Indian Philosophy Books
Indian Philosophy Books
157 products
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- by : Uttara Nerurkar
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2016
- Pages : 108
- Weight : 180gm.
- Size : 6 x 0.2 x 9 inches
- ISBN-13: 978-9385902390
- ASIN: 9385902393
We are constantly feeding and dressing and indulging our bodies, but how often do we nourish our soul? Shwetaashwatara Upanishad, the rare gem amongst the Upanishads, teaches us just how to do that. Indeed, it is the priceless oyster in which the pearl of Vaidika philosophy glows with an ethereal light.
What is the cause of this Universe, that is obviously so beautifully ordered? Who is in control of it… since we definitely are not? From where have we arisen? What are we doing here? What is our goal? These are the eternal questions the Upanishad asks. It answers them by scientifically eliminating various possibilities. The final answer, however, is hidden from the rational brain, and requires deep contemplation to ferret out.
We are blessed to have the answers served to us, as if on a platter, by the enlightened Yogi named Shwetaashwatara. While his grounded wisdom flings open the doors and windows of our minds, his devotion overwhelms us with its sheer intensity. The Shwetaashwatara Upanishad is indeed a gem to treasure!
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- by : Ramesh S. Balsekar
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 1995
- Pages : 118
- Weight : 120gm.
- Size : 6.3 x 4.5 x 0.3 inches
- ISBN-13: 978-8188071180
- ASIN: 8188071188
Ramesh S. Balsekar is one of the most profound spiritual Masters of this Age. He is both a brilliant writer and a captivating speaker. Shortly after retiring as the President of the Bank of India, he met the sage Nisargadatta Maharaj and began translating for Maharaj’s daily morning talks. It was not long before Ramesh too experienced the Ultimate Understanding. He is therefore a wonderful blend of East and West, spiritual and material. His compassion and gentle humor infuse the Teaching with an energy that can only be described as being uniquely Ramesh.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- by : Ramesh S. Balsekar
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2000
- Pages : 128
- Weight : 180gm.
- Size : 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inches
- ISBN-10: 8188071013
- ISBN-13: 978-8188071012
In nearly every talk happening daily in Bombay, Ramesh Balsekar reminds visitors that anything any sage has ever said, anything any religion or scripture has ever said is a concept. In a delightful and unique manner he shatters commonly held fantasies about Truth, about seeking, about how life happens. A teacher of pure Advaita, or non-duality, Ramesh is an unearthly blend of the utterly human and utterly divine manifesting as a brilliant spiritual Master. His crystal- clear and profound teachings are backed by his complete understanding that “Nobody does anything” coupled with his life experience as a top executive of a major Indian bank, as a huSoft Coverand, father and grandfather -- all lived knowing that it is all happening as God’s Will. For much of his full life Ramesh, whose Guru was Nisargadatta Maharaj, has been devoted to Ramana Maharshi, in whose spirit Ramesh welcomes seekers and asks “who is seeking? Leave the seeking to Him who started the seeking.”
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- by : Nitin Ram
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2014
- Pages : 166
- Weight : 250gm.
- Size : 5.8 x 0.5 x 8.8 inches
- ISBN-10: 9382788980
- ISBN-13: 978-9382788980
Self Calling is an assortment of Self-Reminder meditatlons in which Nitin Ram’s spontaneous insights relentlessly destroy all concepts of ‘Self’, pointing you towards the wordless ‘Nothingness’, a state beyond any need.
Carrying on the legacy of his Gurus, Sri Osho and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Nitin’s inspired words of Wisdom and Love, flrst engulf and then gulp what you think is ‘You’.
You may discover that these intention-less pointers not only bestow deep reflection but also have a way of circumventing the mind and striking deep into the heart . . . dropping ‘you’ into the ever-existing Natural state.
These pointers will help shed all misunderstandings about ‘Enlightenment’ being personal for the ‘assumed’ personality trying to seek it. “The ‘seeking entity’ that is trying to recognise the illusion,” Nitin points out, “is the Mother of All Illusions!”
With sparkling wit and ripened wisdom Nitin uses what he calls ‘the double-edged sword of Love and Truth, compassionately edging the reader to topple beyond the Known. “To know by BEING is direct knowledge, sans knower. FULL STOP.”
These intuitive quotes may help setyou free from your (mis) concepts of bondage and freedom, helping you discover Independent Joy as your Real Nature.
