Short Stories

Short Stories

42 products

Showing 25 - 42 of 42 products
100 Worlds Greatest Short Stories
100 Worlds Greatest Short Stories
  • Publisher : Fingerprint Publishing
  • By : Various
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Language : English
  • Edition : 2019
  • Pages : 568
  • Weight : 300 gm
  • Size : 7.9 x 5.2 x 1.4 inches
  • ISBN-10 : 9388810546
  • ISBN-13 : 978-9388810548

The short story is one of the finest forms of writing. As short as a paragraph at times, or as lengthy as a novel, short stories are widely read and immensely lauded. Some of the most exceptional writers have dabbled in this form penning beautiful, unforgettable stories. In this carefully-crafted selection, we bring to you some of the greatest writers from around the world—their iconic storytellers from America, such as mark Twain, Kate Chopin, Virginia Woolf, the legendary Grimm brothers from Germany, to the lyrical Rabindranath Tagore from India, and the witty H H Munro from Britain. All these and many more remarkable people come together in this edition... And all have stories to tell. An anthology beginning with Aesop's fables—perhaps the first stories we come across ending with Virginia Woolf's Gothic, thrilling ‘the haunted house’, 100 world’s greatest short stories brings together stories short and sweet, descriptive and lengthy, and stories that can do anything telling a tale to hiding its narrator, from portraying the reality to diving into pure imagination are a must-read for every fiction lover.

A Noble Heritage : A Collection Of Short Stories Based On The Folklore Of Saurashtra
A Noble Heritage : A Collection Of Short Stories Based On The Folklore Of Saurashtra
  • Publisher : Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
  • By : Jhaverchand Meghani
  • Cover : Unknown Binding
  • Language : English
  • Edition : 2003
  • Pages : 113
  • Weight : 226 gm.
  • Size : 8.6 x 5.4 x 0.4 inches

The book is one of the three published by the Bhavan. The stories are based on chivalry, bravery and other values and are illustrated with sketches, truly representative of the folk art and the environment of the contemporary Saurashtra. Each story carries a map of Saurashtra showing the sites of these stories.
Thirteen stories titled 'Jatashankar, the village courier,', 'A gharasiya woman,' 'A deed', 'Hospitality' and others are included in this book. Jatashankar is a village courier who begins talking to a couple walking from one village to another at night. Dacoits attack them and he dies while protecting the woman. Her husband goes away but she commits sati on the pyre of Jatashankar, an acquaintance of just an hour or so because he fought for her honour. Stories like these which show the courage, the principles and the thinking of people of Saurashtra are told in this book.

Attagari kathalu (Telugu)
Attagari kathalu (Telugu)
  • Publisher : Sri Manasa Publications
  • By : Bhanumati Ramakrishna
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Language : English
  • Edition : 2014
  • Pages : 299
  • Weight : 390 g.
  • Size : 8.4 x 5.9 x 0.8 inches
Manto: Selected Short Stories
Manto: Selected Short Stories
  • Publisher : Random House, India
  • By : Sa'adat Hasan Manto
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Language : English
  • Edition : 2012
  • Pages : 200
  • Weight : 250 gm.
  • Size : 11.4 x 7.9 x 1.2 inches
  • ISBN-10: 8184001444
  • ISBN-13: 978-8184001440
Saadat Hasan Mantos first collection of stories was published in the 1940s, but his stories have an enduring relevance. Now read by more people than ever before, the simple clarity of his stories about marginalized people, his astute understanding of the complexity of human nature and the poignancy of his stories on Partition transcend spatial and temporal boundaries many of his characters are legendary and his taut narratives are a great source of insight into the human condition. Widely regarded as one of the greatest short-story writers of the Subcontinent, Manto is now, a hundred years after his birth, also acknowledged as one of the most powerful voices of his time. An enigma in his lifetime, and plagued by financial troubles, alcoholism and legal persecution in the last years of his life, he draws a posthumous wave of near-universal admiration. Aatish Taseers sensitive translation captures the lyricism and power of Mantos voice. Manto: Selected Stories, with two new stories, is a collection to be savoured by new readers and old fans of Manto alike.

