Indian Art History Books
Indian Art History Books
33 products

- Publisher : Rajpal and Sons
- By: Amritlal Nagar(Author)
- Binding :Paperback
- Language : Hindi
- Edition :2016
- Pages: 236 pages
- Size : 20 x 14 x 4 cm
- ISBN-10: 9350642697
- ISBN-13: 9789350642696
यशस्वी साहित्यकार अमृतलाल नागर की यह कृति ‘गदर के फूल’ सत्तावनी क्रान्ति संबंधी स्मृतियों और किंवदंतियों का प्रामाणिक दस्तावेज़ है। भारत की स्वतन्त्रता के लिए 1857 में क्रान्ति की एक चिंगारी भड़की थी जिसे अंग्रेज़ों ने ‘गदर’ का नाम दिया था। उस काल के व्यक्ति अब छीजते जा रहे हैं। उन्हीं स्मृतियों को नागर जी ने इस पुस्तक में संजोया है। अवध में घूम-घूमकर, उस काल के प्रत्यदर्शी लोगों के संस्मरणों के माध्यम से तथा अन्य उपलब्ध ऐतिहासिक प्रमाणों को आधार बनाकर नागर जी ने इस पुस्तक की सामग्री का संचयन किया है।

- Publisher : Rajpal and Sons
- By: Amritlal Nagar(Author)
- Binding :Paperback
- Language : Hindi
- Edition :2016
- Pages: 176 pages
- Size : 20 x 14 x 4 cm
- ISBN-10: 9350643758
- ISBN-13: 9789350643754
‘‘हिन्दुस्तान पर महायुद्ध की परछाईं पड़ने लगी। हर शख्स के दिल से ब्रिटिश सरकार का विश्वास उठ गया। यथाशक्ति लोगों ने चावल जमा करना शुरू किया। रईसों ने बरसों के लिए खाने का इन्तज़ाम कर लिया। मध्यवर्गीय नौकरीपेशा गृहस्थों ने अपनी शक्ति के अनुसार दो-तीन महीने से लेकर छः महीने तक की खुराक जमा कर ली। खेतिहर मज़दूर भीख माँगने पर मजबूर हुआ। भूख ने मेहनत-मज़दूरी करनेवाले ईमानदार इन्सानों को खूँखार लुटेरा बना दिया। भूख ने सतियों को वेश्या बनने पर मजबूर किया। मौत का डर बढ़ने लगा। और एक दिन चिर आशंकित, चिर प्रत्याशित मृत्यु, भूख को दूर करने के समस्त साधनों के रहते हुए भी, भूखे मानव को अपना आहार बनाने लगी...’’-इस पुस्तक में से। अमृतलाल नागर उन्नीसवीं सदी के हिन्दी साहित्य के महत्त्वपूर्ण लेखक थे, जिन्हें अक्सर प्रेमचंद का साहित्यिक वारिस माना जाता है। उनके लेखन की विशेषता थी यादगार चरित्रों का सृजन, जो पुस्तक पढ़ने के बाद भी देर तक पाठक के दिलो-दिमाग पर अपना प्रभाव छोड़ते थे। बहुआयामी प्रतिभा वाले नागर जी ने 74 वर्ष के जीवन काल में सभी विधाओं पर लिखा जिसमें कहानी, उपन्यास, नाटक, निबन्ध, संस्मरण और बच्चों के लिए कई रोचक पुस्तकें हैं। 1967 में उन्हें साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार और 1981 में पद्मविभूषण से सम्मानित किया गया। उनके उपन्यास मानस का हंस, नाच्यौ बहुत गोपाल और खंजन नयन हिन्दी साहित्य में मील के पत्थर साबित हुए।

