Shiva Brass Statues


Shiva Brass Statues

153 products

Lord Shiva is Need a sculpture of Lord Shiva, try one from our collection, you will find a verity brass sculptures of the popular Hindu God in various sizes & finishes, whether it is for your own temple altar or for gifting purpose surely you can find one that suits your budget.
Showing 1 - 24 of 153 products
Shiv Parivar Brass Wall Plaque 11.50"
Shiv Parivar Brass Wall Plaque 11.50"


  • Product Code: 5244
  • Material: Brass
  • Size: 11.50"H x 8"W
  • Weight: 2.250 kg.


    Shiva Gana Virabhadra - Brass Head Antique Finished 8.50"Shiva Gana Virabhadra - Brass Head Antique Finished 8.50"
    Shiva Gana Virabhadra - Brass Head Antique Finished 8.50"


    • Product Code :B5204
    • Material :Brass
    • Size :8.50"H x 6.50"W x 6.10"D
    • Weight :3.770 kg.


      The beautiful brass figure of Lord Shiva, one of the Trinity Gods in Hinduism, is given a refine and detail touch with every part of the small and stout figure receiving minute treatment from the sculptor. The eyes of the Lord, his prominent moustache, forehead, ears, long ear rings –all are being treated with minute detail. His curly hair is also nicely carved. Lord Shiva is responsible for the destruction of creation. But it also has a positive aspect as the destruction of evil forces is the prelude to a new beginning.

      Nandi Carrying Shivalinga Protected by Hodded SerpentNandi Carrying Shivalinga Protected by Hodded Serpent
      Nandi Carrying Shivalinga Protected by Hodded Serpent


      • Product Code :B6498
      • Material :Brass
      • Size :8"H x 5.25"W x 2.25"D
      • Weight :1.750 kg.


        In this beautiful brass figure Nandi is shown carrying Shivalinga protected by hooded-serpent. The figure of Nandi, the vehicle of Lord Shiva is given a resplendent touch. Nandi is the bull that served as the mount of Lord Shiva and as the gatekeeper of Shiva and Parvati. Nandi is the chief guru of eighteen masters (18 Siddhar) including Patanjali and Thirumular. Temples devoted to Lord Shiva display stone images of a seated Nandi, generally facing the main shrine. Therefore Nandi is the protector of the temple. There are also a number of temples dedicated exclusively to Nandi. Lord Shiva is one of the most powerful deities and is responsible for the destruction of the universe. But this destruction became necessary as it is the prelude to a new beginning. He is the Supreme Consciousness that illuminates the three states of waking, dreaming and deep sleep. Offering the threefold bilva leaves to the Shivalinga heralds the return to a level of consciousness beyond the three states, which is the fourth state, turiya. The dawning of that state is consonant with the awakening of the individual.

        Mediating Lord Shiva Shankar Brass Sculpture 8"Mediating Lord Shiva Shankar Brass Sculpture 8"
        Mediating Lord Shiva Shankar Brass Sculpture 8"


        • Product Code :6258
        • Material :Brass
        • Size :8"H x 6.75"W x 2.75"D
        • Weight :2.520 Kg.


          The spectacular brass figure of mediating Lord Shiva Shankar reveals a deep sense of devotion and piety. The Lord is in deep meditation and his eyes are closed. The entire body is finely carved. The snake, the rudraksha garland, his hair, face –all are minutely treated. Lord Shiva is one of the all-powerful Trinity Gods in Hindu pantheon—the other two being Lord Brahma, responsible for the creation of the Universe and Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe. Lord Shiva is responsible for the destruction of the evil forces. Such a destruction leads to a new beginning. He is worshiped across the country.

          Lord Shiva Mahadev 9.75"Lord Shiva Mahadev 9.75"
          Lord Shiva Mahadev 9.75"


          • Product Code :5268
          • Material :Brass
          • Size :9.75"H x 6.75"W x 4.50"D
          • Weight :2.600 Kg



            Brass Shivalingam and NandiBrass Shivalingam and Nandi
            Brass Shivalingam and Nandi


            • Product Code: B6806
            • Material: Brass
            • Size: 3.94"H x 3.94"W x 1.78"D
            • Weight: 355 gm.


              Expression of The Nondual- God ArdhanareshwaraExpression of The Nondual- God Ardhanareshwara
              Expression of The Nondual- God Ardhanareshwara


              • Product Code :1218
              • Material :Brass
              • Size : 12"H x 5"W
              • Weight : 3.800 kg.