About the Author

Saadat Hasan Manto has been called the greatest short-story writer of the Indian subcontinent. He was born in 1912 in Punjab and went on to become a radio and film-script writer, journalist, and short-story writer. His stories were highly controversial and he was tried for obscenity six times during his career. After Partition, Manto moved
to Lahore with his wife and three daughters. He died there in 1955. Aatish Taseer has worked as a reporter for Time and written for the Sunday Times, the Sunday Telegraph, the Financial Times, Prospect, TAR Magazine and Esquire. He is the author of Stranger to History: A Sons Journey through Islamic Lands (2009). His novel, The
Temple-Goers (2010) was shortlisted for the 2010 Costa First Novel Award. His second novel, Noon, was recently published. His work has been translated into over ten languages. He lives in London and in Delhi.
The Sun Does Not Set and Other Works
The Sun Does Not Set and Other Works
  • Publisher : Zen Publications
  • by : Shakuntala Hawoldar
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Language : English
  • Edition : 2013
  • Pages : 493
  • Weight : 670gm.
  • Size : 8.9 x 6 x 1.5 inches
  • ISBN-13: 978-9382788805
  • ASIN: 9382788808

‘Shakuntala Hawoldars writings are poignant renderings of human struggles and sufferings in a world dominated by power, ignorance, inequality, misfortunes and psychological frailties. Her rich vocabulary and her choice of syntax mesmerize the reader in a no-mind land where self-inquiry takes over your imagination. The light of hope for a better world and a better life is kindled if you allow yourself to be carried away by her writings and Being which is poured willingly on to every page. Imbued with a sincerity that rises like a fountain of water and falling into flames. The heart expands. It becomes light and fire. The womans heart is revealed, totally naked, in her poems. But a heart that wants to transfigure. Hers is the search for the Absolute. Malcolm de Chazal, acclaimed Mauritian writer and poet, in Advance newspaper Work of a rare genius: rare because non-alcoholic and sober, un-subjected to the tragic trickery of life and cheerful... A fascinating and intriguing balance of the Male and the Female. The latter enables clarity of vision and easy and pellucid flow of mysticism. Swami Venkatesenanda, disciple of Swami Sivananda and founder of the Divine Life Society, Mauritius

    Dicey Problem of New Age Science: Einstein, Hawking & God At The CasinoDicey Problem of New Age Science: Einstein, Hawking & God At The Casino
    Dicey Problem of New Age Science: Einstein, Hawking & God At The Casino
    • Publisher : Zen Publications
    • by : Dwaraknath Reddy
    • Cover : Paperback
    • Language : English
    • Edition : 2009
    • Pages : 189
    • Weight : 300gm.
    • Size : 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches
    • ISBN-10: 9384363502
    • ISBN-13: 978-9384363505

    Order flows from consistent laws. Our understanding of our universe is changing, but Reality behind it is unchanged. Einstein’s relativity amended Newtonian determinism, and was in turn amended by quantum mechanics. Einstein saw a harmonious advance in knowledge, and said, “God does not play dice”; but Stephen Hawking later saw a radical departure, and said, “God is a gambler”.
    This author, a deep student of philosophy with a moderate background of science, sees in these conflicting conclusions the inevitable distortion when “the relative” is projected on to “the Absolute.” Therefore he says, “Do not worry about God. He is not a visiting player like you and me, but the absolute owner of the casino. When He plays, His ieft hand picks up what His right hand loses, His status remains unaltered. We had better be looking out for ourselves.” The serious point made is that the Absolute includes and exceeds the time-space-causation frame of relativity, and these parameters cannot cross the border.
    The limitations must be clearly understood.
    “Time” of physics is enough to study kinetic processes but not to locate the creative potential. That requires “time” of our conscious awareness. But bio-science mistakes consciousness to be a product of brain-cells. In truth, consciousness is the energy, and brain is the equipment through which it manifests.
    Thus TIME is the Achilles’ heel of physics, and MIND is the Achilles’ heel of biology. The name of Reality is Total Consciousness. It is eternal, Death was never born, and life never died.

