

603 products

Showing 481 - 504 of 603 products
History of Mahayana Buddhism It's Art Architecture and Literature in Southeast Asia
History of Mahayana Buddhism It's Art Architecture and Literature in Southeast Asia
Buddhism is vast field spanning a wide variety of concerns. For twenty five centuries Buddhism has inspired the greatest achievements of Asian thought and culture, and today the impact of its message is beginning to be felt in the western world as well. The greatness of the religion lies in the method of its spread. In the entire world religions, Buddhism is the only religion which made its way without persecution, censorship or inquisition. As H.G. Wells, the great Historian stated “Buddhism has done more for the advance of world civilization and true culture than any other influence in the chronicles of mankind”. Buddhism is not confined to any particular race, nation or country it is universal. Similarly the torch of Dhamma spread to the lands of gold and islands of gold (Suvarnabumi and Suvanadvipa). Andhradesa had been the strong hold of Buddhism from early times and the Andhakas as the Andhra Buddhists were known to Pali literature had been in the forefront of all the later developments in Buddhism. The Mahayana schools of Andhra, and the Andhra Mahayanists who settled at Srilanka have chosen the Southeast Asian countries where there were already commercial colonies set up by Andhra merchants. Nalinaksha Dutt rightly observes that to South India particularly Andhra goes the credit of being the birth place not only of Mahayana but also its earliest exponents Acharya Nagarjuna and Aryadeva. Buddhism is perhaps the earliest of the missionary religions; it adopted itself to the local condition and absorbed the local systems into itself without any prejudice to its fundamental tenets. That is one of the reason for the rise of different schools and sects not only in India but also Southeast Asian countries. The absorption of the local primitive beliefs and rituals led to the rise of peculiar or even strange principles in each of the countries and in no two countries Buddhist practices look alike. With the rise of worship the Mahayana pantheon like Avalokiteswara, Amitaba, Vajrapani, Manjusri, Prajnaparamita, Tara, Trailokyanatha, Lokanada, Lokeswara huge temples were constructed to these gods all over Southeast Asia. Theravada and Mahayana coexisted in these countries from early centuries but from about the 12 th century A.D Theravada became predominant.


Professor Sitaramamma Jagarlamudi born on 5 th August 1958 in Andhrapradesh. Completed her Post Graduation from Acharya Nagarjuna University in Ancient Indian History and Archeology in 1980. Later joined in the Centre for Mahayana Buddhist Studies for her PhD and selected for the U.G.C N.E.T fellowship. In 1988 she joined as an Assistant Professor in the Centre for Mahayana Buddhist Studies. In 1998 promoted as the Associate Professor and from 2006 onwards serving as the Professor in the Centre for Mahayana Buddhist Studies in different capacities as Head, Chair person Board of Studies. Published more than 60 Research Articles in the National Journals and 25 International publications. Guided 15 PhD Scholars. Participated in various National and International Conferences and presented Research papers. Published one book on The History of Mahayana in Andhradesa.
The Successors of the Mauryas: A political History Based on coins & Inscriptions
The Successors of the Mauryas: A political History Based on coins & Inscriptions
Author : Prashant Srivastava
ISBN : 978-81-7320-173-8
Edition : 2017
Language : English
Size & Pages : 23 cm, pp.248,Illus.
Publisher : Agam Kala Prakashan
Format : Hardbound
The Problem of Evil and Indian Thought
The Problem of Evil and Indian Thought
  • Product Code :BK7752
  • Publisher  :   Motilal Banarsidass
  • Edition  :   January 1, 1993
  • Pages  :   326
  • Weight   :   550g.
  • Size   :   8.7 x 5.9 x 1 inches
  • Cover   :   Paperback
  • Auther :   Arthur L. Herman
  • Language   :    English
  • ISBN : 8120807537, 978-8120807532

The author identifies some 25 historical solutions to the problem which are then reduced t Beginning with the problem of evil in the west professor A.L. Herman traces the history of one of the most fascinating of all perennial philosophical puzzles. The author identifies some twenty one historical solutions to the problem which are then reduced to eight quite distinct solutions. Prof. Herman then turns in the second part of the book to the history of the problem of evil in Indian thought. The author then joins the analysis of the problem of evil (taken from the first part of the book) to the Indian doctrine of rebirth in order to attempt a solution to the problem. By careful analysis the author shows that the doctrine of rebirth can satisfy the conditions already set forth as adequate for a solution to the problem of evil.1 o eight solutions. Prof. Herman then turns in the second part of the book to the history of the problem of evil in Indian thought.