                Lord Shiva has been depicted in a most graceful manner. It’s a depiction of the husband as a part of the wife, the better half. The ultimate reality is conceived as the divine unity of Shakti (Divine Feminine) and the Shiva (Divine Masculinity). They are one, they are all, they are god. The male side is depicted with his hair matted and piled in the manner of an ascetic. Lord Shiva wears a leopard skin around His waist and a garland of freshly severed heads around His neck. Serpents coil around His arm, neck, and ankle.
                The female side wears a sari and other feminine attire. There are frequently tracings of henna on Her hands and feet. Parvati's mount, a tiger is seen behind her, and Nandi the bull, Shiva's vehicle, behind Him.

                Brahma Vishnu Mahesh 'Trimurti' 9.5"Brahma Vishnu Mahesh 'Trimurti' 9.5"
                Brahma Vishnu Mahesh 'Trimurti' 9.5"


                • Product Code :3870
                • Material :Brass
                • Size :9.50"H x 10.25"W x 4.25"D
                • Weight :4.250 kg.



                  Standing Lord Shiva & ParvatiStanding Lord Shiva & Parvati
                  Standing Lord Shiva & Parvati


                  • Product Code :B6575
                  • Material :Brass
                  • Size :8.25" H 6" W x 4.50" D
                  • Weight :3.500 Kg.


                    The Prime Cause of Creation 'Lord Ardhanarishwara'The Prime Cause of Creation 'Lord Ardhanarishwara'
                    The Prime Cause of Creation 'Lord Ardhanarishwara'


                    • Product Code :3339
                    • Material :Brass
                    • Size : 18.25"H x 7.75"W x 6"D
                    • Weight :9.300 kg.


                      The spectacular brass figure of the Lord Shiva as Ardhnariswar is given a prolific treatment with some beautiful carvings. Lord Shiva is here carved as Ardhnariswar (the right side being Shakti and the left side Shiva). Lord Shiva as the Ardhnariswar represents the existence of duality of men and women in us, the prime cause of creation. It symbolizes that the union of man and woman leads to creation. One of the most-worshipped gods in Hinduism, Lord Shiva is one of the Trinity Gods, the other two being Lord Vishnu and Brahma. Lord Shiva is generally associated with the destruction of the universe. But destruction should also be viewed as the immediate prelude to regeneration as well.

                      Shivaling Protected by Divine Serpents
                      Shivaling Protected by Divine Serpents


                      • Product Code :3885
                      • Material :Brass
                      • Size :4.75"H x 5.50"W x 3.50"D
                      • Weight :840 gm.



                        Natraja Shiva Brass StatueNatraja Shiva Brass Statue
                        Natraja Shiva Brass Statue


                        • Product Code :B5927
                        • Material :Brass
                        • Size :5.25" H x 4.25" W x 1.75" D
                        • Weight :320 gm.



                          Meditating Dhyani Lord Shiva Antiquated Statue 7.75"Meditating Dhyani Lord Shiva Antiquated Statue 7.75"
                          Meditating Dhyani Lord Shiva Antiquated Statue 7.75"


                          • Product Code :7844
                          • Material :Brass
                          • Size :7.75"H x 6.75"W x 2.50"D
                          • Weight :1.270 Kg.



                            Nataraja Shiva - Brass Statue 8"Nataraja Shiva - Brass Statue 8"
                            Nataraja Shiva - Brass Statue 8"


                            • Product Code :425
                            • Material :Brass
                            • Size :8" x 6.75"W x 2.30D
                            • Weight :1.066 kg.


                              The brass statue of Nataraj Shiva is treated in a nice way with all parts of the body receiving equal treatment. Nataraj, the dancing form of Lord Shiva, is a symbolic synthesis of the most important aspects of Hinduism. The term 'Nataraj' means 'King of Dancers' (Sanskrit nata = dance; raja = king). According to art critic Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Nataraj is the "clearest image of the activity of God which any art or religion can boast of…A more fluid and energetic representation of a moving figure than the dancing figure of Shiva can scarcely be found anywhere."

                              Mediating Lord Shiva FigurineMediating Lord Shiva Figurine
                              Mediating Lord Shiva Figurine


                              • Product Code :B6405
                              • Material :Brass
                              • Size :6.75"H x 4.50"W x 3"D
                              • Weight :1.320 kg.


                                Lord Shiva is here shown meditating on a tiger skin. His trident and dambaru are also depicted. His eyes are half closed. Lord Shiva is the ultimate reality; he is both Yogeshwara (Supreme deity of all yoga paths) and Yogishwara (the Master and teacher of all Great yogis). The supreme bliss (ananda) is the essential nature of Lord Shiva, who is also the Universal Self. It is the Lord’s nature to dwell in his own bliss. Lord Shiva is static and his dynamic power is Devi Parvathi. So, he sits and meditates. He carries out various activities through his power, i.e. Devi Parvati. Lord Shiva contemplates on Shivoham (I am Shiva)or Soham (He is I) mantra.

