patti (cotton and paper togather)
- Size :13"H x 19"
In this folk art Paata Painting on Patti (cotton and paper togather), Lord Krishna is nicely depicted playing his immortal tune in his flute even as two gopis taking care of the Lord. Whereas one lady is fanning him the other is offering him sweets. The iconic figure of the Lord is painted blue and even the cow is painted minutely. The borders of the painted are painted smartly with some spectacular floral designs.
Pata is a traditional painting of Odisha and is based on Hindu mythology and specially inspired by Jagannath and Vaishnava cult. All colours used in the paintings are natural and paintings are made fully old traditional way by Chitrakaras (Oriya painter). Pattachitra style of painting is one of the oldest and most popular art forms of Odisha. The term Pattachitra has evolved from the Sanskrit words patta, meaning canvas, and chitra, meaning picture. Pattachitra is thus a painting done on canvas, and is manifested by rich colourful application, creative motifs and designs, and portrayal of simple themes, mostly mythological in depiction. The painting the 'pattachitra' resemble the old murals of Odisha especially religious centres of Puri, Konark and Bhubaneshwar region, dating back to the 5th century BC. The hub of this genre of artwork is in and around Puri, especially in the village of Raghurajpur

- Product Code :3559
- Material :Tussar silk
- Size : 42" x 31"
A spectacular colour pattern and sharp and lines are manifest here as the mother goddess is trampling on Lord Shiva.
A very powerful goddess in Hinduism, Mahakali is the repository of the ferocious nature of power. Though lot of negative attributes are associated with this goddess, worshiping her helps us get rid of evil forces. She is wearing garland of human skulls and is holding a beheaded human head.
Kali is a Hindu goddess associated with eternal energy. Literally meaning 'black', but has by folk etymology come to mean 'force of time (kala)'. Despite her negative connotations, she is today considered the goddess of time and change. Although sometimes presented as dark and violent, her earliest incarnation as a figure of annihilation still has some influence.
Kali is represented as the consort of god Shiva, on whose body she is often seen standing. She is associated with many other Hindu goddesses like Durga, Bhadrakali, Sati, Rudrani, Parvati and Chamunda. She is the foremost among the Dasa-Mahavidyas, ten fierce Tantric goddesses.

- Product Code :3560
- Material :Tussar Silk
- Size : 30" x 18"

- Product Code :2138
- Material :Tussar silk
- Size : 29"H x 42"W
The beautiful Patachitra painting of Goddess Durga, the divine manifestation of power, is given a refine and detail treatment. The painting depicts the goddess killing the demon Mahishasur with her weapon. The goddess was born out of the combine forces of all gods in order to get rid of Mahishasur who wrought havoc on earth and heaven. On her ten hands, the goddess is carrying ten different weapons. Goddess Durga is one of the most popular goddesses in Hinduism and is worshipped with devotion.

- Product Code :5332
- Material :Tussar Silk
- Size :Painting: 16.75"H x 9.75"W, Passe partout: 20.25"H x 13"W
In this beautiful Pata painting, tussar silk is being used nicely to give a symmetrical impression. Here tree is being likened with a life. Pattachitra has evolved from the Sanskrit words patta, meaning canvas, and chitra, meaning picture. So patachitra is a painting on canvas and is manifested by rich colourful application, creative motifs and designs, and portrayal of simple themes, mostly mythological in character. The hub of this genre of artwork is in and around Puri, especially in the village of Raghurajpur. The tradition of pattachitra painting may be traced back to the time of construction of Lord Jagannath Temple. Chitrakaras are also called to execute colourful paintings on the three chariots for the annual Rath Yatra (Chariot festival). Raghurajpur is the hub for this unique art. Some other centres where this art form has flourished include Parlakhemundi, Champamal (Sonepur), Athgarh and Dinabandhupur (Dhenkanal). In local language the patta painters are known as chitrakars and the lane in which these painters or chitrakaras live is called Chitrakar Sahi.

- Product Code :5331
- Material :Tussar Silk
- Size :Painting: 17.50"H x 11.75"W, Passe partout: 19.75"H x 14.25"W
In this black pata painting, the painter has depicted the tree symbolising life in a most apt manner. Tusal silk is used to give the painting an appealing look. The leaves of the tree are most symmetrical and the overall painting is a real treat for eyes. Pattachitra has evolved from the Sanskrit words patta, meaning canvas, and chitra, meaning picture. So patachitra is a painting on canvas and is manifested by rich colourful application, creative motifs and designs, and portrayal of simple themes, mostly mythological in character. The hub of this genre of artwork is in and around Puri, especially in the village of Raghurajpur. The tradition of pattachitra painting may be traced back to the time of construction of Lord Jagannath Temple. Chitrakaras are also called to execute colourful paintings on the three chariots for the annual Rath Yatra (Chariot festival). Raghurajpur is the hub for this unique art. Some other centres where this art form has flourished include Parlakhemundi, Champamal (Sonepur), Athgarh and Dinabandhupur (Dhenkanal). In local language the patta painters are known as chitrakars and the lane in which these painters or chitrakaras live is called Chitrakar Sahi.