Material Life of Northern India
Material Life of Northern India
The present monograph is a result of the comprehensive and scientific study of the Material Life of Northern India between C. 600 BC to 300 BC. For the better understanding of the contents, the author has presented a synthetic study of the twin sources viz. archaeological and literary sources within the limitations and scope of the given topic and available data. This period also marks the process of political fusion culminating in the first ever great empire of ancient India. Interestingly the material background of this period led to the origin of a number of sects and second urbanization. The book is also helpful to understand the state formation and social proliferation. The authors divides his data into deductions of food habits, construction of house, agricultural activities vis-a vis crops cultivated with the idea of seasonal variations and the irrigational resources exploited, the knowledge of varied technology applied in the making of objects of daily use in metals such as gold, silver and copper, objects of stone, bone, ivory and clay by the people of that remote past make the book worth reading. The book will be highly useful to the research students and scholars working on ancient Indian history, culture & archeology to get a more comparative and comprehensive understanding of the subject.

The Author
Dr. Mohammad Nazrul Bari did his PhD from the Center of Advanced Studies, Department of History, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. On leave vacancy, he stared his teaching career in the same department. After working for some time in the P.G department of History, Kashmir University, Srinagar (J & K), Dr. Bari joined Poona College, Pune in Maharashtra. Currently Dr. Bari is the Assistant Professor & Coordinator, Department of History, School of Social and Behavioral Science, Central University of Karnataka, Gulbarga.

Expert Views
This thesis is thoroughly researched and referenced, listing approximately 280 references... The author's key sources are the forty four archeological excavations he list in the appendix. The author divides his data into his deductions of food productions, architectural evidence, metal objects, indications of metallurgy, finds of bone and ivory, stone objects and ceramics…..The thesis is strong on empirical evidence………

Robert G. Bednarik, Professor & Director, International Institute of Replicative Archaeology, Australia

Dr. Mohammad Nazrul Bari's book titled “Material Life in Northern India C. 600 BCE to 300 BCE” which is a result of meticulous archaeological and historical analysis of data retrieved through some field studies and rigorous literary surveys. I am privileged to read his manuscript before being published and happy to recommend it as one of the best historical reviews of the particular period by a promising academic who is surely be an asset to Indian scholarship.

Anura Manatunga, Professor, Department of Archaeology & Director, Centre for Asian Studies University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

"In this thoughtful monograph, Dr.Bari has brought to light very fascinatingly the material life of the entire northern India from 600 BCE to 300 BCE by correlating the archaeological findings with literary sources, which is a vital contribution to our understanding of South Asian Cultural legacy".

Shahnaj Husne Jahan, Professor and Director, Center for Archaeological Studies (CAS), University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Living biographies of Great Philosophers
Living biographies of Great Philosophers
The authors have given the life stories, their achievements and their thought process of twenty famous Western philosophers. From Socrates to Santayana, the biographies are given in simple and vivid manner.Each biography is like an adventure story dotted with famous deeds. They inspire and enthrall, they capture our imagination and set fire to it. And they succeed.

The thread that runs through the entire gamut of these twenty odd philosophers thoughts and deeds is that unanimity on the fundamental purpoe of human life which is, happiness through the cooperation of mankind. Plato and Socrates, Aristotle, Francis Bacon, Descartes, Voltaire, Kant, Hegel, Spencer, William James, Bergaon, Santayana are some of the philosophers in this book whose life stories are given.
Vedic Numerology
Vedic Numerology
  • Product Code :BK7749
  • Size :9.7" x 6.5" x 0.9"
  • Weight :680 gm.
  • Author :G. V. Chaudhary
  • ISBN :8172765371, ISBN-13: 978-8172765378
  • Publisher :Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
  • Edition :2016
  • Cover :Hard Cover
  • Language :English
  • Pages :365

The object of this book is to give a clear and concise view of the principal results of Astrology, and of the revolution which they have affected in Modern Thought.
In this book, the author has fully explained all about astrology in Ancient Indian and has given a description of the various constellations of stars - on which the Science of Astrology is based. The volume is divided into eight chapters.

