

603 products

Showing 217 - 240 of 603 products
The Mahabharata
The Mahabharata
Those Who Don't Have The Time Or The Patience To Go Through Huge Literal Translations,Will Be Immensely Helped By This Book. Once This Spell Of William Buck`s Retelling Of The Mahabharata Is Cast On Readers,They Will Surely Get Encouraged To Go Through Other Less Abridged Version.................. A Delightful Book Indeed.
Mahabharata (Buck)
Mahabharata (Buck)
"The Mahabharata is an Indian epic, in its original Sanskrit probably the largest ever composed. It is the story of a dynastic struggle that provides a social, moral, and cosmological background to the climatic battle. The present English rendition is a retelling based on a translation of the Sanskrit original published by Pratap Chandra Roy, Published in the beginning of this century. William buck has condensed the story. The old translation from which he worked covers 5800 pages of print, while his own book is less than a tenth of that length. But by and large, Buck`s rendition reflects the sequence of events in the Sanskrit epic, and he uses the traditional techniques for instance, of stories within stories, flashbacks, moral lessons laid in the mouths of principal characters. There are other English versions of the Mahabharata, some shorter, some longer. But apart from William Buck`s rendition, none have been able to capture the blend of religion andmartial spirit that pervades the original epic. It succeeds eminently in illustrating how seemingly grand and magnificent human endeavors turn out to be astoundingly insignificant in the perspective of eternity.

Publisher's Preface, Introduction, Part I: In the Beginning, A Mine of Jewels and Gems, The Ring and the Well, Fire and Flame, Indraprastha, The Falling Sand, Part II: In the Middle, 6:00 Nala and Damayanti, 7:00 The Thousand-Petaled Lotus, An Iron Net, Virata, The Invasion, Do Not Tell, Sanjaya Returns, Trees of Gold, The Enchanted Lake, The Night, Part III: In the End, The Blade of Grass, The Lonely Encounter, Parikshita, The Timeless Path, The City of Gates, Notes, Reference List of Characters



""An absorbing tale of a feud between two branches of a single Indian ruling family that culminates in a vast, cataclysmic battle... [Buck] has retold the story so that the modern reader will not be discouraged from knowing and loving the stories as he did himself.""-Focus on Asian Studies Newsletter

""There is a poetry of expression, an atmosphere of awe, a liveliness of appreciation... Buck captures much of the beauty of the Sanskrit thought... a pleasure to read and to look at; the many illustrations by Shirley Triest have a magical quality in total harmony with the magic of the text."" - Times Literary Supplement

""Buck wins a distinguished place among translators from Sanskrit verse. No other recent translator in America has clambered so high on this epic mountainside.""-Asian Student

""The volume is modern in feeling and masterly in its classical finish of form and expression. it is not only a translation but has been re-worked and re-written in such a close similarity with the original that deserves to be applauded. The mellifluous muse of the original epic can be heard in the version throughout."" -The Journal of Religious Studies

""This is divine storytelling at its finest. When he finished his manuscripts, William Buck wrote, 'Based on the words of ancient songs, I have written books. I tried to make them interesting to read. I don't think you will find many other books like them. 'He was absolutely correct.""-The Mountain Path, Aradhana, 2002

""This book is not a technically or a fully translated book, what the author has done is, keeping the original story in view, retell it in a popular, modern idiom for contemporary readers. One can very easily see how deeply William Buck was committed to the Mahabharata, which in turn has made his book a very interesting read. A delightful book indeed."" - Swami Satyamayananda, Prabuddha Bharata, Vol.108, May 2003.

""Buck captures much of the beauty of the Sanskrit thought...a pleasure to read and to look at; the many illustrations by shirley Triest have a magical quality in total harmony with the magic of the text."" TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT ""Buck wins a distinguish"
Apad-Dharma in the Mahabharata
Apad-Dharma in the Mahabharata
"The literal meaning of the Sanskrit word ""Apaddharma"" is ""dharma appropriate at the time of calamity"". The Mahabharata's use of this expression implies that, in the opinion of the author of this epic, the traditional varnashramadharma would not prove to be strong enough to protect the society, if and when there is a calamity. Therefore, Vedic scholars ought to have welcomed the messages of Apad-dharma when the society was actually attacked by external forces during the premodern period.