- Publisher : Rajpal and Sons
- By: Amritlal Nagar(Author)
- Binding :Paperback
- Language : Hindi
- Edition :2018
- Pages: 120 pages
- Size : 20 x 14 x 4 cm
- ISBN-10: 8170287316
- ISBN-13: 9788170287315
विष्णुभट्ट गोडशे द्वारा लिखा 1857 के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम का एकमात्र आँखों देखा विवरण और प्रसिद्ध हिन्दी कथाकार अमृतलाल नागर का उतना ही सरल और सटीक अनुवाद। पुस्तक की घटनाएं चित्रपट की तरह एक सूत्र में बंधी हुई आगे बढ़ती हैं। हर दृश्य, हर घटना का वर्णन इतना मार्मिक, रोमांचक और जीवंत है कि पाठक उसमें आकंठ डूब जाता है।

- Publisher : Sterling Publishers
- By : J. L. Mehta
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 1995
- Pages : 326
- Weight : 500 gm
- Size : 7.9 x 5.5 x 1.6 inches
- ISBN-10: 812070617X
- ISBN-13: 978-8120706170
Language: EnglishPages: 1340About the BookThis second revised edition gives an analytical and critical account of the political and military history of early medieval India. contemporary and near contemporary literary sources are liberally utilised for the reconstruction of the past.The author lays special emphasis on the national aspect of history and gives an incisive analysis of the Indo-Muslim polity of the times. Historical facts have been reorganised and reinterpreted through clear and illuminating expositions, refreshing characterisation of historic personalities and objective assessment of events and movements.
- Publisher : Manohar
- By : DN Jah
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2015
- Pages : 238
- Weight : 360 gm
- Size : 8.5 x 5.6 x 0.6 inches
- ISBN-10: 9350980754
- ISBN-13: 978-9350980750
This book is a substantially modified and enlarged version of the 1977 original. It surveys the major developments in Indias social, economic and cultural history up to the end of the ancient period and the beginning of the early middle ages and explains the rise and growth of states with reference to their material basis. Special attention has been paid to the elements of change and continuity in society, economy and culture, and to the changing forms of exploitation and consequent social tensions as well as to the role of religion and superstition in society.
- Publisher : McGraw Hill Education
- By : Krishna Reddy
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2017
- Pages : 1328
- Weight : 2 kg.
- Size : 7.9 x 5.5 x 1.6 inches
- ISBN-10: 9352606620
- ISBN-13: 978-9352606627
McGraw Hill Education is proud to present the second edition of Indian History By Krishna Reddy which provides a comprehensive approach to the various aspects of the subject. This book is meant for Civil Services Preliminary and Main Examinations, State Civil Services Examinations and other competitive examinations where History is an important area. In this new edition lot of care has been taken to present History as per the requirements of the latest trends in the Civil Services as well as State Civil Services examination trends. Apart from adding a very elaborate new chapter on “Culture” in the ancient section, special emphasis is given to highlighting socio-religious and cultural developments and concepts throughout the book. Moreover, the subject has been illustrated through more maps, photographs, diagrams, flowcharts to make it easily comprehendible.
- Publisher : Voice of India
- By : Sita Ram Goel (Author), Yashpal Sharma (Author)
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2000
- Pages : 119
- Weight : 210 gm
- Size : 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.3 inches
- ISBN-10: 818599059X
- ISBN-13: 978-8185990590
The ideology Secularism had taken shape during the European Enlightenment (18-19 centuries). Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru who had never used the term in his pre-independence writings or speeches, simply picked up a prestigious world form the Western political parlance and made it mean the opposite of what it meant in the West. The outcome of this perversion proved disastrous for the newly independent nation, as became more than obvious in due course. In pre-independent India, the 'Muslim minority' had exercised a veto on who was to be hailed as 'nationalist' and who was to be denounced as 'Hindu communalist'. Now the same 'minority' reacquired the same veto on who was to be applauded as 'secularist' and who was to be hounded out as 'communalist'. In short, the term 'secularism' in the post-independence period has been and remains no more than a euphemism for Hindu-baiting. The word 'India's' instead of 'Indian' has been used in the title of this book because there is nothing Indian about Nahruvian Secularism. In fact, the term 'secularism' in its original Western sense had remained unknown to Indian political parlance because Indians had never envisaged or experienced a theocratic dispensation before the advent of Islam and its state apparatus in this country. Even today, traditional Indian scholars do not understand what theocracy means, and how Secularism in the Western sense stands opposed to it. And this 'secularism' has not been defined as Nahruvian because it is shared in common by all political parties including the Bharatiya Janata Party.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- By : A.R. Sharif
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2010
- Pages : 166
- Weight : 210 gm.
- Size : 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.4 inches
- ISBN-13 : 978-8188071715
- ASIN : 8188071714
So you think you know all about India…its ancient history, its glorious heritage, its jaw-dropping wonders? Well, think again.
Take architecture, building and town planning for instance. Do you know about the world’s biggest domical roof? The world’s largest monolithic statue? The world’s biggest sundial? Do you know about the hanging ceiling? The pillar without a foundation? Or about a model town 1,000 years ago? Medieval flush system latrines? And of concealed plumbing in ancient India?
Or take literature. Do you know about the man who told two stories using one text? The oldest grammar book? The world’s longest poem? Or, for that matter, of poet Magha’s geometrical composition?
In medicine, chances are you haven’t heard about incredible ancient surgical instruments. Or about the artificial nose created 2000 years ago. Or the curative sounds of the medicated drum.
In science and technology, did you know of robots that existed 1000 years ago? Or the pillar that has defied rust for 1600 years? Of the journey from zero to infinity? Of the ancient technique of drilling pinholes in stones?