One of the main objectives of ISKCON is to promote the wellbeing of society by teaching the science of Krishna consciousness according to Bhagavad-Gita and other timeless Vedic scriptures.

- Product Code :1344
- Material :Patti Paper (Cotton and Paper Togather)
- Size :8"x6"
The beautiful painting of the Mother Goddess Durga killing the demon Mahishasur is given a fine portrayal by the artist. Derived from the Sanskrit words patta (a piece of cloth), chitra (painting or picture), Patachitra is a folk art form drawn on a piece of silk, cotton or any other fabric, portraying traditional motifs and imageries of religion and society. A number of floral designs add some sparks to the painting.

- Product Code :512
- Material :Patti Paper (Cotton and Paper Togather)
- Size :18"x11.75"
The fine painting of the temple of Lord Jagannath is a fine manifest of the rich traditions
Various parts of the temple have been painted with some fabulous line formations and vibrant colours. The origin and development of Patachitra paintings are inextricably linked with the Jagannath Cult. Each year, the painted wooden images of Jagannath, Balabhadra, and Shubhadra in the Jagannath temple of Puri are ritually given the holy bath. This cleansing leads to the discoloration of the images. Hence, they are removed from the 'garbha griha' (the Seat in the Temple) for repainting. During this period, the temple images are substituted for three paintings, depicting the holy trio, cloth, Chitra = painting). Originating as a ritual, the Patachitra has evolved as a distinct school of painting and is regarded today as one of the most cherished collectors' items.

- Product Code :732
- Material :Tussar silk
- Size :12" x 18" (painted Area)
The Patachitra painting of Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi riding on Garuda is being given a colourful treatment in the Patachitra painting. The Garuda is nicely painted in half human and half bird form. The lines and pattern of colours have been given a strong depiction in the painting. Lord Vishnu occupies a significant place in the Patachitra style of painting.

- Product Code :734
- Material :Tussar silk
- Size : 12" x 18" (painted Area)
Beautiful image of the Goddess Durga is being given a refine and colourful depiction in the Pata painting. Once one demon named Mahishasur wrought havoc on Heaven with his supernatural powers. So in order to get rid of the demon, the gods and goddesses created Durga specially to kill the demon. They gave all their energies to her and she ultimately managed to kill the demon. The painting shows the goddess killing the demon with her weapon. She represents the triumph of the good over the evil. The painting reveals some spectacular designs on it.

- Product Code :2128
- Material :Tussar silk
- Size : 32" x 19"
The spectacular Pata painting depicts the ferocious goddess Kali with some beautiful lines and carvings. On her two hands, the goddess is carrying different weapons and she is also carrying a beheaded figure seeping blood from it. The Goddess is depicted trampling over sleeping Shiva. The borders of the painting are nicely painted with natural colours and the background is quite attractive. Goddess Kali is a popular goddess especially in Bengal and it is believed that worshipping her helps us get rid of the evil forces.

- Product Code :2354
- Material :Tussar silk
- Size : 30" x 16"
The spectacular Pata painting depicts the existense of dual aspects in us: both feminine and masculine. In this beautiful Pata painting the God is depicted both masculine and feminine form. The concept of Ardhanariswar form of Lord Shiva shows the duality of existence in human being. Both the forces must come together for creation to take place. Patachitra, a spectacular painting in Orissa, was born out of the cult of God Jagannath, the presiding deity of Orissa temple. Spectacular pictorial conceptions, characteristic conventions and vibrant color patterns make the Patachitra a unique treasure in the rich coffer of Indian ethnic art. Primarily executed on cloth, using natural colors, these ethnic paintings have charmed admirers across the globe.

- Product Code :1345
- Material :Patti Paper (Cotton and Paper Togather)
- Size :8"x6"

- Product Code :1342
- Material :Patti Paper (Cotton and Paper Togather)
- Size :8"x6""
The Four handed God of dance is painted in his rhythmic motion. The Lord Shiva is one of the Trinity Gods in Hinduism and is responsible for destruction. The dancing form of Lord Shiva is a symbolic synthesis of the most important aspects of Hinduism, and the summary of the central tenets of the religion. The Lord is the King of Dancers and it is perfect image of the activity of God. In a unified and dynamic composition expressing the rhythm and harmony of life, Lord Shiva is shown with four hands represent the four cardinal directions. He is dancing, with his left foot elegantly raised and the right foot on a prostrate figure. The upper left hand holds a flame, the lower left hand points down to the dwarf, who is shown holding a cobra. The upper right hand holds an hourglass drum that stands for the male-female vital principle, the lower shows the gesture of assertion. Snakes that stand for egotism are seen uncoiling from his arms, legs, and hair, which is braided and bejewelled. His matted locks are whirling as he dances within an arch of flames representing the endless cycle of birth and death. On his head is a skull, symbolic of his conquest over death.