The historical background of the present study poses an important, academic question: ""How could the Indian society have protected itself against external attacks during the pre-modern period?"" Research-based answers to such Indiarelated questions occupy the initial part of this book to which a global dimension has been added by digging deep into Mahabharata's innumerable stories. Results of innovative investiga-tions into the general question ""How to face calamities at personal, state and global levels"", are presented here in terms of a modern, scientific framework, and expressed in a non-denominational
terminology, relevant to the problems of the 21st century. Readers from all parts of the world can get a strong message of social responsibility from this book, and accordingly make their contribution to the cause of world peace."
Srimad Bhagavad Gita
Srimad Bhagavad Gita
  • Product Code :BK8041
  • Size :8.4" x 5.6" x 1.2"
  • Weight :640g.
  • Author :Kailash Nath Kalia
  • ISBN :8178223066, 978-8178223063
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :January 29, 2008
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :436

Srimad Bhagavad Gita presents "The Sermons from the Illustrious Lord Krsna to Arjuna," compiled by the great ancient seer, Vyasa. Here is a rendering of Srimad Bhagavad Gita into English. While translating from Sanskrit into English, the author has spent about ten years in first realizing and then choosing the exact equivalent English words for translation so that the beauty, substance, meanings, dignity and grace of the original is not disturbed. Though the melody and magic of the verses is difficult to recapture in another medium, yet the author has tried his utmost to bring it in its best. To feel the dignity of phrase and the intensity of utterance, the author has given the text in Roman script so that those who know Sanskrit can enjoy its fullness while pondering over in its original, whereas others who do not know Sanskrit also get a fairly correct idea of the spirit of the poem. After putting up the text in Roman, it has been rearranged to facilitate the meaning of the verse. Then appear the word-for-word meaning and lastly the verse has been translated into English as exactly as possible so as not to deviate at all from its original.

The Social Role of the Gita
The Social Role of the Gita
  • Product Code :BK8040
  • Size :8.4" x 5.7" x 0.9"
  • Weight :550g.
  • Author :Satya P. Agarwal
  • ISBN :8120815246, 978-8120815247
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :December 8, 1998
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :437

"Although the Bhagavad-gita has traditionally been regarded as a poem of primarily religious significance, Dr. Agarwal shows that with the proper interpretation its message may be ransformed into a set of practical ethical guidelines. This practical aspect of the Gita’s teaching, its insistence that involvement with the world is an ethically correct function of human behaviour, is the focus of this book. That involvement with the world’s is expressed by the term 'Lokasamgraha'. The term covers a multitude of social and political forms of behaviour and attitudes of mind and is perhaps more central to the meaning the Gita should have for modern man than its traditional other-worldly interpretation.

Dr. Agarwal has examined the various ways in which India has reacted to the impact of many powerful foreign influences over the past two centuries. He has done so by studying the lives and the activities of select Hindu thinkers who through their writings and their ways of life showed their awareness of a need to preserve an Indian identity. All of them undertook to define these differences and thus established their views on what might be acceptable alternatives for India and the Indian genius vis-a-vis those principles and customs that run counter to the Indian tradition. But they were not unanimous in either their conclusions or the strategies they devised for attaining their common goal. The author has concentrated on the role the Bhagavad-gita has played in the lives and works of these thinkers."

The Original Gita
The Original Gita
  • Product Code :BK8039
  • Size :8.5" x 5.7" x 0.6"
  • Weight :360g.
  • Author :Gerard D. C. Kuiken
  • ISBN :8120835220, 978-8120835221
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :January 1, 2012
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :177

"We live in a world that functions by seeming 'dualism', a perspective that keeps us in bondage. In this book, dualism is addressed and shown to be illusionary, since every pair of opposites implies a third element: the notion of a difference implied by both opposites.

