Religious Places
Religious Places
8 products

Language : English
Size & Pages : Size 26 cm, pp. xvi, 184, Illus., 1978
Publisher : Agam Kala Prakashan
Format : Hardbound

- Product Code: BK14177
- Publisher : Indica Books
- Edition : December 1, 1999
- Pages : 78
- Weight : 500 gm.
- Size : 11 x 9 x 0.5 inches
- Cover : Paperback
- Auther : G. Gol
- Language : English
- ISBN-13: 978-8186569146
ASIN: 8186569146
“Marco Pallis was at once an incomparable authority on Buddhism, especially in its Tibetan form, a defender and protector of the Tibetan tradition in the West since the tragedies of 1951, a lover of nature and a mountain climber who first encountered Tibetan Buddhism while climbing Himalayan peaks in the 1920s, a profound student of other religions, especially Christianity, and a very accomplished musician. All of these concerns of Pallis are reflected in A Buddhist Spectrum, whose themes are woven together by the principles of tradition and, more particularly, by Buddhism. It is a Buddhist work on both religion as such and religions in their multiplicity, presented in a contemporary but traditional language. A major characteristic of the book is that it is concerned with the reality of Buddhism and not just a theoretical analysis of its ideas. A Buddhist Spectrum is a wise book while being thoroughly reliable from a scholarly point of view.
A Buddhist Spectrum is at once one of the most readable works on Buddhism and a major work on comparative religion and living spirituality. It is the fruit of the thoughts and meditations of a man whose authoritative exposition during several decades of religious questions in general and Buddhism in particular, especially in its Tibetan form, have had a profound influence upon many scholars and practitioners of religion in both East and West.”
—Seyyed Hossein Nasr, George Washington University
“For insight, and the beauty insight requires if it is to be effective, I find no writer on Buddhism surpassing him.”
– Huston Smith, Univesity of California Berkaley

- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Rana P.B Singh, Pravin S. Rana
- Cover : Paperback
- Edition : January 1, 2006
- Pages : 401
- Weight : 550 gm.
- Size : 8.4 x 5.6 x 0.9 inches
- Language : English
- ISBN-13 : 978-8186569245
- ISBN-10 : 8186569243
- Product Code : BK14187
This book is the first compendium of cultural sites in and around Varanasi. It covers a very wide range of places and subjects and provides a huge quantity of information, being a veritable small encyclopaedia of the Banaras region.
The first section includes Setting, Historical background, Religious landscape, Cosmogony, Festivities, Riverside landscape, and seven detailed Area walks along the ghats and the old city. There are also sections on the cosmic circuit of Panchakroshi, Ramanagar, Sarnath, the Jain places, the Muslim sacredscapes, and the rural landscape.
The second section “Around Banaras” covers the sites lying at less than 80 km, like Chunar and its medieval fort; Ahraura, with an Ashokan inscription; Lekhania, having pre-historic rock paintings; Vindhyachal, the Goddess’s area; Kaithi, an ancient Shiva temple; Shitala Dham, a site of a folk goddess; Jakhini, the site of a pre-Aryan goddess; Bhadohi, a centre of carpet weaving; Sitamarhi, a site of Puranic antiquity; Jaunpur with its important Muslim monuments; Chandraprabha and Kaimur Wild life sanctuaries.
The third part covers the places in the range of 100-300 km, like: Allahabad, the city of the Kumbha Mela festival; Ayodhya, the place of Sri Rama; Chitrakut, Lord Rama’s halting site; Khajuraho, the city of lived monuments; Banvasi Seva Ashram, an NGO; Mundeshvari, a seventh century goddess temple; Sasaram, with a sixteenth century royal tomb; Ballia and Sonepur, sites of sacred bath and cattle fairs; Varanasi to Vaishali by road — via Ballia, Sonepur and Hajipur; Deo and Madanpur, the twelfth century Sun temples; Gaya the City of Ghostscape; Baijanath Dham, city of Shiva.
Rana P. B. Singh is professor in the Dept. of Geography, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, and Founding President, Society of Heritage Planning & Environmental Health.
Pravin S. Rana is a visiting faculty in the Dept. of History of Art & Tourism Management, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.

- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Rana P.B. Singh
- Cover : Hardcover
- Edition : January 1, 2009
- Pages : 457
- Weight : 650 gm.
- Size : 8.5 x 5.2 x 1.1 inches
- Language : English
- ISBN-13 : 978-8186569856
- ISBN-10 : 8186569855
- Product Code : BK14188
This book describes various facets of geography, history and heritage of Varanasi, the heritage city of India, on/about which a vast historical literature is available. The section on Geography covers the general background of the topography, climate, soils, vegetation, and human landscape. The History section gives a general brief outline of history, from the ancient to the modern, including a chronological chart. The issue of inscribing the heritagescapes, especially of the riverfront ghats, on the line of UNESCO Heritage criteria, has also been fully described.
The Bibliography, by far the most complete up to day, contains 1,276 entries classified into 16 groups: Books, mostly in English; Research papers & essays; Persian works; Urdu sources; Sanskrit sources; Books/articles in Hindi; Marathi sources; Bengali sources; Published reports/ Government documents; Electronic publications; Films (English); Japanese sources; Unpublished dissertations; Unpublished reports; Unpublished reports (Varanasi: Inscribing Heritage Zones for WHL UNESCO); Unpublished (Undergraduate) fieldwork projects.
This book will serve as a major resource for Banaras studies, urban history, cultural geography, and heritage studies, and can also be used as model frame for similar heritage cities in other parts of the world.
About Author:
Prof. Rana P.B. Singh (b. 1950), PhD (1974), Professor of Cultural Geography & Heritage Studies since January 1999 at Banaras Hindu University, has been involved in studying, performing and promoting heritage planning, sacred geography and cultural astronomy, pilgrimage studies, eco-tourism and development in the Varanasi region for the last three decades, as consultant, project director, collaborator and organiser. He is widely recognized as one of the main authorities on the city of Banaras.

- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Dilip Kumar
- Cover : Hardcover
- Edition : September 10, 2014
- Pages : 220
- Weight : 650 gm.
- Size : 8.3 x 5.4 x 0.5 inches
- Language : English
- ISBN-13 : 978-8186117187
- ISBN-10 : 8186117180
- Product Code : BK14189
Banaras: Cosmic Space of Life, Light and Twilight presents a short survey of a unique city which can be seen as various dimensions — A place of oldest civilization, A kingdom of Hindu pilgrimage, the River Ganga, A Centre for Oriental and Sanskrit studies, etc. It gives useful quantity of information and insight on the city, its history, culture; daily activities of typical inhabitants of Banaras and many more. As other tourist points located in other parts in India or the world are very much visible, in Kashi/Varanasi/Banaras people need to dive deep into its occult ocean of knowledge for true experience of ever vibrant settlement on this planet. No matter it is fade out or luminous. Enjoy Banaras!
About Author:
Dilip Kumar heretically the inhabitant of Kashi studied in Banaras Hindu University presently running a prestigious bookshop in Varanasi. Proud to say that his greatest grandfather’s family have been building contractors and helped making many of Grand Mansions and Forts in those times for those kings and Royal families of Banaras by bringing stones and boulders from Chunar mountains.

- Publisher : Indica Books
- By : Richard Lannoy
- Cover : Hardcover
- Edition : 2002
- Pages : 419
- Weight : 650 gm.
- Size : 8.6 x 5.7 x 1.3 inches
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 8186569251
- ISBN-13 : 978-8186569252
- Product Code : BK14190
This major contribution to the study of urban culture, first published in 1990 as the magnificent photographic book Benares Seen from Within, is now issued in a more accessible format, its text substantially revised.
This book is the most inclusive presentation of this extraordinary city ever attempted. It is the fruit of a lifelong interest in Benares from 1953 until the present day by an author well known for his unusual combination of reflective thought, scholarship and poetic sensibility.
Lannoy shows how the populace of Benares lives within a historical environment spanning at least three millennia of continuous habitation. Though now beset with all the characteristic urban ills of the age, it is arguably the oldest living city in the world to retain its original cosmic orientation. A centre of learning since antiquity, its way of life has not essentially changed until the last few years.
The variety and range of themes is remarkable. Lannoy explains the metaphysical substructure of the city orgazised as a microcosm of the universe. He shows how the extremely ancient cults of the pillar and the sun-wheel survive and continue to underpin the society’s ritual calendar in unbroken continuity for millennia, and gives a vivid account of how the Buddha’s life and teaching two thousand five hundred years ago had a profound influence on Benares. The city’s association with Yoga as well as with thriving commerce and weaving, the location of the uniquely central burning ghat — all under the aegis of Shiva and Kala Bhairava — the importance to the city’s economy of the pilgrim trade, are shown here to foster a distinctive blend of spirituality and worldliness.
Lannoy’s survey extends right up to the present, with a searching critique of the city’s troubled history of conflict between Hindus and Muslims, the politicization of the crisis between religion and secularism, and a lively account of leading personalities from Shankara to Kabir and Tulsidas, Gandhi and Anandamayi Ma. Lannoy has pondered deeply over a lifetime the significance of this venerable city, infusing these pages with the sagacity of lived experience.
Illustrated with many photographs by the author.
About Author:
Richard Lannoy is the author of several books on India, including The Speaking Tree: A Study of Indian Culture and Society, published by Oxford University Press in 1971 and still in print in India. He was on the founding staff of the ICA, London (1950-52), where he set up a celebrated forum, the Independent Group. He became a freelance photographer working for various international magazines, and on assignment for United Nations to the Palestinian refugee camps in Gaza (1952). He became seriously interested in India back in 1947, but began his work there, and particularly in Benares, in 1953, and on several subsequent visits until 1960, returning again in the Eighties, but completing his magnum opus on Benares in 1999. His thinking on Benares has never ceased for close on half a century, despite the infrequency of opportunities to reside there. He lives in Bath, and equally regards his work as author, photographer and painter as ways to advance a holistic view of life.

- Publisher : Sri Ramanasramam
- by : Francoise Boudignon
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2016
- Pages : 64
- Weight : 550gm.
- Size :
- ISBN-10: 8182882478
- ISBN-13: 978-8182882478
It describes the main components of the Tiruvannamalai Festival along with the beliefs that underlie them from a pilgrim’s perspective. Tiruvannamalai, a pilgrimage centre for centuries, found a new steam when it got associated with the name of Sri Ramana Maharshi.
The South Indian town of Tiruvannamalai, in recent times associated with the great sage Ramana Maharshi, has, for more than a thousand years, been a major pilgrimage centre for devotees of Lord Siva. Its major festival, occurring between mid-November and mid-December, attracts hundreds of thousands of devotees. In this charming and beautifully-illustrated account, Françoise Boudignon, the author, describes the main components of the festival along with the beliefs that underlie them. The story unfolds through the eyes of a family of peasants who journey from their village to attend the ten-day event. A wide spectrum of Hindu customs, practices and beliefs unfold as the family explores the wonders and the traditions of their ancient culture.
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