      A Little Bit of Nothingness: Eighty - One Observations on the Unnameable
      A Little Bit of Nothingness: Eighty - One Observations on the Unnameable
      • Publisher : Zen Publications
      • By : Karl Renz
      • Cover : Paperback
      • Language : English
      • Edition : 2015
      • Pages : 150
      • Weight : 210 gm.
      • Size : 8.1 x 5.4 x 0.4 inches
      • ISBN-10 : 9384363545
      • ISBN-13 : 978-9384363543

      The teachings of Karl Renz are a bit like Zen Koans — those short statements that stop the minds activity by contemplating their paradoxical meaning. But Karl takes you even further: pondering his words have the power to turn the mind back upon itself, toward our original awareness of Being.

      A Little Bit of Nothingness is a unique juxtaposition between the dialogues of Karl Renz and the eighty-one verses of the Tao Te Ching. Here, the reality of the Tao — the unnameable, original cause of all that is — has the potential to become evident as our own reality, by the deep insights provided through Karl.

      The search for happiness usually takes us on an outward journey where we find ourselves identifying with everything except "that which we truly are." What we really need is to taste a "a little bit of nothingness"— the absence of any kind of ideas that we have about ourselves.

      No one sees this as well as Karl Renz, the German mystic-artist who, for the last ten years, has travelled around the world pulling the rug out from under our hallowed beliefs, leaving us blissfully wanting even less.

      "Realization means that consciousness, which once was identified with an object, becomes boundry-less. It becomes conscious of being consciousness. But the Self is never realized nor not-realized. It is always prior to any ideas about enlightenment or non-enlightenment. Anything you can say about it is an idea."
        — Karl Renz

        Aah! The Light - From Contemplation to Transformation
        Aah! The Light - From Contemplation to Transformation
        • Publisher : Zen Publications
        • By : Shakuntala Hawoldar
        • Cover : Paperback
        • Language : English
        • Edition : 2015
        • Pages : 198
        • Weight : 270 gm.
        • Size : 5.5 x 2 x 8.5 inches
        • ISBN-10 : 9384363308
        • ISBN-13 : 978-9384363307

        If you are looking for an explosive book by some kind of nerd, delving into abstract symbols, or a spiritual pundit floating in a metaphysical haze, then this book is not meant for you.

        This is simply an extraordinary book by an ordinary woman who has enjoyed and suffered the dual, roller-coaster life of her daily grind.
        She now offers us her life experiences with a unique pair of lenses to see a different world orbiting in a parallel universe. This universe of sat-chit-anand (truth-consciousness-joy/bliss) or oneness has been revealed time and again by the masters and gurus who have escaped the snares of Maya or world as illusion. The author however, reminds us that the dual world where we are all born has sticky glue as its mysterious matrix. This matrix blinds us with our complex desires and tendencies which has taken us with our automated robotic mind bodies onto a push button escalator which has gone out of control.

        This hypnotic maya which emasculates our very thinking and distorts our brains makes us believe that what is not IS! Grappling with and perceiving what IS itself involves a jump in consciousness to a higher vantage point which is no easy feat.

        Self transformation which is the essence of this book is a break through to a new dimension. In this new approach we cannot have one set of ideas fighting with another set for supremacy because all of it constitutes conditioning and more conditioning. The real, however is hidden in our bodymind-layers and it will reveal its hidden splendour only when we break away from our robotic selves or egos.

        On the other hand if you are firmly ensconced in the invisible and hypnotic nets of samsara or maya then don't bother with the new horizons, which welcomes you as the land of light and love. Drop the book where you found it since self transformation is no cake walk!
        ffa kuntala Hawoldar was born in Bombay, India on September 15, 1944.

          Bhagavad Gita: The Ambrosial "Sat Song" of Sri KrishnaBhagavad Gita: The Ambrosial "Sat Song" of Sri Krishna
          Bhagavad Gita: The Ambrosial "Sat Song" of Sri Krishna
          • Publisher : Zen Publications
          • By : Sajohn Daverly
          • Cover : Paperback
          • Language : English
          • Edition : 2012
          • Pages : 395 
          • Weight : 120 gm.
          • Size : 5.8 x 1.1 x 9 inches
          • ISBN-10 : 8188071978
          • ISBN-13 : 978-8188071975

          Although Pandu’s son Arjuna was widely known as one who in combat could single-handedly fight and defeat 1,000 opposing warriors simultaneously, he was twice traumatized and brought to his knees on the battlefield of  Kurukshetra. The first time was upon seeing countless loved ones eager for bloodshed on both sides of the impending fray. The second was upon discovering that his own charioteer, a bosom friend since adolescence, could not only speak about the experience of awakening to one’s true nature, but could also provide the experience of beholding the infinite form of the one universal Self. Complete with word-for-word transliteration, this new presentation of  India’s timeless spiritual classic illuminates many subtle details which readers may find themselves either relishing for the very first time, or revisiting with a new level of penetration and appreciation.