The Original Gita, which predates the Bhagavad Gita, focuses on the basic philosophical and practical essentials of life and living. Here dualism is addressed and shown to be illusionary, since every pair of opposites implies a third element: the notion of a different implied by both opposites. The discussion of what is an ever-present 'difference' in such a triunity and how it impacts everything we perceive is pivotal to awakening to a new dimension of observation. It is in the unseen difference that we become aware of opposites, such as long-short, day-night, true-false.

In the first part of the book, the questions-What is thought? What is space-time? What is life-death? - are examined in concise form to give a foundation for the understanding of the philosophy of the Gita. Using this basis of Eastern wisdom, the author comments on the 209 verses of The Original Gita, and a Sanskrit-to-English translation is given of the related 319 verses in the classic Bhagavad Gita that correspond to these verses; these 319 verses can therefore be considered as the core of the Bhagavad Gita. There is no reference in The Original Gita to the battle fought by the Bharatas, nor is there support for the caste system, which were interpolations added later to the Bhagavad Gita. The book includes a glossary for clarification of a number of germane Sanskrit terms, a bibliography, and an index."

Introspections on The Gita
Introspections on The Gita
  • Product Code :BK8038
  • Size :5.5" x 0.5" x 8.5"
  • Weight :190g.
  • Author :Narayan Singh Masuda & Indrajit Singh Rathore
  • ISBN :8178223929, 978-8178223926
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :May 14, 2012
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :125

"an interesting and thought-provoking commentary on the Gita' - Karan Singh, eminent Indologist, author, champion of interfaith dialogue, Padma Vibhushan.

'Lucid & Contemplative' - Namita Gokhale, author of Paro: Dreams of Passion

The Holy Geeta
The Holy Geeta
  • Product Code :BK8037
  • Size :7" x 4.9" x 0.8"
  • Weight :360g.
  • Author :Prabha Duneja
  • ISBN :8178224518, 978-8178224510
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :January 1, 2014
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :392

"The message of the holy dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna in the Bhishma Parvan episode of Mahabharata has been held in deep reverence by the sages, philosophers and the learned scholars all over the world. The teachings of Geeta are universal and meant for the welfare of
entire creation. There are hundreds of commentaries on Bhagawad Geeta both in Indian and in many foreign languages.

In the words of Dr. Radhakrishnan, 'for centuries people have found comfort in this great book which sets forth in precise and penetrating words the essential principles of a spiritual religion which are not contingent on ill-founded facts, unscientific dogmas or arbitrary fancies.'

The present translation is only a humble addition to the work which has been accomplished
earlier by the Geeta scholars. This translation with Romanized Sanskrit verses has been brought
forward in order to encourage the modern generation into the study of this ancient scripture.
This work is also meant to help the Indians living in foreign countries and to arouse the interest of foreigners into the recitation of Sanskrit verses and to understand the meaning of Geeta in a simple flexible and comprehensible language.


""The Bhagawad Geeta is a first-hand guide to the ancient roots of Vedic religion."" - Dr. R.C. Zeahner

""When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I don't see any ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to The Bhagawad Geeta and find a verse to comfort me."" - Mahatma Gandhi

""The Bhagawad Geeta is perhaps the most systematic spiritual statement of the Perennial Philosophy.""-Aldous Huxley"

  • Product Code :BK8036
  • Size :8.2" x 5.5" x 0.3"
  • Weight :100g.
  • Author :Anantanand Rambachan
  • ISBN :8120816951, 978-8120816954
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :January 1, 1999
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :87

"In the Bhagavadgita, Krsna exploys various teaching methods to aid Arjuna`s comprehension and to remove his misunderstandings. He often explains a difficult statement with the aid of a simile drawn from everyday human experience and the Bhagavadgita contains some of the most suggestive and beautiful similes in the entire sacred literature of Hinduism. The similes of Krsna add a beautiful visual dimension to words and invite reflection and exploration.

In this text, Prof. Rambachan has chosen twelve similes for reflection. They deal with diverse but interrelated matters such as the nature of the self, death, scriptures, self-control, peace, wisdom and the nature of God. These similes offer an exciting entrance into the Hindu world-view and the author invites us to explore the inexhaustible richness of each image.