A heartfelt invitation to sit back and enjoy this book . . . as Totality unfolds infinite possibilities.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- by : Ramesh S. Balsekar
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2005
- Pages : 132
- Weight : 150 gm.
- Size : 5.5 x 6 x 5.5 inches
- ISBN-10: 8188071250
- ISBN-13: 978-8188071258
Ramesh S. Balsekar has authored more than 45 well-known books over two decades. He has always had a uniquely individualistic approach to spiritual seeking and, in the course of his teaching, he has developed several unique concepts. For instance, what is the ego? He has clarified that ‘you’ cannot have an ego, from which you seek freedom. You are the ego, the separate entity, the seeker who seeks the freedom of enlightenment, and finally arrives at the successful conclusion that what he is actually seeking is freedom from his own sence of personal doership.
Similarly, his concepts like the ‘working mind’ and the ‘thinking mind’, free will and predetermination being not opposites but complementaries, the difference between witnessing, observing and non-witnessing, biological reaction and egoic reaction among others have been found most useful by seekers and teachers alike, all over the world.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- by : Colin D. Mallard
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 1997
- Pages : 148
- Weight : 210 gm.
- Size : 8.9 x 6 x 0.6 inches
- ISBN-10: 8188071706
- ISBN-13: 978-8188071708
“Like the happy, peaceful murmur of a steam, the wisdom and truth found in Colin Mallard’s Reflections Cascade effortlessly and ever so gently into our hearts, there to remain in the silence of direct understanding. Articulating the way with easy, poise, serenity and complete assurance, Colin’s own profound understanding and creative quietism shine forth on every page. If you yearn for peace, this is the book to read, perhaps just a page at time, so as to savour the blessings served verse after verse. “
- Madhukar B. Thompson, Author of the Odyssey of Enlightenment: Rare Interviews with Enlightened Masters
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- by : Ramesh S. Balsekar
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 2008
- Pages : 252
- Weight : 500 gm.
- Size : 8 x 8 x 5.5 inches
- ISBN-13: 978-8188071463
- ISBN-10: 8188071463
It is not an action. It is a happening. The daily talks with Ramesh Balsekar used to be an eloquent and delightful happening of the Teachings of pure Advaita (non-duality). When the ego asked: How can the intellectual understanding, which is a conceptual understanding, become the truth for me? Ramesh would explain, It can only be known from personal investigation and experience that no action is my action. The teaching can be of use only if it helps you to live your life in peace.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- by : Jitendra Pant
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2017
- Pages : 102
- Weight : 500 gm.
- Size : 5.6 x 0.2 x 8.1 inches
- ISBN-10: 9385902458
- ISBN-13: 978-9385902451
The Guru-disciple relationship is the bedrock of spirituality. For the disciple there is no one higher than the Guru. His attunement with his spiritual mentor is a pressing need; a seamless communion with the Guru the ladder on which he climbs up the path to deeper self-investigation. This connection has to be tenacious as well as flexible, ardent as well as judicious, vibrant but relaxed, pure yet easy. The Guru and disciple are after all one and the same: The entirety of spirituality lies in this realization.
Though the teachings of Guruji, the Satguru of the author, this book shows how a disciple may commence laying the foundation of this supreme tie and go about the spiritual journey. The teachings, given out through the shabads, are universal yet unique. They are this-worldly yet capable of ushering the sincere practitioner to the arms of the beloved infinite. They establish the grounds of humanity and of its dharma. They show that the Satguru is alone real, the pole star of the disciple, the husbandman and protector of his soul, the truth that the earnest disciple and a misguided humanity seek in varied ways.
This book is a pilgrimage into the sacred territory of the Satguru s Word, a fulfilment in part of Guruji s instruction to his disciple. Guruji s words here are a great benediction, mapping our way to a common realm of love and light. They are the Word made vatic and sacrosanct, empowered by the truth-charge of his great being.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- by : Ramesh S. Balsekar
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2008
- Pages : 88
- Weight : 120 gm.
- Size : 8 x 5.5 x 8 inches
- ISBN-13: 978-8188071371
- ASIN: 8188071374
The Sage of Arunachala preferred to teach in silence. But when he did use words, he used few and he used them with telling effect. What struck you most about what he said was the authority of knowing that backed each word uttered.