The first chapter gives an account of the antiquity of the Science of Astrology. Chapters II, III and IV give an account of the movements of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth. Chapter V gives a number of tables pertaining to dates, latitudes and longitudes, etc. From these tables, the necessary calculations are to be made in framing the horoscopes. Chapter VI and VII deal with special contribution from the author, where the author has examined numerous horoscopes to prove the authenticity of his predictions regarding death and marriage. Chapter VIII is an appendix giving further information to help the calculations.

Sardar Patel and Indian Muslims
Sardar Patel and Indian Muslims
The book deals with eleven dialogue-hymns of the Rgveda. The original text in Vedic Sanskrit has been translated in as easy an expression as possible. A worth reading book for those having taste for a peep into and respect for the distant past.

Of the eleven dialogue-hymns of the Rgveda, two of them are composed in soliloquy form and are concerned with a gambler and a mendicant respectively. Three hymns are connected mainly with Indra (the god of rains), two with the couples like Agastya and Lopamudra, and Pururavas and Urvashi, and one with the twin siblings: Yama and Yami. Out of the rest, one hymn displays a delightful and heavenly picture of the marriage ceremony which is traditionally prevalent in India even today, another tells us about the prosperous condition of the ancient traders like Panis, and yet another deals with the crossing through the currents of two rivers by Visvamitra, a Vedic seer.

About The Author : Dr. Satya Dev Choudhary :
Dr. Satya Dev Choudhary is a Prof. of Hindi & Sanskrit. His special interest include Indian Poetics, Philology, Vedic Literature and Medieval Hindi Literature. He has about 25 books to his credit and for them he has been felicitated with a number of prizes and awards.
Dialogue Hymns of Rgveda
Dialogue Hymns of Rgveda
  • Product Code :BK7747
  • Size :8.7" x 5.7" x 0.8"
  • Weight :440 gm.
  • Author :Dr. Satya Dev Choudhary
  • ISBN :8172762631, ISBN-13: 978-8172762636
  • Publisher :Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
  • Edition :2002
  • Cover :Hard Cover
  • Language :English
  • Pages :217

The book deals with eleven dialogue-hymns of the Rgveda. The original text in Vedic Sanskrit has been translated in as easy an expression as possible. A worth reading book for those having taste for a peep into and respect for the distant past.

Of the eleven dialogue-hymns of the Rgveda, two of them are composed in soliloquy form and are concerned with a gambler and a mendicant respectively. Three hymns are connected mainly with Indra (the god of rains), two with the couples like Agastya and Lopamudra, and Pururavas and Urvashi, and one with the twin siblings: Yama and Yami. Out of the rest, one hymn displays a delightful and heavenly picture of the marriage ceremony which is traditionally prevalent in India even today, another tells us about the prosperous condition of the ancient traders like Panis, and yet another deals with the crossing through the currents of two rivers by Visvamitra, a Vedic seer.

About The Author : Dr. Satya Dev Choudhary :
Dr. Satya Dev Choudhary is a Prof. of Hindi & Sanskrit. His special interest include Indian Poetics, Philology, Vedic Literature and Medieval Hindi Literature. He has about 25 books to his credit and for them he has been felicitated with a number of prizes and awards.

Origin of the Universe-Vedic Approach
Origin of the Universe-Vedic Approach
  • Product Code :BK7746
  • Size :8.3" x 5.5" x 0.3"
  • Weight :185 gm.
  • Author :C.Dakshinamurthi
  • ISBN :8172763441, ISBN-13: 978-8172763442
  • Publisher :Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
  • Edition :2004
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :128

The book has been written by someone who is not only an agricultural physicist and scientist but also an eminent philosopher and Sanskrit scholar. The book reflects the combination of a deep and analytical mind with the width of the vedic view of life. He has explained that the basic foundation for vedic algebra and cosmology was laid during his childhood in a small village. Questions about the origin and growth of the universe at an early age led him to research and delve into science and find answers, which have been presented in this book. Various theories like the Big Bang theory, extensive Cold Dark Matter and others vis-a-vis the vedic theory have been discussed.

In the vedic theory of the origin of the universe, the result is obtained by sages and rishis of yore who spent ages meditating and concentrating. According to them the seed of the Universe is an entity called Atma. The universe, according to the Upanishadic concept, does not have a beginning and so did not emerge after a big bang but its creation is a continuous cyclic process starting with cold matter (gaseous stage). The possibility of a number of universes coexisting is evident. Tables comparing the Vedic and Big Bang models on the origin of the universe have been given in great detail in the book. Upanishads declare that at the beginning of creation there was only one God who created various species of movable and immovable things. All have God living within them. The book has been written with very deep research on the topic.