""...Each of the similes contains inexhaustible richness of meaning to which the author adds significant classification. The similes open up an easy entrance to the basic Hindu thought which other wise could be elusive for easy comprehension. An inte"

  • Product Code :BK8035
  • Size :8.4" x 5.4" x 0.2"
  • Weight :120g.
  • Author :Anantanand Rambachan
  • ISBN :8120811674, 978-8120811676
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :August 31, 1993
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :67

"Gitamrtam is a concise and insightful discussion of the central themes of the Bhagavadgita. Beginning with the Gita's teaching about the nature and role of the incarnation, Dr. Rambachan identifies kama, a state of desiring and wanting, as life's fundamental problem. The proper resolution of this human dissatisfaction is to be found in the understanding of oneself to be the full and complete self (atman). Such knowledge, Dr. Rambachan vigorously argues, enables one to act in the world from a deep sense of inward peace and fulfilment. Self-knowledge transforms human motivation and liberates us from the narrow confines of selfish action to the freedom of serving others. Dr. Rambachan establishes that the Bhagavadgita ideal is not indifference to the world and the severing of human relationships, but love and compassion born out of the identity of oneself with all beings. In a lucid and accessible style, Dr. Rambachan shows how the Gita's teaching makes possible a love which embraces all and infuses each act with compassion."

Gita For Success In Modern Life
Gita For Success In Modern Life
  • Product Code :BK8034
  • Size :8.4" x 5.6" x 0.6"
  • Weight :360g.
  • Author :R.S. Garg
  • ISBN :817822125X, 978-8178221250
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :April 2, 2002
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :250

"This book underscores that the Gita is not for abandoning active life but for reconstructing.
The book focuses particularly on the modern man. It does not deal with an imaginary or an ideal situation but with man`s real life. It recognizes that man is caught up in a whirlpool of conflicting values and tries to resolve and reconcile them. The book explores various dimensions of man`s life - as an individual, as a family member, as a social being and as a businessman, as well.

The book selects only a few chapters and shlokas and brings out the principal teachings of the Gita which are of direct relevance in the context of contemporary modern life.


""Parables and metaphors in the Gita have been used as in other ancient scritures and literature to explain the subtle meanings in a simple manner to the reader......Separate chapters have been devoted to different ingredients of Karma Yoga......A Pe"

Bhagavad Gita in 365 days
Bhagavad Gita in 365 days
  • Product Code :BK8033
  • Size :5.2" x 0.8" x 7.2"
  • Weight :340g.
  • Author :Lata Jagtiani
  • ISBN :8178222566, 978-8178222561
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :December 30, 2005
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :386

"Bhagavad Gita in 365 days is a brief and simplified account of the dialogue betwwen a despondent Arjuna and the clear headed sagacious lord Krishna. It extracts the essence of the Gita in an undauting and user friendly format. With skill Lata Jagtiani has condensed the verses while retaining the philosophical essence of the Gita.
A pocket size book handy for travellers it requires a read of only a minute a day time that even the busiest amongst us can spare for a life of peace. A symbolic dip in the Ganges of wisdom it is sure to be an invaluable friend for readers of bothe sexes across all faiths for anybody given to asking philosophical questions.


For city dwellers busy with their daily routines, work qualms and household chores commuting and always on the move; spending some time on religion and mental relaxation is a distant thought. `Bhagavad Gita in 365 Days is just the book for such individual"

  • Product Code :BK8032
  • Size :8.3" x 5.5"
  • Weight :360g.
  • Author :William Quan Judge
  • ISBN :8178220962, 978-8178220963
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :December 1, 2002
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :220

The Gita offers a succinct summary of ancient Indian philosophy, with particular emphasis on the Supreme Spirit as both immanent and transcendent. Since its introduction into the Western world some two hundred years ago, the poem has been translated into practically every modern tongue, and is today the most widely read and discussed of all Eastern scriptures. Its emphasis is on two aspects selflessness. Recension of the Gita, combined with illuminating Essays on the poem make the present work unique. It works as a bridge between the Gita`s oriental approach and modern occidental thought.