- Product Code :BK10172
- Size :8.75" x 5.75" x 1.80"
- Weight :650 gm.
- Author :Kishori Saran Lal
- ISBN-10: 8121502276
- ISBN-13: 978-8121502276
- Publisher :Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd
- Edition :1980
- Cover :Hard Cover
- Language :English
- Pages :372
Twilight of the sultanate is a political, social and cultural history of the Sultanate of the Delhi from the invasion of Timur to the conquest of Babar (1398-1526). This period of a century and a quarter presents the spectacle of a curious contradiction of unceasing political upheavals and great cultural achievements. It is not only a coherent sequence of history and continuity that the author portrays in this volume, but the very atmosphere of those turbulent and disorderly days. Timur’s capture of Delhi vivifies the terror of the times, amidst which Timur, who was sixty-three, ‘immersed himheslf in pleasure and enjoyment.’ ‘No one ever achieved a victory over Bahlul Lodi,’ and yet he could calmly tell his restive Afghan nobles: ‘If you do not think me worthy of the Station (of Monarch), you may choose loved to have the learned Ulema about him, but drank wine in secret ‘to keep himself in health.’ And Babur’s keen intellect rightly noted that India ‘has masses of gold and silver,’ a fact in many ways responsible for her chequered history.
“In the political field the first half of the 15th century was a period of decay; the second half of upheavals, but in the cultural field it was an age of sustained progress,” says the author. This period witnessed great development in architecture, music, education and social reform. “there was continuous progress of synthesis in spite of all conflicts, political, social, intellectual.” Muriel edition of the Twilight of the sultanate rightly observes: ‘Even more interesting are the final observations of the author on the emergence of the integrated Indian culture.’ As Professor Lal say: “Babur appreciated it and Akbar worked upon it.”
In brief, Twilight of the Sultanate “ is a painstaking and scholarly book, which Indian medievalists will find Indispensable.”
the Time Literary Supplement, London
professor K. S. Lal (born 26 February 1920) graduated in 1939, obtaining the Dr. Tara Chand Gold Medal in History. He took his M.A. in 1941 and D. Phil. in 1945, all from the University of Allahabad.
Starting his career as part-time Lecturer in the same university (1944-45), he joined the Central Provineces (now Madhya Pradesh) Educational Serviece in 1945 and taught at Morris College Nagpur; Robertson College, Jabalpur; And Hamidia College, Bhopal he was Sevretary, Madhya Pradesh Itihasa Parishad and Convener, Regional Records Survey Committee, Madhya Pradesh. In 1958 he presided over the Medieval History Section of the Indian History Congress and in 1975 of the Punjab History Congress. In 1978 he Was President of the Rajasthan History Congress.
Dr. Lal was Reader in History at the University of Delhi from 1963 to 1972. He was professor and Head of the Department of History, University of Jodhpur from 1973 to 1979. At present He is Professor and Head of the Department of History at University of Hyderabad. He has participated in many Seminars and Conference in India and abroad and has published a number of historical monographs.
Back of the Book
A History of Sufism in India
Dr. S.A.A.Rizvi
The present work seeks to study sufism as a psycho-historical
phenomenon, the author seeing it as a potential force to meet
social and political challenges produced by protracted political upheaval, associated with autocratic oppression and economic deprivation. It is divided into two volumes.
The first volume outlines the history of Sufism before it was firmly established in India and then goes on to discuss the principal trends in sufi developments there from the thirteenth to the beginning of the sixteenth century. Chronologically it is concerned with sufi history from the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate to the beginning of the Mughal empire. Naturally it lays great emphasis on the Chishtiyya, Suhrawadiyya, Firdaosiyya and Kubrawiyya orders, but the contribution made by qalandars and legendary and semi-legendary saints have also not been neglected. A detailed discussion of the interaction of medieval Hindu mystic traditions and Sufism shows a unique polarity between the intolerant rigidity of the orthodox and the flexibility of the sufis in India.
The fifteenth century also saw the introduction to India of the Shattari and the Qadiri orders these orders, along with the Naqshbandis and Chishtis, will be discussed in the second volume. This will also outline the impact of Indian sufis on the contemporary Islamic world, concluding with the influence of modernism on Sufism in India.
Mainly concentrating on the development of Indian sufi orders and their internal conflicts and internal threats, the two volumes deal with only the most important personalities of each order, their basic teachings and their contributions to religious, mystical, social, economic and political thoughts. They are not intended to be a directory of Indian sufis.
Vol. 1, Early Sufism and its History in India 1600 A.D. Rs. 150
Vol. 2, From Sixteen Century to Modern Times. In press