About The Author : C.Dakshinamurthi
Dr Dakshinamurti was awarded the first doctorate degree in Soil Physics in 1948. He is an academician, researcher and research manager having over 150 publications in scientific journals.

Beyond Destiny - The Life and Times of Subbudu
Beyond Destiny - The Life and Times of Subbudu
This is perhaps the first ever biography of an Indian critic (Subbudu) from the world of classical performing arts. Put into place through scores of interviews with country's top musicians, dancers and critics, the book traces the growth of an incorrigible kid as he takes on the high and the mighty from the world of arts to emerge as a fearless critic, whose single minded passion in life has been, to serve the arts.

The book captures Subbudu's rise as critic incisively by juxtaposing it with the way Indian performing arts have shaped up post-independence. Beyond Destiny ends with a note of caution glancing at the reality of music and dance in India and its survival in the mainstream media. Lada Guruden Singh is a trained broadcast journalist and a poet. He has to be congratulated for this in-depth account of the Life and Times of Subbudu.

About The Author : Lada Guruden Singh
Lada Guruden Singh is a trained broadcast journalist, a poet with two collection of poems. Split Ends and Where Must I Go... a Bharatanatyam dancer, a columnist with The Statesman and a freelance writer for host of national and international dance journals and websites.

This is perhaps the first ever biography of an Indian critic (Subbudu) from the world of classical performing arts. Put into place through scores of interviews with country's top musicians, dancers and critics, the book traces the growth of an incorrigible kid as he takes on the high and the mighty from the world of arts to emerge as a fearless critic, whose single minded passion in life has been, to serve the arts.
The book captures Subbudu's rise as critic incisively by juxtaposing it with the way Indian performing arts have shaped up post-independence. Beyond Destiny ends with a note of caution glancing at the reality of music and dance in India and its survival in the mainstream media. Lada Guruden Singh is a trained broadcast journalist and a poet. He has to be congratulated for this in-depth account of the Life and Times of Subbudu.

About The Author : Lada Guruden Singh :
Lada Guruden Singh is a trained broadcast journalist, a poet with two collection of poems. Split Ends and Where Must I Go... a Bharatanatyam dancer, a columnist with The Statesman and a freelance writer for host of national and international dance journals and websites.
Vedanta - The Solution to Our Fundamental Problem
Vedanta - The Solution to Our Fundamental Problem
  • Product Code :BK7744
  • Size :8.5" x 5.5" x 0.7"
  • Weight :400 gm
  • Author :D.Venugopal
  • ISBN :817276457X, ISBN-13: 978-8172764579
  • Publisher :Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
  • Edition :2012
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :324

The book presents the traditional Vedantic teaching written in a simple and clear language which can be understood by a common man.
The book presents the Vedantic teaching on the lines of the unfolding according to the sampradaya by Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati & Swami Paramarthananda Saraswati. This is an admirable piece of authentic work, which is true to the sampradaya.

About The Author : D. Venugopal :
D. Venugopal is a student of Swami Parmarthananda and has also studied at Pujya Swamij'is gurukulam at Anaikatti from 2002 to 2005.

  • Product Code :BK7742
  • Size :7.1" x 5.5" x 0.4"
  • Weight :90 gm.
  • Author :C. Rajagopalachari
  • ISBN :978-8172764548
  • Publisher :Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
  • Edition :2011
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :67

Sri Rajaji presents, in the Upanishads, the grandeur of the ancient wisdom of the great Seers of Bharatvarsha.
In the Upanishads, we have a scripture which, among all the holy scriptures of the world, displays the most scientific spirit in connection with spiritual enquiry. The sages, whose thoughts and teachings we read in the Upanishads, seem to be as much inspired by constructive doubt as the most modern men of science. Their questions and answers indicate that they lived in an age when, alongside of conformism and the rigid maintenance of old practices, men thirsted for truth.