Mahatma Gandhi The Bhagavadgita
Mahatma Gandhi The Bhagavadgita
  • Product Code :BK8031
  • Size :8.4" x 5.4" x 0.8"
  • Weight :400g.
  • Author :Mahendra Kulasrestha
  • ISBN :8183822134, 978-8183822138
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :May 30, 2009
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :328

"Mahatma Gandhi The Bhagavadgita
A commentary by Mahatma Gandhi A book of Ethics for all religions A commentary for the common man"

Bhagavad Gita Translation and Commentary
Bhagavad Gita Translation and Commentary
  • Product Code :BK8029
  • Size :6" x 1" x 9"
  • Weight :390g.
  • Author :Richard Gotshalk
  • ISBN :8120800060, 978-8120800069
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :February 5, 1985
  • Cover :Hardcover
  • Language :English
  • Pages :245

The Bhagavad Gita is a dramatic poem which forms a small part of the great epic, the Mahabharata. The poem is the dialogue through which Arjuna`s doubts are resolved by KrIsna`s teaching about the nature and place of action in the ultimate reality of things. The present translation is supplemented by a commentary; both seek to emphasize how the teaching is rooted in the concrete situation, and how its order and structure reflect the changing condition of the conversant and the purpose of the conversation. Footnotes and notes are included to clarify the Sanskrit, to indicate alternative translations, and to note relevant comments from other commentators and translators.

Ramayana (BUCK)
Ramayana (BUCK)
  • Product Code :BK8028
  • Size :8.5" x 1" x 9.1"
  • Weight :340g.
  • Author :William Buck
  • ISBN :8120817206, 978-8120817203
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :August 28, 2014
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :432

"Compared to the western epics, the Ramayana and Mahabharata are more complete story of Hindu, religious, cultural and social imagination and more exact narration of evolutionary rise of man. In this book, William Buck has succeeded better than anyone else in conveying the spirit of the

The task of presenting a faithful image of the original text, its metaphysical nuances as well as its chronological sequence the world`s largest epic in a small book is a stupendous task.

Mainly as a narration, the version of William Buck will serve as an interesting and complete tale to the English speaking reader. Valmiki was called the Adikavi or ""first poet"" of Sanskrit literature and some of his remarkable talent shines forth in the English rendering. The reader will find pleasure in reading it aloud to himself or the others.


""To say the Ramayana is one of the great epics of India may be a misleading understatement, for it is of far greater importance to India than the Greek epics are to Western thought... Buck has succeeded better than anyone else in conveying the spirit of the original."" - Choice

""For the purpose of the general reader, the book is flawless: a marvellous tale, told with all the elan of Tolkien, charmingly but unobtrusively illustrated, and with an introduction by a prominent Sanskritist."" - Pacific Affairs

""The Ramayana is simply a fascinating story of courtly intrigue, fierce battles, and sacrifice on an heroic scale... Buck has done a real service in making available to the English-speaking world this imcomparable Indian epic."" - The Virginia Quarterly Review

""The task of presenting a faithful image of the original, though so greatly reduced in size, is here on the whole fulfilled to a truly remarkable degree... To call it inspired is no overstatement."" - The Asian Student

""This is divine storytelling at its finest. When he finished his manuscripts, William Buck wrote, 'Based on the words of ancient songs, I have written books. I tried to make them interesting to read. I don't think you will find many other books like them.' He was absolutely correct."" - Bo Lozoff

""This cannot be called a literal translation of the epic, but a retelling of it in the form of a story. And what a retelling! The language is simple and poetic and will delight both the grown up and the young alike."" - Swami Satyamayananda, Prabuddha Bharata Vol.108, May 2003

""The work is not only a mere translation but stands as a literary work of great significance. The author has full command over the language of his expression and he has accomplished the tough task of rendering it into English with a commendable effort."" - Prof. Ravinder Kaur, Journal of Religions Studies Vol.31, No.122, Spring-Autumn 2000