Further, the study also throws fresh light on the iconographical evolution of different forms of Siva, besides their physiognomy. The forms of Siva are grouped as Nrityamurtis, Samyuktamurtis, Samharamurtis, Anugrahamurtis, Saumyamurtis & Pratyekamurtis. Being a serious research work this is very valuable for the history of Iconography of Siva and serves as a beacon for further research in this field. With over 100 illustrations, this is an essential book for anyone interested in Indian art.
The Author
Dr. D. Kiran Kranth Choudary, (b.1954), Ph.D., D.Litt. is Professor of Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology and also the Principal and Dean Faculty of Arts, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati. He is the Coordinator of the UGC SAP DRS-I. His field of specialization is Art and Architecture in which he contributed innovative articles. He has completed five Research Projects sponsored by the UGC and ICHR. He has organized seven conferences/seminars/ workshops on different themes. He was the Coordinator of the Association of Indian Universities, 78th Annual Meet of the All India Vice-Chancellors. He received training in Remote Sensing for Archaeology at NRSA, Hyderabad. He chaired many sessions in various conferences and seminars. As a resource person he delivered lectures/talks in different universities in India and Abroad.
Dr. Kiran Kranth has published books: Five Prominent Temples of Bhuvanesvar (1982), Ragadhuli (1984), Ramayana in Indian Art and Epigraphy (2006), Srikalahstisvara Temple, A Study based on Epigraphs and Sculptures (2008), Teluguvari Silpakala (2012) and also edited Sankaram, Recent Researches on Indian Culture (2000), Prasadam, Recent Researches on Archaeology, Art, Architecture and Culture (2004), Ancient Civilizations (2006) and Archaeology and Art: New Dimensions (2008). He has seventy six research papers to his credit published in reputed Research Journals. He served as Dean (Exams) and Special Officer (Evaluation) for the university and also former Head and Chairman Board of Studies, Dept of A.I.H.C. & Archaeology. He is awarded Sri Gomateshwara Vidyapeetha Award-2008, Srikalahastisvaraswamy vari Puraskaram-2010, Meritorious Teacher Award-2011and Government of Andhra Pradesh State Awards to Meritorious Teachers-2013. He is associated with many academic bodies in various capacities. As poet and creative writer he is associated with many literary and cultural organizations.
Preface ix
Foreword xiii
Abbreviations xxxi
List of Illustrations xxxiii
1. Introduction 1
2. Nṛityamūrtis 28
3. Saṁyuktamūrtis 47
4. Saṁhāramūrtis 68
5. Anugrahamūrtis 99
6. Saumyamūrtis 122
7. Pratyēkamūrtis 151
8. Epilogue 185
Glossary 206
Bibliography 214
Index 231
Plates 239