                                Lord Shiva Shankar Brass StatueLord Shiva Shankar Brass Statue
                                Lord Shiva Shankar Brass Statue


                                • Product Code :B6403
                                • Material :Brass
                                • Size :5.30"H x 3.80"W x 3.10"D
                                • Weight :1.280 kg.


                                  Lord Shiva Shankar is here in a meditative posture. The figure is nicely treated with a minute touch. One of the Trinity Gods in Hinduism, Lord Shiva is responsible for the destruction of the order. But such a destruction also means a prelude to a fresh beginning. He is also called Neelkanth. According to the scriptures, during churning of the milky ocean, the poison or 'Halahal' also came out of the ocean which terrified the Gods and Demons. It was so toxic that it might have destroyed all of creation. Lord Shiva then came to rescue and swallowed the poison and held it in his throat. Lord Shiva therefore became 'Neelkanth'. The swallowing of poison could have burned the throat but keeping the Moon and the Ganges in the lock of hair soothed Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva is also known as Aashutosh (one fulfilling wishes instantly); Aja (unborn); Akshayaguna (God with limitless attributes); Anagha (without any fault); Anantadrishti (of infinite vision); Augadh (who revels all the time); Avyayaprabhu (imperishable Lord) and Bhairav (Lord Of terror)

                                  Golden Brass ShivalingGolden Brass Shivaling
                                  Golden Brass Shivaling


                                  • Product Code :B6802
                                  • Material :Brass
                                  • Size :1.98 "H x 1.96 "W x 0.98"D
                                  • Weight :150 gm.


                                    God Shiva Family Brass SculptureGod Shiva Family Brass Sculpture
                                    God Shiva Family Brass Sculpture


                                    • Product Code :B5955
                                    • Material :Brass
                                    • Size :8"H x 6"W x 3.75"D
                                    • Weight :3.300 Kg.



                                      Brass Statuette "Natarajan Shiva"
                                      Brass Statuette "Natarajan Shiva"


                                      • Product Code :3666
                                      • Material :Brass
                                      • Size : 9.25"H x8"W x 2.50"D
                                      • Weight :1.400 kg.


                                        The Nataraja is the depiction of Lord Shiva as the cosmic dancer. Lord Shiva performs this cosmic dance to destroy a weary universe and pave the way for Lord Brahma to start the process of new creation. As per some other legends, Lord Shiva performed this dance on the back of an Ashura named “Tripurari” to kill him and save the people from his atrocities.

                                        Auspicious Shiva Gangajali for Sacred Water
                                        Auspicious Shiva Gangajali for Sacred Water


                                        • Product Code :B6570
                                        • Material :Brass
                                        • Size :4" H x 3.50" W x 2.50" D
                                        • Weight :800 Gm.


                                          Here the auspicious Shiva Gangajali for sacred water is given a refine and detail touch. Gangajal or water from the sacred river Ganga is considered good for many purposes by the Hindus. Such water from the river Ganga is kept in a particular bottle and Ganga jal is sprinkled across the house. Gangajal is also required during any religious ritual, puja or other ceremony. It is believed that gangajal wards of evil spirits.

                                          Ardhnarishwara-Brass Statuette
                                          Ardhnarishwara-Brass Statuette


                                          • Product Code :428
                                          • Material :Brass
                                          • Size : 6.50"H x 5.50"W


                                            The beautiful brass image of Ardhnasiswar (Shiva and Parvati) has been sculpted out reveling some of the characteristics of Indian sculpture. A great degree of refinement and dazzling smoothness characterizes the magical figure that features the duality in human being. The right side of the figure is of Parvati and the left side is of Lord Shiva. The figure reveals some beautiful carvings on it.

                                            'Shiva Parivar' Lord Shiva with Family'Shiva Parivar' Lord Shiva with Family
                                            'Shiva Parivar' Lord Shiva with Family


                                            • Product Code :B5954
                                            • Material :Brass
                                            • Size :5.75"H x 4.10"W x 2.90"D
                                            • Weight :1.400 Kg.


                                              'Lord Dakshinamurti Shiva' Brass Statue'Lord Dakshinamurti Shiva' Brass Statue
                                              'Lord Dakshinamurti Shiva' Brass Statue


                                              • Product Code :3808
                                              • Material :Brass
                                              • Size : 12"H x 9.75"W x 7"D
                                              • Weight :5.900 kg.



                                                Brass Shiva Mahadev Sculpture (13.5 inch)Brass Shiva Mahadev Sculpture (13.5 inch)
                                                Brass Shiva Mahadev Sculpture (13.5 inch)


                                                • Product Code : 15621
                                                • Material : Brass
                                                • Size : 13.5"H x 8"W x 6.25"D
                                                • Weight : 6.650 kg.




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