The Oracle of Rama
The Oracle of Rama
  • Product Code :BK8027
  • Size :5.5" x 0.5" x 8.8"
  • Weight :280kg.
  • Author :The Oracle of Rama - David Frawley
  • ISBN :8120815599, 978-8120815599
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :May 1, 1999
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :195

"The Oracle of Rama, is perhaps the greatest Oracle of India, as well as one of the simplest and easiest to use. Like the I Ching, it consists of various verses that one can get to answer one's questions. While the I Ching uses the symbolism of the world of Nature for providing its forecasts. The Oracle of Rama uses the symbolism of Lord Rama, a Divine incarnation, and the Yoga of Devotion (Bhakti Yoga) as its symbolism. It condenses the laws of karma into the story of Rama and his noble deeds. Rama's story, the Ramayana, is one of the great classics of world literature. The importance of The Oracle of Rama is that Rama, its central presiding symbol, is a figure of heroic proportions--a perfect man. His life is an example of perfect action under every difficulty and misfortune, overcoming all the forces of evil and ignorance. As such, his Oracle is very safe and reliable, and provides the most wholesome and trustworthy guidance.


""The Oracle of Rama uses the insights of Tulsidas, one of the greatest seers of the Vedic tradition, to unlock the secrets of the realm of unmanifest intelligence and open up for us all the creative potentials of the universe. The Oracle shows us how we can make karmically appropriate choices so that we can live a life of joy and fulfilment on all levels of our being. Dr. Frawley offers us a beautiful English version of this classic for our everyday use."" - Deepak Chopra, MD, Author of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success."

The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol. 6 : Yuddhakanda in 2 parts
The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol. 6 : Yuddhakanda in 2 parts
  • Product Code :BK8026
  • Size :9.6" x 6.5" x 4"
  • Weight :2.100kg.
  • Author :Robert P. Goldman/ Sally J. Sutherland Goldma/ Barend A. Van Nooten
  • ISBN :8120831675, 978-8120831674
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :September 30, 2008
  • Cover :Hardcover
  • Language :English
  • Pages :1655

"The sixth book of the Ramayana of Valmiki, the Yuddhakanda, recounts the final dramatic war between the forces of good led by the exiled prince Rama and the forces of evil commanded by the arch demon Ravana. The hero Rama's primary purpose in the battle is to rescue the abducted princess Sita and destroy the demon king. However, the confrontation also marks the turning point for the divine mission of the Ramavatara, the incarnation of Lord Visnu as a human prince, who will restore righteousness to a world on the brink of chaos. The book ends with the Gods' revelation to Rama of his true divine nature, his emotional reunion with his beloved wife, his long-delayed consecration as king of Kosala, and his restoration of a utopian age. The Yuddhakanda contains some of the most extraordinary events and larger-than-life characters to be found anywhere in world literature..

This sixth volume in the critical edition and translation of the Valmiki Ramayana, includes an extensive introduction, exhaustive notes, and a comprehensive bibliography."

The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol.5: Sundarakanda
The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol.5: Sundarakanda
  • Product Code :BK8025
  • Size :8.6" x 1.7" x 6.6"
  • Weight :910g.
  • Author :Robert P. Goldman
  • ISBN :8120831667, 978-8120831667
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :September 30, 2006
  • Cover :Hardcover
  • Language :English
  • Pages :583

The fifth and most popular book of the Ramayana of Valmiki, the Sundarakanda, recounts the adventures of the monkey hero Hanuman in leaping across the ocean to the island citadel of Lanka. Once there, he scours the city for the abducted Princess Sita. The poet vividly describes the opulence of the court of the demon king, Ravana, the beauty of his harem, the splendors of the palace gardens, and the hideous deformity of Sita`s wardresses. After witnessing Sita`s pathetic state and her stern rejection of Ravana`s blandishments, Hanuman reveals himself to the princess and restores her hope of rescue. The great monkey then wreaks havoc on the royal park and fights a series of hair-raising battles with Ravana`s generals. Permitting himself to captured by the warrior Indrajit, Hanuman is led into the presence of Ravana, whom he admonishes for his lechery. His tail is set ableze, but he escapes his bonds and, leaping from rooftop to rooftop, sets fire to the city. Taking leave of Sita, Hanuman once more leaps the ocean to rejoin his monkey companions. Returning in triumph to report the news of Sita`s discovery to Rama, the monkeys pause for an interlude of drunken revelry in the pleasure grove of the monkey king. At last, Hanuman reports on his adventures to Prince Rama. This is the fifth volume translated from the critical edition of the Valmiki Ramayana. It contains an extensive introduction, exhaustive notes, and comprehensive bibliography.