          “More than just beautifully translating the Gita, Sajohn Daverly sublimely transmits the mystery of awakened life in human circumstances. We can read his translation of this ancient, divine text and find it alive in our own hearts, here, today.”
          - Gangaji, spiritual teacher and author of The Diamond In Your Pocket
          “This Gita is a real gem because it builds a bridge between the traditional approach and the very contemporary one, bringing the ancient teaching to life and making it relevant to the modern reader.”

          - Adyashanti, spiritual teacher and author of Falling Into Grace
          “Sajohn’s direct knowing and immersion in the unknown gives him the unique authority to explain and clarify in scholarly terms the profound understanding linking the essential truth and alignment between Vedanta and Zen Buddhism.”
          - Jon Bernie, contemporary Zen teacher and author of Ordinary Freedom

            Enstasy: Standing Inside Oneself
            Enstasy: Standing Inside Oneself
            • Publisher : Zen Publications
            • By : Mira Sai
            • Cover : Paperback
            • Language : English
            • Edition : 2015
            • Pages : 110
            • Weight : 750 gm.
            • Size : 9 x 0.5 x 9 inches
            • ISBN-13 : 978-0986107719
            • ASIN : 0986107719
            Enstasy is neither religious nor spiritual, nor metaphysical or mystical and yet, it is all of these… a glimpse, into Higher Truths while tasting their supreme nectarine bliss...
            Deep, profound meditations, which occurred upon the author’s return from her entry into death and Eternal life… where she had been graced to bathe within Consciousness... as Consciousness...
            As you read and maybe re-read, delving deeper into the world of Enstasy, it is my sincere prayer that it opens a gateway into discovering your own wings of freedom, gently carrying you into that infinite expansion of consciousness, beyond limitation... leading to the ultimate goal of life…
            Oneness with the Supreme… Your own Higher Self…
            This book is all about you...
            This book is all about us...

              Four Homeless Millionaires: An Odyssey of Adventure and Discovery
              Four Homeless Millionaires: An Odyssey of Adventure and Discovery
              • Publisher : Zen Publications
              • By : Rik Leaf
              • Cover : Paperback
              • Language : English
              • Edition : 2013
              • Pages : 259
              • Weight : 480 gm.
              • Size : 6 x 0.6 x 9 inches
              • ISBN-10 : 1927559138
              • ISBN-13 : 978-1927559130
              In the throes of a global recession as economists advised fierce fiscal restraint, Rik and Zara Leaf sold their house and spent a year traveling around the world with their son Zion and daughter Riel, investing their life savings in the adventure of a lifetime.
              The thought of abandoning conventional wisdom and getting away with it was too exciting to pass up. Of course the decision to really, go for it, involved lots of anxious “what ifs” and, “are we out of our frigging minds?”
              The family filmed horror movies in Canada, ate mafia-made pizza in Germany, got caught sneaking onto a Hollywood set in Hawaii, survived a feral dog attack in Malaysia and dorsal fins emerging from the surf as they swam off the Australian coast.
              Throughout the year they produced a video series called, “Where in the World are Zion & Riel?” QR codes, linked to these videos are included in the book, creating an amazing interactive reading experience