About The Author : C. Rajagopalachari :

Chakravarti Rajagopalachari is a distinguished founder member of the Bhavan. A great patriot, astute politician, thinker, visionary, a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi, he was a great statesman. A freedom fighter, he was also the Chief Minister of Madras, Governor of West Bengal, India's Home Minister and the first Indian Governor-General of Free India. Rajaji popularized books on Ramayan, Mahabharat, Bhagwad Gita ,Upanishads and several others by writing in his inimitable style which has appealed to millions of people. He wrote in English and Tamil, his mother tongue. He passed away in 1972 at the age of 94.

The message of the Upanishads
The message of the Upanishads
  • Product Code :BK7741
  • Size :8.4" x 5.4" x 1.2"
  • Weight :730 gm.
  • Author :Swami Ranganathananda
  • ISBN :978-8172764036
  • Publisher :Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
  • Edition :2007
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :626

These are the collection of the weekly lectures given by the Swami in the Institute of Culture, Calcutta. The introduction to the book is on the power of the Upanishads. Upanishads are intelligible body of verified and verifiable spiritual insights mixed with myths and legends.
The book discusses the spiritual heritage of Hindus and various aspects of the Upanishads and Bhagwad Gita. Isa Upanishad and Katha Upanishad have been discussed in great detail, making the book interesting and readable. Stories, quotations , Sanskrit verses , interpretations of the Upanishads are included in t his volume.

About The Author : Swami Ranganathananda :
Winner of the first Indira Gandhi award for National Integration, Swami Ranganathananda was President of Ramakrishna Math and then Vice President of the world wide Ramakrishna Math. He has written several books, and 60 titles of audio tapes expounding the ideas of Ramakrishna Vivekananda and Vedanta.

Gandhi and the Break-up of India
Gandhi and the Break-up of India
This book deals with the Mahatma's relationship with Muslims and his role in the partition of India. The author has done extensive research and has traced the roots of the Mahatma's approach to this issue from the South African days through various freedom struggle movements and them to the Partition of India
The book is neither history nor a biography nor even a broad survey of the work of Himalayan dimensions that Gandhiji was able to out in during his public life. However the author has quoted extensively from Gandhiji's speeches and writings to put light on the three points he was accused of-that Gandhiji was pro-Muslim, anti-Hindu and the main cause of the partition of India. This book is a result of references to several hundred published works on Mahatma.

About The Author : Rafiq Zakaria :

Dr Rafiq Zakaria has been a cabinet minister and has a distinguished career in law, education, journalism, politics and Islamic studies. He is an author of more than fifteen books. He has represented India at the United Nations thrice.
Mahatma Gandhi - His Life and Times
Mahatma Gandhi - His Life and Times
This is one of the best biographies of Mahatma Gandhi.
The book has been written in a very simple style. The author has covered Mahatma Gandhi's contribution to Indian freedom struggle.

About The Author : Louis Fischer
Louis Fischer, born in 1896, was an eminent journalist who wrote several books on Russia, India, Middle east. He covered the Spanish Civil war and was in France when World War II broke out.
Yogi Sri Krishnaprem by Dilip Kumar Roy
Yogi Sri Krishnaprem by Dilip Kumar Roy
This book is the story of Yogi Sri Krishnaprem, a great mystic philosopher, written by a leading mystic poet of India.
The book is the story of a life-long friendship that turns mutuality into a sense of identity in the Divine. The reading of this book is indeed a delightful and illuminating experience. Sri Dilip Kumar has made a charming presentation to the public with profound feeling and insight of the variegated experience and wisdom of a person who was, as Ramana Maharishi truly observed,"a rare combination of a jnani and a bhakta."

About The Author : Dilip Kumar Roy
Sri Aurobindo's close disciple, Dilip Kumar Roy is a mystic, a singer, composer, poet, author of more than 75 books in Bengali and 25 in English and is an awardee of Sur Sudhakar and Sangeet Ratnakar awards.
The book gives all the religious mantras and shlokas used by Hindus during the day. The morning, afternoon and evening prayers, their meaning and how to sit, and behave during the saying of mantras has been given in this book.
It tells the reader how achamanam (sipping of water saying suitable mantras) is done and why. It explains which direction the person should sit or stand during prayers. God's names, meanings and explanations have also been given in detail.Pranayam, arghyam, Gayatri avahanam,.Surya upasthanam, samarpanam, the rituals are explained.