This book also discuss about the application of saline technique for the consolidation of sculpture of Ajanta / Ellora.
About the Author:
Dr. Manager Singh, M. Sc, Ph.D, Superintending Archaeological Chemist, ArchaeologicalSurvey of India, Aurangabad has received his master degree in chemistry from Gorakhpur University and Ph.D in chemistry on “Scientific investigation of Ajanta Paintings and Performance evaluation of materials” from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra. He was associated with the preservation of Ajanta cave murals from 1997 – 2008 and carried out extensive research on the materials and technique of mural art of Ajanta / Ellora. He has published about four dozen research papers in the field of scientific conservation of our art works mostly in international journals. He has been covered extensively by Discovery channel, Japanese T.V and German print media for his innovative work on cleaning of hinayana painting of cave no. 10, Ajanta under unseen Ajanta. Prior to his service in Archaeological Survey of India, he has also served in Geological Survey of India, Bangalore and Naval Science & Technological laboratory, Visakhapatnam. He has been received three months ICCROM training on stone Conservation in Venice on stone conservation and visited many countries to deliver lectures on scientific conservation of Murals in India and characterization of ancient materials with the help of scientific analysis for synthesis of compatible restoration materials.

This dynamic survey-generously complemented with 775 illustrations, including 48 in full color and numerous architectural ground plans, and detailed maps and fine drawings, and further enhanced by its guide to Sanskrit, copious notes, extensive bibliography, and glossary of South Asian art terms-is the most comprehensive and most fully illustrated study of South Asian art available.
The works and monuments included in this volume have been selected not only for their artistic merit but also in order to both provide general coverage and include transitional works that furnish the key to an all encompassing view of the art.
An outstanding portrayal of ancient India’s highest intellectual and technical achievements, this volume is written for many audiences: scholars, for whom it provides an up-to-date background against which to examine their own areas of study; teachers and students of college level, for whom it supplies a complete summary of and a resource for their own deeper investigations into Indic art; and curious readers, for whom it gives a broad-based introduction to this fascinating area of world art.

