Saraswati Statues
Saraswati Statues
83 products
- Product Code :2654
- Material :Brass
- Size :7.50"H x 5.25"W x 2.25"D
- Weight :1.850 kg.
Goddess Saraswati is also known as Veenapani named after the musical instrument held by her. The mother of Veda and spouse of earth’s creator Brahma, she is also known as the goddess of sound and speech. She rides on a peacock and holds mala and palm leaf’s roll. She is also worshipped in other religions but is pronounced with different names. In Buddhism, mother Saraswati is called as Vajra-Saraswati and in Japan Dai-Ben-Zai-Ten or Benten.
The beautiful chained bell depicts Lord Ganesha and Saraswati in a most refine and detail manner. Such Brass Bells are common feature in almost all Hindu temples. Ringing the bells mark an auspicious entry into the temple. Such bells are hung at the entrance of most of the Hindu temples. In fact, these bells constitute an essential part of the temple architecture. The sound of such bells is considered auspicious by the devotees.
- Product Code :3798
- Material :Brass
- Size :17"H x 6"W x 4.75"D
- Weight :4.920 kg.
- Product Code :3876
- Material :Brass
- Size :10"H x 8"W x 6.25"D
- Weight :4.300 kg.
.Dazzling beauty of the Creator of Vedas has been manifest in the sparkling figure, a magic scripted on brass, her five faces bear some amazing smiles on them, she is wearing beautiful ornaments on her ten hands as well as on all over her body. Gayatri is said to have domain over the five senses or pranas, and protects these five life-forces of those who chant the Gayatri Mantra ( group of sacred words). In her role as the protector, Gayatri is referred to as Savitri. She is worshipped at the break of the day. The Gayatri mantra is highly revered sanskrit mantra with origin in vedas, it is as follows. Om bhūr bhuvah svaha, tat savitur varenyam, bhargo devasya dhīmahi, dhiyo yo nah prachodayāt. AUM, the primordial sound, resides in all elements of the universe. It permeates the earth (-bhUH), water (-bhuvaH), fire (-svaH), air (-mahaH), ether (-janaH), intelligence (-tapaH) and consciousness (-satyam). We pay homage to Gayatri, the one who shines like the sun (tat savitur), the one who destroys all our sins through her everlasting and effulgent light. Dear Goddess Gayatri, please illuminate our path towards our higher consciousness and lead us to our true purpose in life. Please shine your light (-jyotiH) in our path so we may partake of the everlasting nectar (rasomRRitaM) of brahman while chanting the primordial sound, AUM!
The beautiful image of Goddess Saraswati has been carved out of pink stone with some spectacular sculptural designs. Goddess Saraswati is worshipped by the students as well as by the musicians as she is considered the goddess of learning and music. The standing figure of the goddess shows her holding the veena and her body is being treated with some greater degree of refinement. The figure contains some beautiful carvings on it.
When wealth, wisdom and learning meet together it creates a greater prosperity for any household. One of the most revered gods and goddesses in Hinduism, Goddess Lakshmi and Saraswati occupy pivotal place in Hinduism and Lord Ganesha is also worshipped in every household with great devotion. The beautiful images of the trio reveals some greater degree of gracefulness and accomplishments. The two goddesses have some beautiful ornaments around their figures and they are blessing their disciples. Lord Ganesha and Goddess Saraswati are sitting whereas the Lakshmi is standing tall.
The beautiful wooden sculpture of the Goddess Saraswati is given a refine and detail treatment with some beautiful floral carvings on it. The Goddess is shown playing the veena and She is seated on a lotus. Worshipped both by the musicians and students alike, She is the goddess of learning and knowledge. A deep sense of gracefulness and accomplishment is manifest on her face. Some intricate designs mark the wooden figure.
- Product Code :310
- Material :Marble
- Size : 12"
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