Though all of what Ramana said was rich with meaning, if one has to grasp the very core of his teaching, one needs to sieve and filter, doggedly staying focussed on the very fundamentals of what he taught. Even those who have read many books on Ramana Maharshi’s teachings will find this book different: focussed on the ultimate happiness as one’s very nature.
More importantly, this book bring across points about Ramana Maharshi’s sayings which have not been given adequate attention and significance. To give three instances:
The very thought of God is Divine Favour. It is by God’s grace that a thought of God arises in the mind.
There is absolutely no need to hurry about anything: everything must happen only at the precise time appointed by the Cosmic Law.
The ego of the sage is like the remnants of a burnt rope.
Pointers From Ramana Maharshi brings you the teachings of Advaita Master Adi Shankara as expounded by Ramana Maharshi, distilled to their very quintessential understanding, by an experienced writer like Ramesh Balsekar.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- by : Ramesh S. Balsekar
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2005
- Pages : 196
- Weight : 180 gm.
- Size : 5.5 x 6 x 5.5 inches
- ISBN-13: 978-8188071241
- ASIN: 8188071242
It is everyone’s experience that the basis of daily living is facing life from moment to moment, necessarily accepting whatever the moment brings - sometimes pain, sometimes pleasure. The interconnected opposites of pain and pleasure, along with the opposites of every conceivable kind, beginning with male and female, form the very basis of life and living; and, therefore, it is impossible to separate one from the other. What the human being wants is one and not the other - pleasure and not the pain. And this pursuit of one as against the other is the main cause of why religion flourishes, various god-men flourish, promising the impossible and leading to frustration.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- by : Mohan Gaitonde
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2014
- Pages : 247
- Weight : 270 gm.
- Size : 5.5 x 0.5 x 8.2 inches
- ISBN-13: 978-9382788973
- ASIN: 9382788972
Nisargadatta Maharaj is undoubtedly the Ultimate Alchemist and his non-dual teachings, the Ultimate Alchemy.
This book is a live satsang with Satguru Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, covering rare and unpublished conversations with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj which have been transcribed by his ‘evening’ translator, Mohan Gaitonde, who had the privilege of being with Him from 1979 to 1981.
The flavour of these talks is heightened by the fact that Mr Gaitonde, being well-versed with Marathi, the language Maharaj spoke, is able to convey all the subtle nuances of Maharaj’s potent words of wisdom.
- ‘
The precious conversations in this book act as a divine catalyst for all those who are eager to leave the banks of miserable seeking and intellectual understanding, and realize the ever-flowing river of Understanding of Who You Are!
If you have not yet transcended the shackles of read and heard knowledge, these intuitive utterances of Nisargadatta will surely help restore the Eternal Ease. In talk after talk, He reminds the readers about their forgotten Richness!
Welcome to the final leap into Nisargadatta’s quintessential teachings. If you are waiting for Everything but also ready for Nothing, this book is the perfect touchstone.
Nothing is Everything is indeed Nisargadatta Maharaj’s ultimate blessing for the ardent seekers.Philosophy Books
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- by : Ramesh S. Balsekar
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 1990
- Pages : 110
- Weight : 180 gm.
- Size : 5.8 x 0.5 x 8.8 inches
- ISBN-10: 0929448138
- ISBN-13: 978-0929448138
Blending paradox, wit, satire and insight, Ram Tzu creates a view of spirituality that is truly unique. One minute we are howling with laughter, the next squirming in self-conscious recognition as Ram Tzu holds up a perfect mirror and then points out we aren’t wearing any clothes.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- by : Karl Renz
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 1997
- Pages : 284
- Weight : 420 gm.
- Size : 5.9 x 0.8 x 8.9 inches
- ISBN-10: 8188071676
- ISBN-13: 978-8188071678
“People always ask ‘what do you think about unknotting the karmic knots? ‘ That’s Vedanta. Unknotting your tendencies by techniques, by meditation or something. You come to me, we are doing the opposite! I put so many knots in your bloody brain that you cannot even imagine that they ever will be gone. Because succeeding by unknotting knots makes the first knot, that there is one who has knots, stronger and stronger. No, I go the opposite way. I make so many knots for you, maybe there is a point of giving up even trying to unknot them. Because then laziness is there, your Nature. The laziest of the laziest.“
Welcome to Circus Renz! Are you ready for a high-speed roller coaster ride through spiritual concepts that might blow your mind and turn your understanding upside down? The experience of reading Karl Renz might just take you somewhere where your mind can’t follow, leaving you with a refreshing sense of wonder about what just happened. ‘May it be as it is’ is a collection of talks Karl gave in Mumbai in 2010 and 2011. Enjoy the ride!