It is primarily intended for use to metal conservators, engineers, conservation scientist, metal sculptors, and students striving to acquire some back ground and perspective on this subject. Conservation especially remedial conservation of the ancient bronzes is one of the major challenges of our time for metal conservators. With the advancement of science and technology several new materials have come out time to time. However a random survey indicates that there is hardly a book, which covers from history of bronzes to philosophy and conservation of ancient bronzes including techniques of casting, deterioration, metallography, characterization and identification of elements and compounds of ancient bronzes for understanding the type and level of decay of metals.
This book is expected to be useful not only for the university students, technologists, practicing conservators, metal sculptors, artists and metallurgists but also for all those who are entrusted with responsibilities for conserving the ancient bronzes.
The book gives a detailed development of bronzes in global perspective, metallurgical identities, characterization and identification of elements and compounds, types and factors of corrosion including corrosion mechanism and corrosion products and their colouration. The last section of this book gives the remedial conservation including preventive measures.
The Author
Dr. U.S. Lal, is well known professional in the field of conservation cultural heritage and author of this book entitled “Ancient Bronzes: History, Metallurgy, Corrosion and Conservation”. Dr. Lal obtained his M.Sc., Ph.D, degree from University of Allahabad. Allahabad. At present he is Senior. Scientist and Head of Department of Analytical and Metal Research Division in National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Cultural Property (NRLC), Lucknow, India, a premier institution devoted to conservation research and conservation of cultural heritage. Dr. Lal visited Rome (Italy) as UNESCO fellow and got specialised training in SEM and EDX at Eindhoven, The Neitherland. He has published more than 60 research papers in National and International journals in metal conservation and edited various proceedings and publications. His primary areas of research are ancient metallic artifacts, corrosion inhibitors, characterisation of corrosion products, pigments and air quality monitoring.
Mr. Shyam Narain, author of this book entitled “Ancient Bronzes: History, Metallurgy, Corrosion and Conservation” is M.Sc. in Chemistry from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India and a well known professional in the field of conservation of metal artifacts. Presently he is serving in Metal Research Division, National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Cultural Property (NRLC), Lucknow, India, a premier institution devoted conservation research and conservation of cultural heritage. He was deputed Japan to learn new techniques in this area. He has a wide experience in conservation of metal artifacts. Dr. Narain has authored four highly acclaimed books including “Iron Artifacts: History, Metallurgy, Corrosion and Conservation” and two books and more than twenty five articles, report and research papers in National and International Journals.

Language : English
Size & Pages : Size 23 cm, pp. 96, Illus., 1981
Publisher : Agam Kala Prakashan
Format : Hardbound

ISBN : 978-93-81843-09-3
Edition : 2014
Language : English
Size & Pages : Size 29, Cm.PP. 394 ( with Illus. Col., B/w
Format : Hardbound

ISBN : 978-81-7320-135-6
Edition : 2013
Language : English
Size & Pages : Size Royal,pp.152,(Full art paper in four Col).2013
Publisher : Agam Kala Prakashan
Format : Hardbound

The Author:
Dr. Sangram Singh is a young art historian with both the practical and theoretical academic background. He did his bachelor's degree in sculpture from Himachal Pradesh and passed M. A. in History of Art from the Dept. of Fine Arts, Panjab University, Chandigarh followed by Ph. D. from the Dept. of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology of the same university. Dr. Singh is actively engaged in research work and has done extensive field-work in various parts of Himachal Pradesh. He has participated in several conferences and seminars at national level and has published research papers based on original field work.

This book mainly deals with the development of art in this region mainly under Traikutakas and also talks about the motivating factors behind such specific developments in art and architecture. There is an attempt made to assess the contribution of Traikutakas to this change and continuity as the ruling dynasty of the region.
The Authour
Born on 22nd March 1977, Dr. Suraj A. Pandit is working as Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Ancient Indian Culture and Archaeology at Sathaye College, Mumbai. He is also Chairperson of Board of Studies in Ancient Indian Culture and Archaeology, University of Mumbai as well as member of Academic Council, Faculty of Arts, Board of University Teaching and Research in the faculty of Arts, Research and Recognition Committee in Ancient Indian Culture and Archaeology in University of Mumbai.
His specialization is Indian Buddhism and Buddhist architecture and archaeology. He did his Doctoral thesis on 'Kanheri Caves', a group of caves in Mumbai representing Western Indian Buddhist Rock-Cut Architecture, under the guidance of Prof. A. P. Jamkhedkar. He had received the K. T. Telang Research Fellowship in Indology of Asiatic Society of Mumbai in the year 2006-07. He has been delivering lectures for various courses under Mumbai University as well as in Pune University. He has total 19 paper published on his name in International as well as National journals.
He was working a visiting faculty for Post Graduate courses in History in SNDT University while he is a recognized teacher of the University of Mumbai. He has been in teaching Under Graduate and Post Graduate students of University of Mumbai and SNDT University, Mumbai for last 12 years. He is actively involved in the creating awareness among masses about the preservation of Heritage and delivered numerous public lectures on different monuments and heritage of Mumbai.
He has worked as consultant for the Ajanta Site Management Plan and Sisupalgar Site Management Plan. He had organized various seminars and workshops on Indology, Epigraphy, Buddhism and Heritage Conservation.
Presently he is working as Coordinator on a 'Research Project' on critical Editing of Manuscript in the possession of Asiatic Society of Mumbai, funded by Government of India. He has completed several projects funded by ICHR and American Institute of Indian Studies in the field of Epigraphy and Art History.
Echoes of the Golden Age (Art of the early 6th Century CE under Traikutakas)