                Gentle Breeze, Rustling Leaves
                Gentle Breeze, Rustling Leaves
                • Publisher : Zen Publications
                • By : Dwaraknath Reddy
                • Cover : Paperback
                • Language : English
                • Edition : 2005
                • Pages : 197
                • Weight : 500 gm.
                • Size : 8 x 8 x 5.5 inches
                • ISBN-13 : 978-9382788065
                • ASIN : 9382788069
                When the traveler through the vast vistas of life finally turns his gaze inwards in his search for Ultimate Reality, gentle breezes blow across the mind, stirring the leaves of contemplation, emotion, memory, love, wonder and awe. The rustling sounds of the caressed thoughts are the intoned whispers of the ego and its companion-Self in intimate conversation,-Self in intimate conversation. Slowly the winds rest in space, the sounds sink into silence.
                  In Search of SticksIn Search of Sticks
                  In Search of Sticks
                  • Publisher : Zen Publications
                  • By : Randy Kaneen
                  • Cover : Paperback
                  • Language : English
                  • Edition : 2017
                  • Pages : 362
                  • Weight : 500 gm.
                  • Size : 5.2 x 0.9 x 8 inches
                  • ISBN-10 : 1927559200
                  • ISBN-13 : 978-1927559208

                  In Search of Sticks simultaneously challenges the intellect while surfacing raw emotional response. James, by the standards one generally uses to measure a life, is accomplished. Still, he twists. What if, in the final analysis, it ends up being as much about that which wasn't done rather than just what was acted upon? Paths are chosen. Steps are taken.
                  A compelling parallel story unfolds - Hope's African existence. It was emphatically stated that "God does not have favourites." But is this true? A picture is painted and its canvas is littered with the likenesses of disease and poverty and the images of those trapped in the geography of violence. Despite the forms of tragedy that present themselves, this story is full of hope. The victories are told in the small tales and the sheer numbers who do not sell their souls.

                    KEYS: The HLP Way to a Regret-Free Life
                    KEYS: The HLP Way to a Regret-Free Life
                    • Publisher : Zen Publications
                    • by : Santosh Joshi
                    • Cover : Paperback
                    • Language : English
                    • Edition : 2013
                    • Pages : 269
                    • Weight : 360 gm.
                    • Size : 5 x 0.9 x 8 inches
                    • ISBN-10: 9351265315
                    • ISBN-13: 978-9351265313

                    You will realize that no matter what experiences you had in the past or what your present circumstances are, you still have immense potential to achieve your life goals. It is never too late to begin. This book introduces the HLP principle which will launch you towards them. It will help you heal and resolve your past memories which are pulling you back most of the time. It will encourage you to find your true calling and work towards it. It will also motivate you to plan your journey towards the ultimate destination, your freams. KEYS is for all those who have lost their true self in today’s rat race, those who have faced failures or gone through traumas, those in search of their purpose and those looking for inspiration to excel in life. This book is an opportunity to become the change you wish to see in yourself.
                    Rule your destiny with KEYS

                      Not A Serpent, Not A Rope
                      Not A Serpent, Not A Rope
                      • Publisher : Zen Publications
                      • by : Clifford W DeSilva
                      • Cover : Paperback
                      • Language : English
                      • Edition : 2015
                      • Pages : 120
                      • Weight : 150 gm.
                      • Size : 5.5 x 0.3 x 8 inches
                      • ISBN-10: 9384363952
                      • ISBN-13: 978-9384363956

                      Enlightenment. What is it? Much has been written about it. Many have tried to describe it or show how to attain it.
                      Does one get enlightenment from reading about how to get it? Or listening to a guru who is enlightened? Or spending years in solitude? Or contemplation? Or does it just come one day all by itself to the true seeker?
                      Apparently in any or all of these ways. Or none of them.
                      If the seeker gets hung up on the book, or the guru, or the practice, or the solitude then no enlightenment. That would be like travelling on a journey to a specific destination and then clinging to a beautiful signpost that points the way.
                      One must desire enlightenment passionately and not desire it. One must search for it and remain unperturbed at not having got it.
                      Enlightenment will come. In its time. Can the seeker wait? In patience? In silence?
                      ‘Not a Serpent, Not a Rope’ is a collection of tales that emerge from the collective wisdom of this world. The Introduction in the beginning of the book suffices to explain why it was written.