- Product Code :603
- Material :Tussar silk
- Size :11.50" x 17.50"
An epitome of tremendous force and energy, the female goddess Mahakali is being depicted dancing over the sleeping Shiva. The Goddess is wearing the garlands of human skulls and her black figure and the bulging lip show an element of awe and ferocity. The sleeping Shiva symbolizes ignorance as surrounds our life. Her body is painted black and every part of the body is being given a detail and refine treatment. She represents the darker side of human beings and worshipping her protects us from the evil forces. The painting has some spectacular floral designs on it. There is an interesting story about how Shiva stops Kali from her frenzy. In Kali's most famous myth, Durga and her assistants, the Matrkas, wound the demon Raktabija. But with every blood that is spilt from Raktabija, the demon reproduces a copy of himself. The battlefield becomes increasingly filled with his duplicates. Durga, in dire need of help, summons Kali to combat the demons. Kali destroys Raktabija by suckling the blood from his body and putting the many Raktabija duplicates in her gaping mouth. An overjoyed Kali starts dancing on the battlefield, stepping on the corpses of the slain. Her consort Shiva lies among the dead beneath her feet. Kali, becoming drunk on the blood of her victims on the battlefield, dances with destructive frenzy. In her fury she fails to see the body of her husband Shiva who lies among the corpses on the battlefield. Ultimately the cries of Shiva attract Kali's attention, calming her fury. As a sign of her shame at having disrespected her husband in such a fashion, Kali sticks out her tongue and stops her frenzy.

- Product Code : 3027
- Material : Patti paper (cotton and paper together)
- Size : 19" x 13" Inch
Patachitra is a popular style of painting in Orissa. In this spectacular painting, Lord Vishnu is painted as Matsya. The Puranas speak of the ten avataars of Vishnu.
According to Puranas, before the creation of the universe, the four Vedas (the holy books delivered from the mouth of the Supreme-God) remained drowned in deep waters. It was necessary to get hold of them to instruct Brahma about the work of Creation. Vishnu was therefore appointed to bring up the Vedas from the deep, so he took the form of a fish, Matsya, to descend into the waters and rescue the sacred books.
Lord Vishnu asked a sage to collect samples of all species and wait in a boat. The golden fish then dragged the boat through the great flood and enabled Brahma to start creation again.
According to another legend, a demon once stole the four Vedas and hid them under the sea. Vishnu assumed the Matsya incarnation and retrieved the Vedas back and then restored them to their original fragrance.
Lord Vishnu, one of the Trinity Gods in Hinduism, is responsible for the preservation of the universe. In order to preserve the universe from any impending catastrophe, He took various incarnations. These incarnations detail the divine help extended by Lord Vishnu during various stages of human evolution, by appearing on earth in different forms. These incarnations are said to demonstrate that divinity re-establishes Dharma or righteousness and destroys injustice from time to time, by appearing on earth in various incarnations.

- Product Code :3029
- Material :Patti paper (cotton and paper togather)
- Size : 19" x 13"
He is playing his flute behind the tree as the cow grazes. In His incarnation as Krishna, Lord Vishnu destroyed a number of demons employed to eliminate child Krishna. He killed Kansa, the notorious tyranny ruler, who was also Krishna's maternal uncle. Lord Vishnu, one of the Trinity Gods in Hinduism, is responsible for the preservation of the universe. In order to preserve the universe from any impending catastrophe, He took various incarnations. These incarnations detail the divine help extended by Lord Vishnu during various stages of human evolution, by appearing on earth in different forms. These incarnations are said to demonstrate that divinity re-establishes Dharma or righteousness and destroys injustice from time to time, by appearing on earth in various incarnations.

- Product Code :3018
- Material :Patti Paper (Cotton and Paper Togather)
- Size : 19" x 13"
Lord Vishnu, one of the Trinity Gods in Hinduism, is responsible for the preservation of the universe. In order to preserve the universe from any impending catastrophe, He took various incarnations. These incarnations detail the divine help extended by Lord Vishnu during various stages of human evolution, by appearing on earth in different forms. These incarnations are said to demonstrate that divinity re-establishes Dharma or righteousness and destroys injustice from time to time, by appearing on earth in various incarnations. In this spectacular Pata painting the Lord is taking the form of Kalki, his tenth incarnation, that is yet to happen. It is believed that he would come on a horseback and will rescue the people from great deluge.

- Product Code :3019
- Material :Patti Paper (Cotton and Paper Togather)
- Size : 19" x 13"
The beautiful Patachitra painting of Lord Buddha, the Apostle of Non-violence and Truth, is given a refine and elegant touch. He is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, one of the Trinity Gods in Hinduism and is held in high esteem. Gautam Buddha gave up the lap of luxury and after a severe penance could find out the Absolute Truth. He found a panacea for all worldly ills. Here he is wearing a white drapery. Patachitra is a popular genre of ethnic painting in Orissa and was born out of the cult of God Jagannath, the presiding deity of Orissa temple. Spectacular pictorial conceptions, characteristic conventions and vibrant color patterns make the Patachitra a unique treasure in the rich coffer of Indian ethnic art. Primarily executed on cloth, using natural colors, these ethnic paintings have charmed admirers across the globe.
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