The Volume examines critically both the morphological and conceptual contours of these spaces right from the Vedic times to the later periods when the evolution came to its full zenith in the form of temples. How the earliest notions conceived in the making of the Yajña-vedis and chitis percolated in all the shades of later religious architecture has been explicitly elucidated. How a number of trees originally imagined as the resorts of the spirits and divinities got identified with several Hindu deities, Buddhas and the Tirthamkaras as well, and sired the notion of religious pillars to be erected in their honour as their own insignias, has all been elaborately explained to mark the conceptual and morphological affinities inherent in these so-called different religious spaces. The transformation of the rock-cut chaitya-gŗihas, slowly and gradually, into the temple architecture with many of their features not only carried forward but taken to new heights, narrate the same story. The analysis establishes that ancient Indian religious architecture is a narrative of shared concepts, of mutuality, inclusiveness, cross-connections, free exchanges of ideas and their broader adaptations, Interdependence through several points of convergences and conceptual affinities beyond the sectarian boundaries of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain. This is also endorsed by the prevalence of common terminologies – stūpa, chaitya, prāsāda, mandira, stambha, yașți, vedikā, etc. among the Hindu, Buddhist and jain forms of architecture, their comparative importance in a particular shade notwithstanding. Thus the Volume provides a new stimulus to the students, scholars and art-historians to take the studies of ancient Indian religious architecture with a new insight and perspective which expose its overall synthesizing and overarching effect that predominantly caused its outflow and evolution in ancient India beyond the sectarian bias.
The Author
An aluminus of the University of Allahabad with meritorious academic records, Dr. Prem Sagar Chaturvedi joined the Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture D. D. U. Gorakhpur University in 1972. He served this institution in several capacities and finally retired as Professor and Head on June 30, 2012. He had the chance of working both as a disciple and colleague under the sage guidance of late Professor V. S. Pathak, an eminent scholar and indologist under whose supervision he obtained Ph. D. degree for his outstanding work Some Aspects of Technology in Vedic Literature. Because of his deep understanding of literary and archaeological sources, Dr. Chaturvedi has gained expertise in several branches of historical discipline. These include Vedic and Buddhist Studies, Ancient Technologies, Art and Architecture, Archaeology and Socio-Religious studies. He is mostly known for his highly acclaimed original work, Technology in Vedic Literature in which by deft-handling of the Vedic, Avestan and Indo-European data, he has drawn the profiles of several prehistoric and protohistoric technologies, such as wood, leather, textiles, ceramics, etc. many of which being extremely fragile by nature could not be procured materially except in some very exceptional situations, and hence, hardly find any allusion in archaeological writings although most of them were synchronously practiced by the early man along with the lithic. He has discussed some more facets of technology in The Vedic Technology, a Chapter contributed to the Volume, The Dawn of Indian Civilization of PHISPC, a dream project envisioned by late Professor D. P. Chattopadhyay and in several other writings in different publications. Besides these, he has exposed quite brilliantly some basic concepts of arts and aesthetics in a number of articles contributed to various journals. He has also authored and edited the volume Archaeological Findings from the Homeland of Buddha in which major archaeological discoveries of the region traversed by Buddha have critically been analyzed and their significance has properly been exposed before the scholarly world so much so that it stands as the most updated and authentic account of the archaeological studies of the region. Dr. Chaturvedi has guided several researches on different areas of history, attended a number of national and international academic meets, delivered lectures in different academic forums and contributed more than sixty research papers in various journals and publications. At present, he is engaged as a Senior Academic Fellow with Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi, and is working on the Project History and Culture of Sarayūpāra Region on the Basis of Extant Archaeological Remains.