After giving ‘Self-talks’ around the world for many years, Karl Renz came to Mumbai to give talks for the first time in 2010. He doesn’t fit into any category but calling him an ‘Advaita Punk’ might come close to describing the experience of the talks. Most people who discover him get addicted to the careless irreverence and ‘sixth sense of humour’ of this brilliant Advaita entertainer.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- by : Santosh Joshi
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2013
- Pages : 269
- Weight : 360 gm.
- Size : 5 x 0.9 x 8 inches
- ISBN-10: 9351265315
- ISBN-13: 978-9351265313
You will realize that no matter what experiences you had in the past or what your present circumstances are, you still have immense potential to achieve your life goals. It is never too late to begin. This book introduces the HLP principle which will launch you towards them. It will help you heal and resolve your past memories which are pulling you back most of the time. It will encourage you to find your true calling and work towards it. It will also motivate you to plan your journey towards the ultimate destination, your freams. KEYS is for all those who have lost their true self in today’s rat race, those who have faced failures or gone through traumas, those in search of their purpose and those looking for inspiration to excel in life. This book is an opportunity to become the change you wish to see in yourself.
Rule your destiny with KEYS
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- by : Ramesh S. Balsekar
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2000
- Pages : 128
- Weight : 390 gm.
- Size : 8 x 5.5 x 0.3 inches
- ISBN-10: 8188071005
- ISBN-13: 978-8188071005
‘It is not an action. It is a happening.’
The daily talks with Ramesh Balsekar used to be an eloquent and delightful happening of the Teachings of pure Advaita (Non-duality). When the ego asked: “How can the intellectual understanding which is a conceptual understanding become the truth for me?” Ramesh would explain: “It can only be known from personal investigation and experience that ‘no action is my action’. The teaching can be of use only if it helps you to live your life in peace.” Every conversation would be new and fresh, laced with deep insights and abundant humour.
Ramesh, a Master of Advaita, taught for over twenty years, sharing with seekers how a sage lives his life and pointing to Totality with stories and anecdotes from life as it happens. With laughter, Ramesh himself would say: “For those with an interest in the subject, it’s the most beneficial entertainment in town.”
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- By : Ananda Wood
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 1996
- Pages : 208
- Weight : 270 gm.
- Size : 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.4 inches
- ISBN-13 : 978-8188071524
- ASIN : 81 88071528
Must the Upanishads be ‘difficult’? Actually, they are rather plain and direct. They do not construct any complex system of ideas and beliefs. Nor do they build up any elaborate picture of the world. Instead, in some what brief and uncompromising language, they ask what is plainly and simply true: beneath all the complications of our uncertain beliefs.
This sceptical questioning was their traditional difficulty. It went against the habits of faith and obedience upon which traditional society depended.
As a result, the Upanishads were kept traditionally secret and inaccessible. They were hidden behind a forbidding reputation: as teaching an esoteric and mystical doctrine, to be kept away from all but a few special initiates.
Today, with our modern freedom of thought, we have learned to be more open about questioning things that are usually taken for granted. In particular, we can be more open about the kind of radical questions that the Upanishads ask.
That is the idea of this book. To help open up the Upanishads and their radical questioning, for ordinary people.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- By : Susan D'Agostino
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2013
- Pages : 196
- Weight : 550 gm.
- Size : 5 x 0.5 x 8 inches
- ISBN-10 : 1927559057
- ISBN-13 : 978-1927559055
‘With no roadmap to follow, Susan chose to face breast cancer without chemotherapy, radiation or hormone treatment. Today, after 8 years she is still enjoying superior health and is a personal and group therapist. This is her story.
After having a quarter of her breast removed, Susan could not accept the rationalization of chemotherapy, radiation or hormone therapy.
Forced by the lack of resource materials available for "cancer and alternative healing options", she began her courageous journey of exploring and practicing natural healing.
In a self-guided approach, Susan is candid, honest and powerful as she taps into her inner wisdom, reconnecting to her own emotional, physical, mental and spiritual self . . . transforming her life forever!
After regaining her health, Susan has been inspired to share her ctiallenges, insights and healing journey — she wants others to know that there IS another way to heal.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- By : Karl Renz
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2012
- Pages : 220
- Weight : 270 gm.