                        Nothing is Everything: The Quintessential Teachings of Sri Nisargadatta MaharajNothing is Everything: The Quintessential Teachings of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
                        Nothing is Everything: The Quintessential Teachings of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
                        • Publisher : Zen Publications
                        • by : Mohan Gaitonde
                        • Cover : Paperback
                        • Language : English
                        • Edition : 2014
                        • Pages : 247
                        • Weight : 270 gm.
                        • Size : 5.5 x 0.5 x 8.2 inches
                        • ISBN-13: 978-9382788973
                        • ASIN: 9382788972

                        Nisargadatta Maharaj is undoubtedly the Ultimate Alchemist and his non-dual teachings, the Ultimate Alchemy.
                        This book is a live satsang with Satguru Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, covering rare and unpublished conversations with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj which have been transcribed by his ‘evening’ translator, Mohan Gaitonde, who had the privilege of being with Him from 1979 to 1981.
                        The flavour of these talks is heightened by the fact that Mr Gaitonde, being well-versed with Marathi, the language Maharaj spoke, is able to convey all the subtle nuances of Maharaj’s potent words of wisdom.
                        - ‘
                        The precious conversations in this book act as a divine catalyst for all those who are eager to leave the banks of miserable seeking and intellectual understanding, and realize the ever-flowing river of Understanding of Who You Are!
                        If you have not yet transcended the shackles of read and heard knowledge, these intuitive utterances of Nisargadatta will surely help restore the Eternal Ease. In talk after talk, He reminds the readers about their forgotten Richness!
                        Welcome to the final leap into Nisargadatta’s quintessential teachings. If you are waiting for Everything but also ready for Nothing, this book is the perfect touchstone.
                        Nothing is Everything is indeed Nisargadatta Maharaj’s ultimate blessing for the ardent seekers.Philosophy Books

                          One at a Time: Short stories to muse byOne at a Time: Short stories to muse by
                          One at a Time: Short stories to muse by
                          • Publisher : Zen Publications
                          • by : Pravin Gandhi
                          • Cover : Paperback
                          • Language : English
                          • Edition : 2003
                          • Pages : 188
                          • Weight : 240 gm.
                          • Size : 5 x 0.5 x 7 inches
                          • ISBN-13: 978-9351263876
                          • ASIN: 9351263878

                          This is a collection of short stories written by Pravin Gandhi, to be savored one at a time. Some touch a sensitive chord, while others are quirky or piquant situations in a scientific fantasy. Some are high on drama and yet another describes life in a futuristic scenario.
                          Each story creates it own mood which will linger over you persistently. You will want to dwell on each story and ponder about it before moving on to the next.

                            Rising Sun Melting Mists: Knowledge of Self Dispels IgnoranceRising Sun Melting Mists: Knowledge of Self Dispels Ignorance
                            Rising Sun Melting Mists: Knowledge of Self Dispels Ignorance
                            • Publisher : Zen Publications
                            • by : Dwaraknath Reddy
                            • Cover : Paperback
                            • Language : English
                            • Edition : 2009
                            • Pages : xxiii, 183p.
                            • Weight : 180 gm.
                            • Size : 6 x 0.5 x 9 inches
                            • ISBN-10: 9382788859
                            • ISBN-13: 978-9382788850

                            This book is a collection of articles written over a period of a few years and later put together. The astounding first intimation to the effect that, by the word GOD, all saints and sages of all times have implied the realizable truth of oneself, was received by the author when he was a 35 years old man-of-the-world. The revelation broke upon him with explosive wonderment and delight. How could such an inheritance be forfeited through indifference? He questioned, searched foranswers, contemplated, and tried to shape his life as prompted by the ascending reality of self-enquiry.
                            “In each article, reflection and spontaneous inspiration mingle inextricably”
                            - The Heritage
                            “Enjoy the poetic prose of his soaring thoughts. Each article an Upanishadic Canto”
                            - Swami Chinmayananda, international exponenf of Vedanfa and spirihial master
                            “Beauty of style and power of thought... autherrticity of experience... precision of expression...”
                            - M.R Pandit, Sri Aurobindo Ashram
                            “...conveying profound ideas effortlessly... marvellous book... Each article is a treasure”
                            - The Hindu, leading national daily
                            “Small but profound. One line, one thought, enough to drive one to contemplation, A book to be savoured line by line.”
                            - M.V. Kamath in Bhavan’s Journal
                            “A book of great value... sincerity and intense spiritual aspiration.”
                            - The Theosophist


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