Ganesha The Graceful

SKU: 50

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The Lord of wisdom, who is revered by all in Hinduism is relaxing after a sumptuous lunch. He is sitting on a huge conch and his vehicle the mouse is also sitting next to him. He raises one hand to bless the people of the world. Another hand holds his favorite dessert, while the other two are occupied with spiritual weapons. Rippling through the image wood's warm grain finds expression from artistic hands.


The Lord of wisdom, who is revered by all in Hinduism is relaxing after a sumptuous lunch. He is sitting on a huge conch and his vehicle the mouse is also sitting next to him. He raises one hand to bless the people of the world. Another hand holds his favorite dessert, while the other two are occupied with spiritual weapons. Rippling through the image wood's warm grain finds expression from artistic hands.

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