About The Author : P Seshadri :
P Seshadri Iyer , a great linguist and scholar was born in Kerala. He learnt Bengali to read Swami Vivekanandas writings, Marathi to read Jnaneshwari, Greek, German and several other languages. He translated Mahabharat into Bengali and Malayalam.
Pilgrims of the Stars
Pilgrims of the Stars

This is the autobiography of a remarkable couple of artists: Dilip, the musician and philosopher, and Indira, the dancer and visionary poetess. One would have to search a long way to find again such an account of a combined life of inspiration.
A spiritual classic, Pilgrims of the Stars offers the reader an inspiring and humorous glimpse into the daily struggles and victories of two great souls. Dilip Kumar Roy describes his spiritual training by his Guru, the Indian statesman and saint Sri Aurobindo, and his meetings with Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Ramana Maharshi, and other spiritual luminaries. Indira Devi's candid memoirs of life and her Guru have a special beauty and simplicity, and contain a wealth of practical advice for spiritual aspirants.

About The Author : Dilip Kumar Roy, Indira Devi :

Dilip Kumar Roy is a renowned musician, philosopher, and scholar. Indira Devi , a visionary poetess and dancer is his disciple.

S R Ranganathan - a Personal Biography
S R Ranganathan - a Personal Biography
This is the biography of an Indian who became an international authority on Library Science and Library Movement and was the Father of Library Science. He invented tools to store information. His ideas address the very foundations of the business of effective information storage and retrieval. He spread the concept of public libraries even in remote villages. Ranganathan's personal life is a synthesis between Indian culture and modern science This is a very interesting biography on the life and times of S R Ranganathan who changed the ideas of library science in India and gave it a new direction. The author is his only son who saw and observed him from close quarters and was inspired by him. He has written the biography in a fascinating and lucid manner, about his own childhood, his father's participation, ideas, thoughts, habits and the like. Actually the book is more than just a biography. It is an insight into various experiences and is an intellectual treat to the readers. It is a window to the mind of a genius who created a new discipline and influenced thousands of people.

About The Author : Ranganathan Yogeshwar :
He was the first Indian to do a course on Machine Tool Design and Engineering. He is an independent Industrial Consultant and lives in Luxembourg.
Saints of MaharashtraSaints of Maharashtra
Saints of Maharashtra
The book gives explicit stories of the major saints of Maharashtra like Namadeva, Chokhamela, Jnaneshwara, Janabai, Tukaram, Ramdasa, Eknath, Gora Kumbhar and many others. Saints of Maharashtra were very simple souls who had all the requirements of sainthood: Absolute faith and dependence on God, and complete absence of egotism, greed and lust so that their lives were throughout examples of humility, universal love and devotion.

About The Author : Savitribai Khanolkar :

Daughter of a Russian mother and a Hungarian father, Savitribai became an Indian after marrying Major General Vikram Khanolkar, Former Vice Chancellor of Bombay University. She is fluent in marathi.
Living Biographies of Great Scientists
Living Biographies of Great Scientists
The book contains the adventures and the achievements in the lives of twenty-one great scientists. Ranging from Archimedes to Einstein, the book contains biographies of scientists spanning over two thousand years.

From candlelight to satellite the story is told of great scientists. They have unraveled the mysterious threads of the existence of the earth. From Archimedes through Copernicus to Einstein the scientists have chartered their way through the universe.
Krishnavatara II The Wrath Of An Emperor
Krishnavatara II The Wrath Of An Emperor
The second book of the Krishnavatara deals with the anger of Jarasandha, the father in law of Kamsa whom Krishna killed in Mathura. The Emperor tracks down Krishna and follows him with the sole intention of doing away with him. 'The wrath of an emperor' also talks about the love story of Rukmini and Shaibya and ends with the swayamvara and the marriage of Rukmini. The book tells in detail how much planning and plotting had to be done to bring about peace in the land, and how a princess who had set her heart on her lord, could manage to secure him.

About The Author : K. M. Munshi :

Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi, Kulapati and the main person behind the Bhavan's books was a very versatile person. He was an eminent lawyer, one of the framer's of the Indian Constitution, and a seasoned statesman. K M Munshi was influenced by Sri Aurobindo and was an ardent freedom fighter, working with Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, Tilak, Annie Besant, Jinnah and others. He was the Home Minister of Bombay, India's Food Minister, Governor of Uttar Pradesh, India's Agent General at Hyderabad. Acknowledged as the foremost writer in Gujarati in his times, his contribution to literature is vast. He wrote novels, dramas, memoirs, history and historical novels in Gujarati and English.
Sri Krishna The Lord of Guruvayur
Sri Krishna The Lord of Guruvayur
This is a handy book that answers all questions regarding Guruvayur and Lord Sri Krishna. The author has given a deep insight into the history, legends and all things related to the worship of the Lord of Guruvayur. A very satisfying and interesting book not only for the devout but also the historians and research students.