R.N.Misra, an eminent art historian, formerly National Tagore Professor, Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, and former Professor and Chairman, School of Studies in Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, Jiwaji, University, Gwalior (M.P.)
Maruti Nandan Prasad Tiwari was formerly Professor and Head with the Department of History of Art, Banaras Hindu University, and Varanasi.
Prem Sagar Chaturvedi, a Senior Academic Fellow with the Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi, was formerly Professor and Head, Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture, D. D. U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur (U. P.).
Dhyanendra Narain Dubey is Assistant Professor in the Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur.
Susmita Pande is Professor and Head in the School of Studies in Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, Vikram University, Ujjain.
Ashvini Agrawal , Professor of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology, Punjab University, is former Dean, Faculty of Arts and Chairman, Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology, Punjab University, Chandigarh.
Amar Singh was Professor in the Department of Ancient Indian History and Archaeology, University of Lucknow, Lucknow.
Alok Tripathi, Professor and former Head, Department of History, Assam University, is at present Director, Centre for Archaeology and Museology, Assam University, Silcher.
Chadrashekhar Gupta, formerly Professor and Head, Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, Nagpur University, Nagpur.
Rahman Ali was formerly Professor and Head, School of Studies in Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, Vikram University, Ujjain (M. P.). He was Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and School of Law in the same University.
Piyush Bhargava, Associate Professor, Department of Ancient Indian History and Archaeology, Lucknow University, Lucknow.
Alok Shrotriya is professor and Head, Department of Ancient Indian History, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak (M.P.).
Pragya Chaturvedi is Associate Professor, Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur.
Suniti Pandey is Assistant Professor in the Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology, University of Allahabad, Allahabad.
Shitala Prasad Singh is Associate Professor, Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur.
Hari Narayan Dubey, an expert in Purāņic studies, he has recently retired as Professor, Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology, Allahabad University.
Vipula Dubey is Professor and Head, Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture, D. D. U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur.
Rajawant Rao, Professor, Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture, D. D. U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur,
Iravati was formerly Associate Professor and Head, Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, Vasanta P. G. College for Women, Varanasi.
Harsh Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology, Allahabad University, Allahabad.
Digvijay Bhatnagar, Professor and Head, Department of History, Udaipur University, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
Rekha Chaturvedi, Professor, Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture, D. D. U. Gorakhpur University,.
Tulika Banerjee is an Associate Professor in Mahila P. G. College, Basti, U.P.
Durgananandan Tiwari, Associate Professor in Archaeology and Museology, Sampoornanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi,
Shanti Swaoop Sinha is Associate Professor in the Department of History of Visual Arts and Design, Faculty of Visual Arts, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
Anand Prakash Srivastava, Principal, Sri Ram Kishun P. G. College, Gokul, Karasada, Varanasi,
Atm Prakash Singh is a teacher with keen interest in art studies.
Hari Gopal Srivastav, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture, Jawaharlal P. G. College, Maharajganj
Ram Pyare Mishra, Assistant Professor, Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University.
Vinod Kumar is a research scholar in the Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur.
Rajesh Kumar Dhar Dubey is a Post Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur.
Preeti Tiwari is a research scholar in the Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur.
Ruchi Srivastava is a research scholar in the Department of Ancient History, Archaeology and Culture, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur.
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