- Size : 5.9 x 0.6 x 9 inches
- ISBN-10 : 8188071935
- ISBN-13 : 978-8188071937
‘You don’t need this book!’ Karl would say, ‘You stand to gain absolutely nothing from it. He would probably add he hopes nobody gains or understands anything from him. What’s more, he would mean it!
In Karl you encounter Advaita in its rawest form - undiluted, uncooked, unconditioned by thought and untainted by frills or more concepts. It’s bang-in-your-face, inescapable Advaita . . . ‘What-you-cannot-not-be!’
Jean-Paul Sartre said, ‘The Other is hell’. How does one define ‘The Other’? Are the people around us ‘The Others? Is the little echo in the mind also ‘The Other’? Who sees when the eyes open? Who defines? And then who defines the definer? Questions, questions.
As Karl eloquently describes it, ‘You realize yourself in the comfortin the absence and in the discomfort in the presence. Because the presence is always the experience of separation, from the beginning. Even Awareness needs an experience. The presence -separation, absence - no separation. Heaven and hell. And in both you realize yourself.’ He then takes even that away as well by saying ‘If there would be a reality in the presence or in the absence, then it will be hell again because it would be two.’
In his irreverent, uncompromising style Karl presents the abject futility of any and every endeavour towards finding ‘a way out’. Many newcomers scurry for cover when they encounter this ‘disheartening and cold’ approach. Some come back later, on the rare apperception of the absurdity of any ‘one’ wanting a ‘way out’! But the ones who do return, stay on to enjoy the Karl Renz circus of irrelevance: irrelevance of what is spoken, irrelevance of the listener and irrelevance of the speaker. Grace in action!
Karl Renz, now based in Mallorca, Spain, travels throughout the world simply responding to few of the numerous invitations to hold meetings. He has no agenda, no teaching, no techniques, and no desire for whatever gets said to be understood. To him, his talks have no special significance as being different from, say, the barking of a dog or the gibberish sounds that he sometimes makes during the talks - not different than the next sip of coffee! The next (moment), for him is simply the next, an embrace of helplessness!
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- By : Ramesh S. Balsekar & Susan Waterman
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2003
- Pages : 167
- Weight : 250 gm.
- Size : 9 x 6 x 0.4 inches
- ISBN-13 : 978-8188071128
- ASIN : 8188071129
This contemporary Guru Pournima tribute is a collection of favorite commentaries on the Guru-disciple relationship by Ramesh S. Balsekar conversations, letters and poems, each a profound expression of gratitude shared between Guru and disciple in this most divine and mysterious of all relationships. Guru Pournima is a celebration honoring the Guru on the auspicious full moon in July-August in the Indian month of Ashada, dating back to the ancient Indian sage Vyasa, who was born on this day. Tradition has it that the disciples of Vyasa asked him for a way to thank him and honor him for all he had given; he suggested that they dedicate the fullest full moon of the year as the Guru's moon, hence Guru Pournima.
This book is an offering of thankfulness to Ramesh for his modern, eloquent and simple Teachings of Advaita, non-duality. And, it is also yet another gift from Ramesh. His utterly clear Teachings, written and spoken, have touched thousands of seekers from around the world over the past 20 years. This book reflects the experience and outpouring of gratitude of so many seekers who have met and learned from Ramesh through books, letters and satsang. Each format is its own vehicle, and each equally masterful and effective in conveying Ramesh's timeless message, bringing relief from the suffering of the burden of shame and guilt, hatred and malice, jealousy and envy, which obstructs the peace that is right before us in ordinary daily living.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- By : Ananda Wood
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 1996
- Pages : 288
- Weight : 360 gm.
- Size : 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.5 inches
- ISBN-13 : 978-8188071494
- ISBN-10 : 9788188071494
Actually, they are rather plain and direct. They do not construct any complex system of ideas and beliefs. Nor do they build up any elaborate picture of the world. Instead, in some what brief and uncompromising language, they ask what is plainly and simply true: beneath all the complications of our uncertain beliefs.This sceptical questioning was their traditional difficulty. It went against the habits of faith and obedience upon which traditional society depended.
As a result, the Upanishads were kept traditionally secret and inaccessible. They were hidden behind a forbidding reputation: as teaching an esoteric and mystical doctrine, to be kept away from all but a few special initiates.