The book provides everything that anyone would like to know about this pilgrimage spot and it is told in a lucid manner. Stories of Lord Krishna, origin of Guruvayur, the temple architecture, festivals, offerings and miracles are the highlights of this interesting book. There are rare photographs included that add to the impact of the story of the temple. The book is now in its fifth edition thus revealing the popularity of the same. The text is interspersed with Sanskrit verses and their translations. The author has translated his devotion and religious fervour into his writing, thus making the book have a deep impact on the readers. A map is included about the exact spot where the temple is present and there are details on when the pujas and festivals are held and about the offerings to the Lord.

About The Author : K. R. Vaidyanathan
K R Vaidyanathan was an accomplished writer who had specialized in writing about temples, legends and worship of God. His other books include 'Pilgrimage to Sabari' and Temples and legends of Kerala' He retired from the Indian Railways after forty years and has authored a book on railway humour.
The Guru Tradition
The Guru Tradition
Pujyasri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Svami of the Kanchi Kamakoti Pitha is one most attractive and inspiring figures of our time. Millions if people regard him as a divine presence and look to him for grace. He is the authentic voice of Hinduism, the authentic voice of india, and yet he is a universal guru. In the midst of all our conflicts all our difference and all our petty rivalries, he stands as a gopuram a reminder of all those ideals and values that are etemal.

In his frall person this Great Acharya encompasses an ocean of knowledge. He was installed the Sankaracharya of the Kamakoti Pitha in 1907 when he was not yet 13 years old. It was the moment when the playful child was transformed into a young master. Thereafter for eight decades his has been a long Yatra to awaken the people of India, to bring about a regeneration in his land.

This Svamiji is a master of the philosophical systems of India with a profound understanding of the cultural systems that constitute the Indian heritage. He is a guru of encyclopaedic knowledge. One who reminds us of the polymaths of ancient times. Yes, he was a luminous mind that takes in everything. But what makes him a great teacher is his insight his intuitive grasp of things and his capacity to illumine. There is no aspect of Indian life or thought on which he has not shed light.

There are few godly people so human as this Great Acharya. His abhaya-hasta brings solace to millions of people and his katasha or sidelong glance can be a profound experience. It brings us an awareness of the unity of existence and for a moment we are bathed in the Great Light.

The concept of the guru is central to Hinduism and is at the heart of the continuity of our civilisation, the guru has a greater place in our history then the ruler or the conqueror. The voice of the guru, of the acharya is heard above the din of all the battles fought on our sacred soil. Do not we still hear the voice of Sri Krishna Paramatman, who played many roles during his divine incamation, the foremost of them being that of Jagadguru?

The guru or acharya more to Indian than the teacher of professor to Europe and other parts of the world. Gurukulavasa, with its tradition of selfless preceptors, is unique to this country and is one of its glories. Without any expectation of maternal gain the gurus in the past worked for the uplift of their studies and the spread of knowledge.

Pujyasri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Svami, in these discourses dwells with special emphasis on gurukulas under individual acharyas not supported by any institution. With penetrating insight and with the he surveys the entire educational landscape of India through the ages not forgetting the Buddhist hand Jaina contribution to institutional education.

The sage of Kanchi reminds us that the height achieved by us in past in vidya was due to the fact that teaching was not a "business" and was not institutionalized. He speaks eloquently of the true function of a guru, that of making his student know himself ad freeing him from bondage. "There is no one higher than the guru," he says. "If we truly believe that Isvara himself comes to us in the form of our Guru there is no need for us to worship Isvara apart from our guru. It is faith based on such belief, such devotion to the guru, that will deliver us from worldly existence. "And the grace of Isvara is expressed through the grace of the guru.

As one who shows his sishya the path of deliverance the guru combines in himself the roles of these gods-Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesvara. He is indeed the Parabrahman. In these illuminating discourses the Great Acharya if Kanchi gives us the ultimate upadesa of the identity of guru and Isvara.

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