The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol.4: Kiskindhakanda
The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol.4: Kiskindhakanda
  • Product Code :BK8024
  • Size :8.8" x 5.9" x 1.3"
  • Weight :680g.
  • Author :Rosalind J. Lefeber
  • ISBN :8120831659, 978-8120831650
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :September 30, 2006
  • Cover :Hardcover
  • Language :English
  • Pages :413

"This is the fourth volume of a translation of India`s most beloved and influential epic tale-the Ramayana of Valmiki. As befits its position at the center of the work, Volume IV presents the hero Rama at the turning point of his fortunes. Having previously lost first his kingship and then his wife , he now forms an alliance with the monkey prince, Sugriva. Rama needs the monkeys to help him find his abducted wife, Sita, and indeed, by the end of this book, they have at least discovered where her abductor has taken her. But first Rama must agree to secure for his new ally the throne of the monkey kingdom by eliminating the reigning king, wh is none other than Sugriva`s detested elder brother, Valin. The tragic rivalry between the two monkey brothers is in sharp contrast to Rama`s affectionate relationship with his own brothers and forms a self-contained episode within the larger story of Rama`s adventures. This volume continues the translation of the critical edition of the Valmiki Ramayana, a version considerably reduced from the vulgate on which all previous translations were based. It is accompanied by extensive notes on the original Sanskrit text and on several untranslated early Sanskrit commentaries.
List of Abbreviations, Preface, Guide to Sanskrit Pronunciation, PART 1: Introduction, Prologue, Synopsis, The Critical Edition, The Commentaries, The Description of the Four Directions, Rama's Allies, The Death of Valin, The Translation and Annotation, PART II. Kiskindhakanda, PART III. Notes, Glossary of Important Sanskrit Words, Proper Nouns, and Epithets, Glossary of Flora and Fauna, Bibliography of Works Cited, Index."

The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol. 3: Aranyakanda
The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol. 3: Aranyakanda
  • Product Code :BK8023
  • Size :8.5" x 5.8" x 1.3"
  • Weight :550g.
  • Author :Sheldon I. Pollock
  • ISBN :8120831640, 978-8120831643
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :August 30, 2006
  • Cover :Hardcover
  • Language :English
  • Pages :412

"This is the third volume of a planned seven volume translation of India`s most beloved and influential epic tale-the Ramayana of Valmiki. This third volume carries forward the narrative by following the exiled hero Rama his wife and his brother on their wanderings. The book contains the narrative center of the epic the abduction of Sita by the demon king Ravana. It provides a profound meditaion on the paradox of the hero as both human and divine.

The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol. 2: Ayodhyakanda
The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol. 2: Ayodhyakanda
  • Product Code :BK8022
  • Size :8.6" x 5.8" x 1.6"
  • Weight :4.400 kg.
  • Author :Sheldon I. Pollock
  • ISBN :8120831632, 978-8120831636
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :September 30, 2006
  • Cover :Hardcover
  • Language :English
  • Pages :578

