Motilal Banarsidass
Motilal Banarsidass
32 products

- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass
- By : Bimal Krishna Matilal
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2016
- Pages : 453
- Weight : 390 gm
- Size : 8.4 x 5.8 x 0.7 inches
- ISBN-10: 8120840631
- ISBN-13: 978-8120840638
In classical India, the Nyaya-Vaisesika school upheld a form of realism, best known as Naive or Direct Realism. Professor Matilal here presents the Nyaya view and critically examines it against the opposing Buddhist version of phenomenalism and idealism. The dispute between the Buddhist and Nyaya schools of thought lasted a little over twelve centuries; and although the author's approach is largely historical, it is informed by the belief that the issues raised by this dispute have a significant contribution to make to modern philosophical concerns. His reconstruction of Nyaya arguments meets not only traditional Buddhist objections but also those of modernsense-data representationalists. One may understand the history of philosophy in a global sense. The dispute that lasted a little over twelve centuries between the Nyaya and the Buddhist over the nature of perception, the critique and criteria of knowledge, and the status of the external world, is undoubtedly an important chapter in the history of global philosophy. It is author's firm conviction that modern philosophical discussion stands to be enriched, and our insight deepened, by a proper analysis and critical study by philosophers today. The need for painstaking research in this field can hardly be over-emphasised.

- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass
- By : Hazrat Inayat Khan (Author)
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 1995
- Pages : 275
- Weight : 500 gm
- Size : 0.3 x 5.9 x 9.1 inches
- ISBN-10: 8120807588
- ISBN-13: 978-8120807587
The thirteenth volume of a collection of works by the prominent Sufi mystic Hazrat Inayat Khan which expounds the Sufi philosophy of life. It shows the reader how and what this philosophy can contribute to the individual's spiritual and religious development.
- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass
- By : S.M. Srinivasa Chari
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 1999
- Pages : 240
- Weight : 450 gm
- Size : 7.9 x 5.5 x 1.6 inches
- ISBN-10: 8120815351
- ISBN-13: 978-8120815353
This book presents a comprehensive exposition of Vedanta Desika`s Satadusani, a polemical classic of Visistadvaita Vedanta, devoted to the criticism of the doctrines of Advaita Vedanta. The thought-provoking arguments found in the Sixty-six Vedas of the original text are brought together, analysed and discussed in a systematic manner under eight broad headings: Pramanas Perception; Consciousness; Individual self; Brahman; Universe; Avidya; Sadhana and Mukti.In presenting the dialectics of VedantaDesika in a vigorous and scholastic form the author deals with numerous issues that the Vadas raise--epistemological, ontological, religious, and ethical. Thought the issues are many, each discussing a specific problem, they are ultimately directed to refute the central doctrine of Advaita, viz., that Brahman which is pure consciousness devoid of all determinations, constitutes the sole Reality and every thing else is illusory. While carefully tracing the fundamental differences between the two systems of Vedanta, he points out that the differences are mostly due to the difference in the stand- points they adopt.Faithfully conforming to the original in letter and spirit, this work will serve as a useful introduction to the study of the Sribhasya of Ramanuja. A distincy contribution to the study of classical Hindu thought, this book should be of interest to students of Philosophy in general and

- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers
- By : Jacques Derrida (Author), Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (Tr.)
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 1994
- Pages : 300
- Weight : 1.5 pounds
- Size : 5.8 x 1.2 x 9 inches
- ISBN-10: 8120811879
- ISBN-13: 978-8120811874
The author is one of the most acclaimed thinker, and expounder of philosophic process of thought of our time. Influence enough to have affected the entire French critical scene, Jacques Derrida has been hailed as the most important philosopher in France today. His ideas of reading and writing, his notion of de-construction, his reinterpretations of phenomenology, of psychoanalysis, and of strucuralism have profoundly influenced the vanguard of European and American criticism and have occasioned lively controversy. Derrida`s philosophical background baffles some literary critics. This role of exposing the common assumption shared by combatants in a controversy raises Derrida`s importance above merely the French scene.
THE DEVOTIONAL POEMS OF MIRABAI offers the reader a sober English translation of two hundred of her Padas, based on the interpretative work of Indian scholars that has appeared during the last few decades. Three introductory essays deal with her life, her place in the Bhakti movement and the characteristics of her poetry. Terminal notes explain the mythological references to the non-Hindu reader, indicate some linguistic difficulties and record minor deviations from the fifteenth edition of Parashuram Chaturvedi`s MIRAMBAI KI PADAVALI, the basic text used.

- Product Code: BK14080
- Edition : April 1, 1997
- Pages : 763
- Weight : 1.65 kg.
- Size : 6 x 1.8 x 9 inches
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : George Cardona
- Language : English, Sanskrit
- ISBN-10: 8120804198 ISBN-13: 978-8120804197
- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass
This is the first volume of a study of Panini`s work, its antecedents and the traditions of interpretation and analysis to which it gave rise. This revised second edition included the text of Panini`s Astadhyayi with indications of changes that were introduced to this text and a discussion concerning such changes. Subsequent volumes take up in full detail issues of interpretation, method, and theory associated with the Astadhyayi. This first volume is meant to provide a basic for such detailed discussions.

- Product Code: BK14079
- Edition : 2 edition (September 22, 2016)
- Pages : 230
- Weight : 210 gm
- Size : 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.4 inches
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : Edward Delavan Perry
- Language : English
- ISBN-10: 8120802071, ISBN-13: 978-8120802070
- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass
Sanskrit Primer provides a useful outline for a rapid review of Sanskrit grammar and language. It combines in a brief and careful manner Buhler's exercises with explanations of Whitney. The whole subject is covered in forty-five lessons systematically arranged. Vocabularies are prefixed to each exercise. Sanskrit-English and English-Sanskrit glossaries are appended to facilitate easy understanding.

- Product Code: BK13066
- Edition : 2017
- Pages : 175
- Weight : 350 gm
- Size :
- Cover : Paperback
- Author : Vasant Dattatray Lad
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8120818393, 978-8120818392
- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass
Ayurveda is a simple, practical science of life whose principles are universally applicable to each individual's daily existence. Ayurveda speaks to every element and facet of human life, offering guidance that has been tested and refined over many centuries to all those who seek greater harmony, peace and longevity. The knowledge supplied in this book will be of lasting value to the reader.
This book is mainly concerned with presenting a basic over-view of Ayurveda, including techniques of examination, diagnosis and treatment; promotion of longevity; the use of herbal remedies and other practical everyday aspects of maintaining health.
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