Today, with our modern freedom of thought, we have learned to be more open about questioning things that are usually taken for granted. In particular, we can be more open about the kind of radical questions that the Upanishads ask.
That is the idea of this book. To help open up the Upanishads and their radical questioning, for ordinary people.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- By : Karl Renz
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2013
- Pages : 215p.
- Weight : 500 gm.
- Size : 6.2 x 0.9 x 9 inches
- ISBN-13 : 978-9382788843
- ASIN : 9382788840
Watch out. This is not another of those feel-good ‘oneness’ Advaita books. This one is a double-barrelled shotgun taking pot shots at the conceptualising mind -one barrel being fired by the great Indian mystic-sage Dattatreya (Avadhut) and the other by Karl Renz, the contemporary ‘Avadhut’. There is no escape here not just for the ‘fragmented-mind’ but also for the enlightened ‘whole-mind’!Though Echoes of Silence may come across as the quintessential playground for a relentless game of deconstructing the ‘mind’, you cannot however miss its omnipresent soothing core of Silence! Paradoxically, only Timeless, Motionless Silence echoes and pervades here despite the volley of ‘living’ words being fired by these two maverick ‘entities’ separated by centuries and geographies, who apparently have not much in common - except, perhaps, their ‘own’ non-existerice!
So, what comes out of all this? Non-existing masters prattling empty words to non-existing seekers seeking non-existing liberation? Can you, as the-one-existing-now, take it?! Find out for yourself... as you set forth on this turbulent voyage, with these two bafflingly wise masters at the helm, through the treacherous seas of the mind. Survival is not guaranteed - for any ‘one’!
And the good part? You survive, no complaints. You perish, no complaints again. You simply cannot find ‘the complainer’ here complaining to anyone about anything at all. All that remains is the carefree bliss of the eternal song of the duet of one... or none.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- By : Guru Dayal
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2012
- Pages : 66
- Weight : 90 gm.
- Size : 6.3 x 4.5 x 0.2 inches
- ISBN-13 : 978-8188071845
- ISBN-10 : 8188071846
I am not, but the apparent universe is my self. We all sentient beings are, Activated as puppets, mere concepts. We exist in each other's consciousness, As mere objects, mere appearances. Our existence is in Mind, is in constant Flow of Thoughts As mere concepts, Dreamlike existence. There is neither seer nor seen. There is only seeing, the function of seeing. All beings are mere illusory concepts. We are not the performer of any act, or any thought. Acts and thoughts are merely happening as conceptual functioning of totality. Every event, situation, every being, every happening is a miracle.Specification:
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- By : Ramesh S. Balsekar
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2007
- Pages : 56
- Weight : 90 gm.
- Size : 8 x 5.5 x 8 inches
- ISBN-10 : 8188071331
- ISBN-13 : 978-8188071333
Of course, he does, Otherwise how would the mechanism of daily living operate? In fact, total free will is the very basis of daily living. Whether it was the caveman three thousand years ago or you today, the human being has been free to decide what to do in a given situation. However, is it everyone’s personal experience that what happens thereafter- the result or consequence of that action -- has never been in anybody’s control. So where does that leave free will? It free will a tool for self-evolvement? Is it a device for the human being to accept responsibility for his actions? Or is it merely anational boon which is worthless is worthless in daily living?Ramesh S. Balsekar discusses the issue threadbare in his crisp and lucid style and comes up with amazing insights which could forever change the way you perceive your free will.
- Publisher : Zen Publications
- By : Ramesh S. Balsekar
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2010
- Pages : 200
- Weight : 250 gm.
- Size : 22 x 14 x 1.5 cm
- ISBN-13: 979-8188071028
Can Spiritual Understanding be imparted through letters?It’s a long-distance love affair. The Master is in Mumbai, most of his disciples thousands of miles away. The Teaching deals with Advaita, or non-duality. And as the Teaching gently seeps deeper, doubts and questions sprout; and often, the only way the disciple can seek guidance from the Master is through mail. The correspondence that flows is truly remarkable since it is both subjective and objective, unique and universal, personal and impersonal. To the disciple the correspondence may denote letters from one individual to another. For the Master, they are merely words emanating from Consciousness to Consciousness. Consciousness Writes offers you the fragrance of Advaitic teaching and a rare glimpse into the Master-disciple relationship -- enveloped in the warmth of intimacy and the sparkle of Ramesh’s wit.
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