"This is the second of seven volumes that will present a complete and fully annotated translation of the Valmiki Ramayana of the seven sections of this great Sanskrit epic, the Ayodhyakanda is the most human, and it remains one of the best introductions to the social and political values of traditional India. This readable translation is accompanied by a commentary that elucidates the various problems of the text, whether philological, aesthetic, or cultural. Extensive use is made in the annotations of the numerous commentaries on the Ramayana composed in medieval India. The substantial introduction supplies a historical context for the poem and a critical reading that explores its literary and ideological components. The volumes of this work will present the entire Ramayana, translated here for the first time on the basis of the critical edition (Oriental Institute, baroda), which takes into account manuscripts representing all regional traditions.
List of Abbreviations, Preface, Guide to sanskrit Pronunciation, PART I. Introduction, Prelude to the Ayodhyakanda, Synopsis of the Ayodhyakanda, The Central Issues, A Problem of Narrative and Its Significance, The Philosophy, Aesthetic and Literary-Historical Considerations, The Characters, The Women of the Ayodhyakanda, Dasaratha, Rama, The Text, Annotations, and Translation, PART II: Ayodhyakanda, PART III. Notes, Glossary of Important Proper Nouns and Epithets, Emendations and Corrections of the Critical Edition Bibliography of Works Consulted, Index."

The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol.1: Balakanda
The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol.1: Balakanda
  • Product Code :BK8021
  • Size :5.8" x 8.7"
  • Weight :730g.
  • Author :Robert P. Goldman
  • ISBN :8120831624, 978-8120831629
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :July 30, 2006
  • Cover :Hardcover
  • Language :English
  • Pages :449

This is the first of seven volumes that will present a complete and fully annotated translation of the Valmiki Ramayana. This great sanskrit epic of ancient India has profoundly affected the literature, art, religions, and culture of countless millions of people in South and Southest Asia-an influence that is perhaps unparalleled in the history of world literature. For the first time it has here been translated on the basis of the critical edition which is based on manuscripts representing all recensional traditions. In this first volume Robert P. Goldman, general editor of the translation, has written a major scholarly introduction and, in collaboration with Sally J. Sutherland, assistant editor, has given copious annotations dealing with the poem`s numerous textual and exigetial problems, drawing on the contributions of generations of Sanskrit commentators.

Shri Ramacharitamanasa
Shri Ramacharitamanasa
  • Product Code :BK8020
  • Size :10.5" x 2.2" x 13"
  • Weight :4.300kg.
  • Author :R. C. Prasad
  • ISBN :8120804430, 978-8120804432
  • Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
  • Edition :May 19, 2016
  • Cover :Paperback
  • Language :English
  • Pages :894

"SHRI RAMACHARITAMANASA of Tulasidasa is the single most popular book of the Hindus, which, for over four centuries, has greatly appealed equally to the rich and the poor, the educated and the illiterate, the old and the young, and the scholar and the common man.

Its popularity is by no means limited to India, nor are the Hindus its only readers. The message of the RAMACHARITAMANASA is all the more relevant today as it reiterates man’s faith in the soundness of moral order that sustain the world. Dark and evil forces may, and will, on occasions, threaten to disrupt that order but divine intervention will ultimately chasten and subdue those forces.

Keeping in mind people’s ever-increasing quest for the epic, this unique edition of the RAMACHARITAMANASA with verse to verse Hindi and English translation along with Tulasidasa’s original text has been prepared. The translation rendered by an accomplished scholar maintains the intrinsic richness of the original. Special care has been taken for making it useful to the Indian brethren living abroad to whom the dialect of Tulasidasa’s original may be somewhat incomprehensible. There has been a long-standing demand from the vast Indian community settled abroad for a standard and authentic edition of the RAMACHARITAMANASA. The present edition has been designed to meet their requirement by using the most modern printing and processing techniques to make it a work of international standard.

A special feature of this edition is the inclusion of Lavakushakanda, Shri Hanumanchalisa and Shri Ramashalaka Prashnavali. The mode of its recitation is given as a separate appendix. Adding to its uniqueness is the important section containing Indian, and European and American Scholar’s criticisms on Tulasidasa’s RAMACHARITAMANASA . A glossary of important proper nouns and epithets is given at the end.

Dr. R.C. Prasad translated SHRI RAMACHARITAMANASA into simple and lucid English and Hindi. He was a University Professor of English in Patna University where he taught for about three decades. He was an eminent author, translator and editor. He had a good number of books to his credit.


""Now we have an excellent rendering of the original into simple Hindi and English with its two disputed chapter in the appendices along with opinions of scholars both Indian and European"" - Kushwant Singh, The Hindustan Times, New Delhi, December 10 , 198"


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